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Thomas G. Sikes

Hi, my name is Thomas G. Sikes, I am a Philologist by schooling. I assist students, pupils and anyone else who may need help by writing essays. Our website is The most important requirement for writing an essay that is good is fluency in the subject. In the end, the writer must express their personal perspective, think and draw conclusions. To structure the task in a logical manner, the first thing to think about is the creation of an outline for the essay. It usually consists of a series of brief statements on a particular topic. They must be backed with proof as they are written. While you're letting your creativity go You should remember that the job of the author is to convince the audience of the legitimacy of the suggested viewpoint, so the argumentation should be as convincing and visually appealing as it is possible. Before you start to write the assignment, it is important to know what an essay is. What are the main distinctions between it and other types of creative writing? Let's begin with the definition. An essay is a form of literary prose of small volume and free composition. The essay is the writer's personal opinion or perception of a subject. The word "essay" comes from French essay, "essay, sample, attempt," which goes back to Latin exagium "weighing." Academic definitions help to gain the reader with a better understanding of what an essay is. The boundaries of an essay as a form of writing are ambiguous which means that the writer is able to utilize a freestyle of narration to disclose the topic by sharing thoughts and opinions about a specific phenomenon or topic, or global trends, large-scale events. The most important thing about an essay is the fact that it features an identified author's "I" and reflections on the subject. Additionally, it has an unambiguously stated position regarding the subject. The type of work determines the specific semantic content. If the object of analysis is the history of the world, the foundation of the essay might be a global review of the effects of wars or revolutions, or a personal analysis of events that are significant from the point of view of the author. A philosophical essay can be written to discuss a comparison of different conceptual schools. literary essays to criticize, from an unconventional viewpoint of a classic novel that is well-known, or of a contemporary writer's work that was a hit with the general public, etc. Don't be scared to try, you will succeed.

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