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Ancient Egypt Map - Ancient Middle East Map | The Map Archive. The Map Archive is your one-stop solution for buying Ancient Egypt maps online. We have a range of thematic Ancient Egyptian maps that tell the story of Ancient Egyptian civilization graphically. One of the oldest civilizations in the Ancient Middle East, the first capital of Ancient Egypt was founded at Memphis c. 3100 BCE by King Menes.

The annual flooding, or inundation, of the mighty River Nile fed and sustained Egyptian civilization. The rulers of the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2181 BCE), Khufu (Cheops), Khafre, and Menkaure, built funerary monuments, or pyramids, at Giza (near Cairo). This was a period of peace and stability, succeeded by the First Intermediate Period when Egypt was ruled by two different kingdoms. Stability returned with the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1786 BCE), initiated by Amenemhet (Amenhemhat) I, founder of the 12th Dynasty.