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Title IX lawyers - Title IX Defense Lawyer. Title IX lawyers - Title IX Lawyers Near Me. Title IX lawyers. Title IX Attorneys - Title IX Investigation. Title IX Attorneys - Title IX Defense Lawyer. Title IX Attorneys - Title IX Lawyers. Title IX Attorneys. Google Sheets vous permet de créer et de modifier des feuilles de calcul en ligne gratuitement. Safe Sexting: Is it Possible? - | 10 Tips For Safe(r) Sexting.

No. There is no such thing as safe sexting. If you send an intimate photo or video to another person, or simply store it on your mobile device, you are at risk of having your content published to the internet without your consent. Even though the stakes for sexting are high, new research studies show that sexting has become a common practice, with its prevalence growing with each younger generation. If you are going to send intimate photos to another person, you should know the risks. To be clear, sexting can put your online reputation in jeopardy and can potentially result in legal trouble.

What is Sexting? Sexting is a term used to describe the process where one person shares an intimate photo or video with another person. A sext that is shared with a third party without the sender’s consent is revenge porn. How Common is Sexting? Sexting is a growing phenomenon. The Risks of Sexting All participants in sexting face risks. Revenge Porn Harassment, Bullying, and Sextortion Civil Actions. Collin’s Law Increases Penalties for Hazing Rituals. UPDATE: Oct. 7, 2021: Ohio’s Collin’s Law is now officially in effect, toughening the state’s hazing violations. “This bill says that going forward, hazing in the state of Ohio is simply not tolerated,” said Gov.

Mike DeWine. Collin’s Law expands the definition of hazing and increases penalties. On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a bill to increase penalties for those involved in hazing incidents both on and off college campuses. Hazing violations will be classified as second-degree misdemeanors, and hazing violations involving forced consumption of drugs or alcohol that causes serious harm will be a third-degree felony with possible prison time. Hazing allegations can lead to multiple processes, such as student conduct hearings, criminal charges, and civil actions for monetary damages.

How to Remove a News Article from the Internet | Reputation Management. Have you ever been the subject of a damaging news article? Before the internet, when a news article was published, it was circulated and then discarded, available for viewing only in library archives. In the age of the internet, news is now published online in perpetuity, and a negative news article can be devastating to a person or businesses reputation. Thankfully, news articles can be removed from the Internet. While you can sue a newspaper to compel a publication to remove an untrue article, this is not always the best option for people whose primary goal is content removal.

The good news is that it is not necessary to sue a publication to secure the removal of an article. What is an Editorial Request? An editorial request is a carefully drafted persuasive letter directed towards a news publication which requests removal of a damaging news article. What Types of Relief can I Secure with an Editorial Request? Are Some News Articles More Difficult to Remove than Others?

Title IX Will Protect Against Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Title IX of the Education Amendment Acts of 1972 prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of sex in any educational institution that receives federal funding. The legal world has long understood this to mean that schools needed to offer substantially similar educational and extra-curricular opportunities to students, regardless of gender. However, recent changes in the law have expanded the interpretation of the law.

The United States Supreme Court ruled in Bostock v. Clayton County, 140 S. Ct. 1731, 590 U.S. 2020 that discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity constitutes sex discrimination as described in Title IX. In light of this ruling, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued a notice of interpretation on June 23, 2021. The Effects of the Notice of Interpretation KJK has a history of representing students and professors facing allegations of Title IX violations. Gendered Pronouns and Free Speech Rights | Education Law Blog. The right of students at public and private schools to be referred to by their preferred pronouns and have their gender identities respected has been a hotly debated topic in recent years.

The matter at the heart of this debate is one of free speech—specifically, how it should be defined, in what circumstances it applies, and where the line between common courtesy and infringement upon individual rights is drawn. Currently, laws at both the federal and state levels are in flux when it comes to gendered pronouns and free speech, as district courts and appellate courts have disagreed more than once on how constitutional law applies to this issue.

That being said, there are some identifiable trends in how courts as a whole have been ruling on these kinds of cases, as well as some elements of this subject that are considered to be all but settled law. What Rights Do Students in Public Schools Have? Pronoun Usage and Free Speech in Private Schools. What Parents Need to Know About Ohio's New School Budget. On June 30, 2021, Governor Mike DeWine, signed HB 110 which outlines the State of Ohio’s Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023. The changes to the budget will have a noticeable effect on Ohio’s K-12 schools. One of these changes is the passage of the Fair School Funding Plan, which creates a more equitable, stable, and predictable revenue stream for Ohio schools. Some of the biggest changes to Ohio’s primary and secondary schools are highlighted below. Online Learning With the consent of the State Superintendent, school districts may operate an online learning model school.

To do this, districts will be forced to assign all online students to a single school. The bill also requires the State Board of Education to revise operating standards for online learning, with a number of requirements that each online school must meet. College Testing Requirements Stricter Cheating Regulations Sex Education Vaping Contact KJK to Learn More About Ohio’s Laws. Is Your Student Handbook a Contract? Universities Want it Both Ways. In recent years, universities have been faced with a dilemma: they want their student handbooks to be construed as a contract when such a construction benefits them, such as when they want to control, discipline, suspend, and expel students; and as an illusory promise whenever their students attempt to hold them to the terms of their own policies and procedures, for example, in demanding a fair and complete investigative process in relation to alleged student misconduct.

The balance of authority is evolving in this area of law, as courts grapple with the question: are student handbooks contractually binding? What the Courts Say In some situations, courts have found that a university handbook cannot form a valid contract because there is no “meeting of the minds” or manifested intent for both parties to be bound by the policies. See, e.g., Shaw v. Elon University, 400 F. What happens when Schools Don’t Follow Their Own Procedures? Universities Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Have It Both Ways. Key Takeaways From The OCR’s Q&A On The 2020 Title IX Requirements. The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education recently published guidance interpreting the 2020 amendments to the Title IX Regulations. The document, entitled “Questions and Answers on Title IX Regulations on Sexual Harassment (July 2021),” offers direction on a range of issues, from the timing of the investigative process to the interplay of remote learning.

We have compiled a summary of relevant provisions for parents and students to consider. Likewise, we have added some of our thoughts as to whether some of the responses will invite controversy and perhaps even litigation. General Obligations Under New Title IX Requirements The 2020 Title IX amendments added specific, legally binding steps that schools must take in response to notice of alleged sexual harassment. The 2020 amendments changed two requirements for elementary and secondary schools and postsecondary schools: The Changing Definition of Sexual Harassment Remote Learning and the Internet Formal Complaints. Susan Stone & Kristina Supler Certified Positive Discipline Educators. In order to better serve parents across Ohio and nationwide, KJK Student & Athlete Defense Partners Susan Stone and Kristina Supler have become certified Positive Discipline Educators.

This certification will help Susan and Kristina better advise parents on how to talk with their children about tough topics in a constructive manner. According to the accrediting organization, “Positive Discipline is a program designed to teach young people to become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of their communities… it teaches important social and life skills in a manner that is deeply respectful and encouraging for both children and adults (including parents, teachers, childcare providers, youth workers, and others).” Studies have shown that the implementation of Positive Discipline techniques has resulted in reduction behavioral discipline in school aged children. Currently, Susan and Kristina plan to apply this certification to help parents have better conversations around topics like:

Parents: What To Do If Your Autistic Child Is Charged With A Crime. As criminal defense attorneys, we are often retained to represent young adults accused of various crimes ranging from possession of child pornography to sexual assault and/or rape. We have found that many of these young adults present with a host of emotional and mental health challenges. In particular, we represent many young adults with Autism, as well as other mental health disorders like schizophrenia, depression and severe learning deficits, who are charged with internet crimes. Our first priority as autism criminal defense attorneys is to educate ourselves about the mental health and neurological challenges of our clients and to collaborate with families in this endeavor. Parents are devastated by the criminal allegations lodged against their child (who may be an adult legally). When working with families, we often encounter commonalities in how they respond.

How Can Parents of Autistic Children Charged With Crimes Help Their Defense? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Susan Stone Named Education “Lawyer of the Year” By Best Lawyers® KJK is proud to congratulate Student & Athlete Defense Co-Chair and Partner Susan Stone on being named Best Lawyers in America® Lawyer of the Year in the Education category for 2022. Only one attorney receives the “Lawyer of the Year” distinction in each category and location, and the title is awarded to the lawyer that received the highest peer reviews in that category. According to the organization’s website: “The 28th edition of The Best Lawyers in America® (2022) includes more than 66,000 lawyers in 147 practice areas, covering all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and inclusion in this year’s publication is based on 10.8 million detailed evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers.”

To learn more about Best Lawyers®, visit Susan’s life work is to help students in crisis and to meet their legal needs. Recently, Susan and Student & Athlete Defense Co-Chair Kristina Supler became certified Positive Discipline Educators. 20 Online Resources For Parents of Special Needs Children in Ohio. We represent many students of all ages with disabilities, and we make it a point to provide as much guidance in this area as we can.

For example, our Special Education FAQ section answers many of the most common questions we hear from parents. But oftentimes, we are also asked about community resources that might be helpful for families that we serve in our practice. Below please find a list of different organizations or businesses that can provide resources for parents of special needs children, both online and in person: 1. Milestones Autism Resources Milestones Autism Resources improves the lives of individuals on the autism spectrum by educating, coaching and connecting the autism community with evidence-based information. Their website features over 1,000 resources for Ohio families, including camps, research institutions, adulthood transitioning, and more. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The U.S. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Music Settlement serves people of all ages with disabilities. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. OCR Update: Cross-examination No Longer Required For Title IX Hearings.

Last month, the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts recently reviewed provision 34 CFR §106.45(b)(6)(i) in the 2020 Title IX regulations, which requires that parties and witnesses submit to cross-examination at the live hearing in order for the decision-maker to rely on that party or witness’ statements. Victim Rights Law Center, et al. v. Cardona, 20-11104-WGY, 2021 WL 3185743, at *15 (D. Mass. July 28, 2021). The court held that decision-makers may now consider all statements made by all parties and witnesses, even if they do not submit to cross-examination at a live hearing. Many wondered how the ruling would be received by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”).

OCR has now responded to the district court’s decision. OCR’s decision to do away with enforcement of 34 CFR §106.45(b)(6)(i) does not mean that students will be prohibited from conducting cross-examination all-together. Real-talk-podcast-covid-slide-with-dr. In this episode of Real Talk, KJK Student & Athlete Defense Attorneys Susan Stone and Kristina Supler are joined by Dr. Erin Herbruck and Ali Weiss Trotter to talk about how COVID has impacted our students, both socially and academically, in a phenomenon being called the COVID slide. Susan Stone: Welcome back to Real Talk with Susan Stone and Kristina Supler. we’re full-time moms and attorneys bringing our student defense legal practice to life with real candid conversations. Today’s topic is COVID slide. It’s the beginning of the school year. And we’re here to talk about how COVID has impacted our students, both socially and academically. Kristina Supler: Sure. Dr. I’m happy to go first. Great. Please. Absolutely.

Perfect. Ali Weiss Trotter: So similar to Erin, I’ve been in the field for about 28 years. Your backgrounds are both going to lend themselves, I know, to a great talk today. There’s some merit in the idea. So when we have seen an impact. Right. The news is scary. We know. Yeah. Does Transgender Students’ Privacy Trump Parental Rights?

On the cutting edge of social issues, the law presents a murky and moving mark when attempting to define the complex relationships among parents, educators, and students. With a moving social zeitgeist, gender is a hot button issue, and, as a recent petitioner for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court has aptly noted, “many of us bring heavy baggage into any discussion of gender and sex.” Regardless of any potential baggage, the fact remains that transgender issues are becoming more commonplace in schools and present intricate questions of law that remain largely unsettled. In practice, a parent’s and school’s plans and desires for students do not always align. This tension has been reflected in relevant caselaw.

Parents do have a constitutional right to direct the upbringing of children, including the right to oversee the care, custody, and control of their child. This right is grounded in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Studentdefense.kjk. My son was accused of a Title IX violation. What should I do? - Studentdefense.kjk. What's The Difference Between a Title IX Case and a Criminal Case? NLRB Memo States That Student Athletes May Be Considered Employees. Real Talk Podcast: Beyond Greek Life - The Complexities of Hazing - Title IX Attorneys. My Child Was Accused of Plagiarism. Now What? - Title IX Attorneys. Real Talk Podcast: Academic Integrity & Plagiarism - Keeping it 'Ouriginal' - Title IX Attorneys. Win in Parents’ Fight for Educational Needs of Child with Dyslexia Win in Parents’ Fight for Educational Needs of Child with Dyslexia. Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Youth Mental Health - Title IX Attorneys.

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