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Collection of old war maps

Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms c. 800 - Buy Online Anglo Saxon Kingdoms maps. Map Code: Ax00908 The reign of the legendary King Offa of Mercia ended in 796. Although Mercia continued to be a dominant force in England for much of the next century, the kingdom of Wessex began to grow in power around the time of Offa’s death. Wessex achieved important victories against its main rival under the reign of King Egbert between 802–39. Besides Northumbria, which maintained a degree of independence, Mercia held a great deal of power over its rival kingdoms in the south and was able to exert both political and military control over them. To the west of Mercia, the Celtic tribes in Wales proved troublesome enough that a great dyke was built during the reign of Offa to act as a border between the two territories. Around this time the first Viking raids were taking place on the east coast and would soon increase in severity.

HIGH QUALITY IMAGE DOWNLOADS All of our downloadable maps are provided as JPEG at 300 DPI and a minimum of 1500px wide. The Making of Imperial Russia 1453–1795 - The Map Archive. When the Tatars (or Mongols) spread westwards across the Russian steppes in the 13th century, they were able to exploit the divided the nine principalities of Rus, who failed to mount a united resistance.

The Tatars subjugated Rus, dividing their conquests into regional ‘hordes’. The Tatars did not interfere directly in regional politics, but wielded their influence by giving, or denying, support to a particular prince. From 1313 they became adherents of Islam, but they were tolerant towards the Russian Church; they did not levy taxes on the Church, which became the richest landowner in Russia and a powerful political force. The vast majority of the population were heavily taxed, however, and conscripted into military service. The Rise of Muscovy As the Tatar stranglehold gradually eased, the principality of Moscow began a rapid expansion towards the south, west and northeast. Ivan the Terrible and the Time of Troubles Peter the Great Imperial Russia. Origins of the Cold War, Europe after World War II 1945–1949. Map Code: Ax00870 After cooperating in World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union became antagonists. Immediately after the Potsdam and Yalta agreements in 1945, the Soviet Union consolidated its control in eastern Europe, installing puppet regimes in Soviet-occupied territories.

Tensions further heightened when the Soviet Union, under Joseph Stalin, blockaded Berlin and launched a successful Soviet sponsored coup in Czechoslovakia (1948). In 1949 two new German states appeared. The eastern half became the German Democratic Republic, aligning itself with the Soviet Union, whilst the West became the Federal Republic of Germany. HIGH QUALITY IMAGE DOWNLOADS All of our downloadable maps are provided as JPEG at 300 DPI and a minimum of 1500px wide.

Institution Subscriptions We specialise in institution subscriptions, providing unlimited access for all students of signed up courses. Cold War World Map Before and After - The Map Archive. The Map Archive is your one-stop solution for buying Cold War maps, both global and of Cold War Europe, online. Despite being allies in World War II, the US was suspicious of Soviet communism, and after the war relations soon soured, ushering at the beginning of the Cold War. The US favored the policy of ‘containment of the USSR’s expansionist tendencies, as manifested in the Warsaw Pact communist bloc in eastern Europe, which was cut off from the democratic west by an Iron Curtain. The post-war build-up of arms was unprecedented. This was the beginning of the nuclear war and soon the USSR and US were involved in a deadly arms race. Space exploration became another sphere of Cold War competition, following the Russian launch of Sputnik in 1957. The Cold War was played out globally, with proxy conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and Central America, while the Cuban Missiles Crisis in 1962 brought the world to the brink of war.

Ancient Egypt Map - Ancient Middle East Map | The Map Archive. The Map Archive is your one-stop solution for buying Ancient Egypt maps online. We have a range of thematic Ancient Egyptian maps that tell the story of Ancient Egyptian civilization graphically. One of the oldest civilizations in the Ancient Middle East, the first capital of Ancient Egypt was founded at Memphis c. 3100 BCE by King Menes. The annual flooding, or inundation, of the mighty River Nile fed and sustained Egyptian civilization. The rulers of the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2181 BCE), Khufu (Cheops), Khafre, and Menkaure, built funerary monuments, or pyramids, at Giza (near Cairo).

This was a period of peace and stability, succeeded by the First Intermediate Period when Egypt was ruled by two different kingdoms. Stability returned with the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1786 BCE), initiated by Amenemhet (Amenhemhat) I, founder of the 12th Dynasty. American Revolutionary War Battles Map - The Map Archive.

US Civil War Maps