7 Characteristics of Great Professional Development by Drew Perkins, Director of TeachThought Professional Development As the end of the school year draws to a close, administrators start pulling together their PD plans for the summer in preparation for the next year.
Preparing Students for Their Futures - Information Age Education - IAE Blog. Note: You can share information about this IAE Blog entry to someone by moving your cursor over the red box with the + in it shown above, and clicking on the target audience.
“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” (Thomas H. Huxley; English writer; 1825-1895.) Information Age Education has just published a new free book: Moursund, D, & Sylwester, R., eds. (4/12/2015. IAE Newsletter - Issue Number 156 - February, 2015. This free Information Age Education Newsletter is edited by Dave Moursund and Bob Sylwester, and produced by Ken Loge.
The newsletter is one component of the Information Age Education (IAE) publications. All back issues of the newsletter and subscription information are available online. In addition, four free books based on the newsletters are available: Understanding and Mastering Complexity; Consciousness and Morality: Recent Research Developments; Creating an Appropriate 21st Century Education; and Common Core State Standards for Education in America. Twitter%20for%20Educators.pdf. Edutopia. What is qualitative formative assessment?
Some call it anecdotal or informal assessment. However, such designations imply passivity -- as if certain things were captured accidentally. I believe the word "formative" should always be included with the word assessment because all feedback mechanisms should help shape and improve the person (or situation) being assessed. Utcitw_teacher_directed_notes_-_2013-2014.pdf. BYOD. A New Excellent Interactive SAMR Visual for Teachers. Flipped-Learning Toolkit: 5 Steps for Formative Assessment. Editor's Note: This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of FlippedClass.com and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network.
If you flip your class, you might be able to rid yourself of the bane of many teachers: grading papers late at night. Since the flipped classroom model moves teachers away from the "front of the room," they have more time to interact with students and implement a wide variety of instructional strategies -- including formative assessment. 5 Steps to Check for Mastery One formative assessment strategy has the side benefit of not taking papers home to grade. This strategy, called a mastery check, has five specific steps: A New Excellent Interactive SAMR Visual for Teachers. The SAMR Model Explained By Students.