How the Education Industry Can Find Value in the Blockchain Technology
The blockchain technology which gained fame right after the development and launch of the Bitcoin network has been discovered by tech experts to have other use cases aside from the creation of digital currencies otherwise referred to as cryptocurrencies. Interestingly, the blockchain technology can be used to improve the education system, here are a number of ways this can be made possible.
You will definitely agree that for academic credentials to be recognized globally, it has to be verifiable. In most educational institutes the process of verifying the academic records of students is a manual process which takes a considerable amount of time. Aside from the time it takes, it is prone to errors of all kinds. The implementation of blockchain technology can help make this process faster and error-free. The use of the blockchain technology which is basically a decentralized ledger is capable of verifying the academic results of students all with the intention of reducing fraudulent claims or students getting unearned academic results.
Interestingly, a number of projects have been developed in this respect. One of these platforms is the Blockcert which basically provides a system for the verification of blockchain based certificates.
Record keeping is one of the most essential components of the education industry. It ensures that industry players are able to get access to the records and academic data of students in different institutions. Currently, it is difficult for these educational institutes to store students record and this has led to the countless loss of important student data. The blockchain technology can be used to store vital information in a safe and verifiable manner. One of the most interesting things about the blockchain technology is that it is immutable, thus, meaning that any information stored cannot be altered by anyone. With the blockchain technology being used to store the records of students, it will afford all in the industry an opportunity to access and also share these records without it getting to the wrong hands.
One thing that has discouraged most individuals from conducting and publishing researches and survey is that of copyrights and intellectual property theft. In the educational system, this has grown to be a menace, and if it is not tackled, it could cause people to avoid publishing helpful contents. The blockchain technology can be used to solve the problem, how? The blockchain has the ability to share, manage, and protect digital content, thus, making it perfect for helping these researchers protect their content.
Currently, there are a number of blockchain based platforms that have been developed with the intent of offering students, faculty members, and researchers the opportunity to upload their content and get paid when it is used. Incentivizing their digital content will definitely move others to create helpful and original content.
Most employers are not capable of verifying the academic credential of students that apply to their company. With educational institutes integrating what is referred to as “digital badges,” employers would be able to evaluate and verify the credential of students applying to their company. It will contain every information pertaining to the student and would make the educational system more transparent.
The blockchain technology has shown over time that it has the potential to reshape how things are done in a number of industries and the education industry is one of them.
Source URL : https://thinkmelius.com/en/how-the-education-industry-can-find-value-in-the-blockchain-technology/