Secret Societies and The Illumined ones
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The Jesuit Vatican New World Order. The Four Inns of Court to the unholy Temple Globally, all the legalistic scams promoted by the exclusive monopoly of the Temple Bar and their Bar Association franchises come from four Inns or Temples of Court: the Inner Temple, the Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn.
These Inns/Temples are exclusive and private country clubs; secret societies of world power in commerce. They are well established, some having been founded in the early 1200's. The Queen and Queen Mother of England are current members of both the Inner Temple and Middle Temple. Gray's Inn specialises in Taxation legalities by Rule and Code for the Crown. Just like all U.S. based franchise Bar Associations, none of the Four Inns of the Temple are incorporated - for a definite and purposeful reason: You can't make claim against a non-entity and a non-being. "Call to the Bar or keeping terms in one of the four Inns a pre-requisite to Call at King's Inns until late in the 19th century. What happened in 1776? FEE, n.
Ordo Templi Orientis History - Bill Heidrick. Ordo Templi Orientis was founded before 1902 e.v. by Karl Kellner and Theodore Reuss (also known as Merlin) in Germany, with a principal mailing address in Lugano, Switzerland by 1917 e.v.
The immediate precursor organization was the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, a mystical society founded in the mid 19th century, with branches in Europe and North America. Prior to the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, O.T.O. "traditional" history includes the Weishaupt Illuminati of the late 18th century and the Crusading Order of Knights Templar of the 11th century as precursors. It must be pointed out that many other organizations also claim derivation from the Illuminati and 11th century Templars, without actual evidence. "Traditional" history is a euphemism for "mythology" in Masonic and mystical organizations; and, as such, "traditional" history expresses precursor relationships which are incapable of documentation and may be inaccurate. Set forth for Metzger by Germer under Mellinger's tutelage.
Ordo Templi Orientis, The Book of the Law, Crowley, Pike & The Bloody Sacrifice (WWI - III)
Compiled by Henrik Palmgren | This article was inspired by: Compassion is the Vice of Kings The Book of the Law, also known as Liber AL vel Legis, is the text central to philosophical / religious practice called Thelema founded by Aleister Crowley.
Crowley penned the book in three sessions between 12 noon and 1 pm on April 8, 9 and 10, 1904 in Cairo, resulting in three distinct chapters. He reports writing the book by dictation from a voice that seemed to come from over his shoulder and called itself Aiwass (or Aiwaz). He also reports having the impression or picture of a speaker in the corner behind him, looking "transparent as a veil of gauze," but otherwise like a tall, dark man with his eyes veiled (so as not to destroy what he looked upon).
Crowley also makes it very clear that it was not “automatic writing,” but that the experience was exactly like an actual voice speaking to him.
======> COMMITTEE OF 300 - Committee of 300... The Power Behind the New World Order {Full Documentary}
MASONRY AND ASTROTHEOLOGY. Are the Different Factions of the Illuminati at War with One Another?
I have been hearing some people say that the most powerful secret society called the Illuminati has broken up into different factions and some of these factions are at war with one another.
This could explain why the stock market is in a state of high volatility. What you need to know about the stock market is that it is controlled by the Illuminati. The Zionist faction of the Illuminati controls a large section of the stock market and the global financial system. Stock Market Crashes and Economic Crises are Engineered by Secret Societies There is no doubt that a financial war is going on behind the scene among secret societies. According to the video in this article, the secret societies controlling Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) have decided to break the Illuminati treaty and create their own financial system and power structure.
One thing you should know about the Vatican is that it is part of the Old World Order (OWO). Category: Conspiracies, Secret Societies.