427561-Attenuer_le_changement_climatique_par_la_gestion_forestiere_v2.pdf. Ne suffit-il pas de planter des arbres pour compenser les émissions ? Documentation > Effet de serre > Cycle du Carbone > Ne suffit-il pas de planter des arbres pour compenser les émissions ?
Combien de forêts planter pour compenser nos émissions de gaz carbonique ? Janvier 2001 - dernière modification : août 2007 site de l'auteur : www.manicore.com - contacter l'auteur : jean-marc@manicore.com Ce serait trop dur de limiter nos émissions ? Augmentons la capacité de la planète à les réupérer ! Tout une forêt n'est pas un puits de carbone quelles que soient les conditions. Et quand la forêt est arrivée à maturité (cas des forêts qui ont dépassé le siècle, en gros), avec des arbres qui meurent et des arbres qui poussent, alors elle émet à peu près autant de CO2 qu'elle n'en absorbe.
Pour faire une forêt à maturité, il faut à peu près un siècle (ordre de grandeur). Avant d'aller plus loin, une première conclusion est donc que planter des forêts n'engendre un gain que dans le cas où ces forêts remplacent des terres agricoles. Arborescence documentation. 928ee39228aeb00b670d61261d099cdfe15ff405.png (PNG Image, 300 × 262 pixels) What's the carbon footprint of … a banana? Bananas are a great food for anyone who cares about their carbon footprint.
For just 80g of CO2e you get a whole lot of nutrition: 140 calories as well as stacks of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and dietary fibre. All in all, a fantastic component of a low-carbon diet. Bananas are good for just about everyone – athletes, tennis pros, people with high blood pressure, everyday cycle commuters in search of an energy top-up, or anyone wishing to chalk up their recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. There are three main reasons that bananas have such small carbon footprints compared with the nourishment they provide: • They are grown in natural sunlight, which means that no energy-intensive hot-housing is required. • They keep well, so although they are often grown thousands of miles from the end consumer, they are transported by boats, which per kilo of freight transported emit only 1% as much CO2 as planes do.
See more carbon footprints. Food’s Carbon Footprint. Your carbon foodprint Food’s carbon footprint, or foodprint, is the greenhouse gas emissions produced by growing, rearing, farming, processing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of the food you eat.
In the US, each household produces 48 tons of greenhouse gases. Transport, housing and food have the three largest carbon footprints. Food produces about 8 tons of emissions per household, or about 17% of the total. Worldwide, new reports suggest that agriculture produces around a half of all man-made emissions. Changing the foods that you eat can have a big impact on your carbon footprint. Carbon Footprint Ranking of Food The following table shows the greenhouse gas emissions produced by one kilo of each food.
Meat, cheese and eggs have the highest carbon footprint. Figures from the Environmental Working Group’s Meat Eater’s Guide and the EPA’s Guide to Passenger Vehicle Emissions. Ten Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint 1. It’s good for the animals too! It’s good for you too! Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Énergie. Accueil public - ADEME Base Carbone. Bilan carbone agriculture.