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TrackoBit is the fastest growing Telematics software company based out of India. We are determined to expand to every corner of the world and connect the remotest of areas with the latest GPS Tracking technology.

6 Factors That Determine Fleet Management Software Compatibility – Infographic by uttam singh. 6 Factors That Determine Fleet Management Software Compatibility – Infographic by uttam singh. How To Manage Attendance for Field Force Executives. Why Do Rental Vehicle Businesses Need Fleet Management Software. With growing cities, several people resort to rental vehicles instead of buying personal cars.

Why Do Rental Vehicle Businesses Need Fleet Management Software

Makes sense, right? Get a personal ride whenever you need without maintenance and owning hassles. Well, with that growing trend, rental vehicle businesses are on the rise as well. So, are you a rental vehicle owner and find it difficult to manage your fleet? Why your business needs field force management software. Task Allotment Made Easier With Field Force Management Software. As a field operations manager, do you often find yourself overwhelmed managing tasks for the team?

Task Allotment Made Easier With Field Force Management Software

You’re not the only one! Task management, especially the allotment process can be taxing without one-on-one team interactions. Field services are mobile in nature. Single Platform for Complete Field Force Management. In the past, field force management has been chaotic due to the lack of technical structure and support.

Single Platform for Complete Field Force Management

With the advent of remote working, companies now understand the role technology can play in employee management. The bigger lesson companies have learned, however, is how to keep the field and remote operations simpler. Using field force management software is ideal to reduce confusion and increase productivity! Cold chain supply in the pharmaceutical industry. Upholding Executives’ Privacy While Tracking Their Location in Real-Time. The show Black Mirror depicts how technology can better human life but also disrupt it.

Upholding Executives’ Privacy While Tracking Their Location in Real-Time

Privacy is a rising concern not only among high-profile individuals anymore but among the general public at large. Field operations managers use field force management software to track executives’ live-location for supervision. However, this tracking leads to privacy concerns since the executives are always under the radar. So, how can companies and executives deal with this conflict of interest? Let’s learn in this article! How School Bus Fleet Management Software Ensures Student Safety. School buses are the safest mode of travel for students.

How School Bus Fleet Management Software Ensures Student Safety

Studies suggest that school buses are 70% safer and economical than traveling to school by personal vehicles. However, sending children to school under the administration’s responsibility can be a source of anxiety for parents. Road accidents and ditching the bus are common issues both parents and administration need to account for. The best way to tackle several school bus-related issues is by adopting a fleet management system. Risks of Bad Driver Behavior. First, Middle, and Last Mile Delivery: The Three Phases of Supply Chains. To the layman, delivery systems look simple.

First, Middle, and Last Mile Delivery: The Three Phases of Supply Chains

They order products and services that are ‘effortlessly’ delivered to their doorstep. However, little do they know that there is a lot that goes on in the background to get that product to them. Smart Attendance For Better Field Force Management. Managing field operations need a unique set of skills.

Smart Attendance For Better Field Force Management

Even the best field operations managers require specialized tools. After all, managing daily attendance and task delegation among others can get confusing. Field force attendance management is tricky. We’ll learn why and how to deal with those challenges in this article. Field Force Attendance Management Challenges. Big Data and Route Planning: How They Work Together. “Every company has big data in its future and every company will eventually be in the data business” - Thomas H.

Big Data and Route Planning: How They Work Together

Davenport The above statement instills the clarity of what the future is going to run on - technology and big data. Therefore, a niche such as software logistical management that depends on data analytics should progress swiftly towards processing big data. But do you know the biggest fleet management segment that gets impacted by big data? What Makes Field Force Management Tricky?

How to Overcome Most Common Fleet management Problems. Even with decent software in place and perfect fleet management systems, the supply chain will always have issues.

How to Overcome Most Common Fleet management Problems

Whether they are unexpected or due to sheer negligence, there is no way you can overthrow some recurring problems pertaining to fleet management. However, there are ways through which you can face these problems head-on and say no to reduced efficiency. Do you know what these problems are and how you can handle them? Read on to know more! Fleet or Driver Shortage. Why You Should Use Fleet Management Software For Business. How to Minimize the Cost of Fleet Management. Logistics and transportation themselves are very costly.

How to Minimize the Cost of Fleet Management

However, add the expenses of managing a logistical fleet and their consecutive employees, and the numbers only get higher. Sometimes, transportation and fleet management costs can make the entire consignment cost shoot up; isn’t that an unfavorable scenario? After all, neither do manufacturers want to reduce their profit margin nor do customers want to pay higher for the same product, right?

The only solution to save fleet managers from this imbalance in the economy is to somehow reduce the cost of fleet management systems. As someone who might be new to fleet management, reducing costs will come across as a huge challenge. Cold-Chain Supply for Better Vaccination Transportation. We are aware of the importance of everyone getting vaccinated against Covid-19 and that about 32.3% Indians are fully vaccinated till now.

However, have you ever wondered how these vaccines get to the vaccination centers? Several products such as meat, fresh flowers, ice-cream, and vaccines need strict temperature regulation throughout the supply chain. Why Switch to Fleet Management Software for Better Driver Behaviour Analysis. Are you a fleet manager looking for ways to increase your fleet efficiency and reduce fleet expenditure? The best way to do that is by conducting adequate driver behavior analysis. After all, how well your vehicle performs depends on the driver, right? Fleet Management Software Ensures Complete Vehicle Security by TrackoBit.

Fleet management software ensures complete vehicle security. Vehicle Downtime: What is It and How to Combat it. Each vehicle has an optimum speed at which it consumes the least fuel. Similarly, each fleet has an optimum efficiency at which it produces the maximum profits. Anything lower than that, i.e. fleet downtime harms the company’s competitiveness and productivity. 9 Problems that Fleet Management Software Solves like a Pro. Create Quicker Supply Chains Through Route Planning. The Internet has made products and services highly accessible to the general public, increasing demand exponentially. To meet rising demands, businesses have to produce and transport products to the best of their capabilities. So, do your units have the capacity to fulfill the increased market demand but are still struggling to fulfill market demand?

There’s likely an issue with your supply chain, and there’s an effective way to fix that. Route planning! As a business owner with a significant fleet, you should know what route planning is and how it works; and that is what you will learn from this article! Using Driver Behavior Analysis For Higher Fleet Efficiency - TrackoBit. Do you know what the number one thing is that causes maximum fuel wastage? Inappropriate and rash driving! As a fleet manager, you can watch fleet economy by identifying and fixing driver patterns that might lead to costly operations.

Use fleet management software that allows you to conduct a comprehensive driver behavior analysis. A white label fleet management solution will help you know where and how you are incurring extra expenses and how you can put that money into business growth. Economic driving saves at least 30% fuel when compared to rash or aggressive driving. Solutions offered by fleet management software. Integrating IoT Sensors Into Fleet Management Systems. Adding Checkpoints and Geofences to Get Effortless Trip Updates. Geofence is a star feature that Underpins Fleet Management Software. All You Need To Know About White Label Fleet Management Software. Parking Mode: A Unique Safety Feature in GPS Tracking Software. Fleet management solutions for trucking. Reap the Benefits of White Label Route Planning Software. Relevance of GPS Tracking in Farming and Agricultural Fleet Management. Discover the Anatomy of Fleet Management Software and What it Offers. Ev fleet management solutions. How GPS Tracking Simplifies Operations and Mitigates Challenges Across Industries.

Scale your business in more ways than you think with white label flee… Fuel Monitoring is the star feature in Fleet Management software — All you need to know. GPS Tracking 101: How White Label Fleet Management Software Doing Wonders for Logistics and Other Industries. Fleet Management Software Reduces Operations Costs. White Label Fleet Management Software helps you Scale your Business in More Ways Than You Think. How does a field force management system effectively manage your empl… Streamline your Trucking Business with Vehicle Tracking Software. Fleet Management Software for Vehicle Renting Companies. Advantages of gps tracking and fleet management software. Relevance of GPS Tracking in Farming and... Manage Your Employees Remotely with Advanced Field Force Management Software. How sim based tracking is different from gps tracking.

Vehicle Tracking Solutions for Food and Beverage Fleet - Food and Beverage by TrackoBit. Route management is optimizing logistics, fleet & transport sect… Advanced Vehicle Tracking Solutions for Electric Vehicle Fleet. How GPS Tracking Software offers fool-proof Waste Management Solutions - DEV Community. 7 Simple Ways to Improve your Fleet Efficiency. Benefits of asset tracking go beyond live tracking. Controlling vehicle idling can help you save a lot. How Trip Management and Route Planning Save Costs and Boost ROI.

9 problems that fleet management software solves like a pro. Importance of SOS Button in Commercial Vehicles. Importance of SOS Button in Commercial Vehicles - beBee. How ‘Service and Maintenance’ by TrackoBit is Transforming Fleet Management Business. Gps tracking simplifies operations across industries. GPS Tracking Simplifies Operations Across Industries PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10591361. Tour Management is Optimizing Logistics, Fleet and Transport Sector. How Sim Based Tracking is different from GPS Tracking. Gps tracking is key to efficient fuel monitoring. Benefits of Asset Tracking go Beyond Live Tracking. Automation and AI are the future of the Logistics and Transport Sector. How to differentiate between a good GPS Tracking Software and a Regular One.   How Vehicle Tracking Software is Solving Three Big Problems of Logistics industry - Vehicle Tracking GPSTrackingSoftware Fleet Management White Label Software.

Advantages of GPS Tracking and Fleet Management Software. The Next-Gen GPS Tracking Software with Multiple Channels of Communication. Tracking Vehicle Idling Can Help you Save a Lot. Ensure Vehicle Security with Advanced Fleet Management Software. Types of Alerts that Simplify Vehicle Management for Fleet Managers. Alerts that Simplify Vehicle Management for Fleet by trackobit on DeviantArt.

How Fleet Owners Prevent Fuel Wastage and Reduce Fuel Costs. 9 Problems that Fleet Management Software Solves like a Pro : trackobit — LiveJournal. How GPS Tracking Simplifies Operations Across Industries. Fleet Management software for Vehicles, Freights and Trucks. White Label Vehicle Tracking Software. Types of White Label GPS Tracking Software. Medium. GPS Tracking is Key to Efficient Fuel Monitoring in Logistics and Transportation Industry by White Label GPS Tracking Software.

Fleet Management software for Vehicles, Freights and Trucks. White Label Vehicle Tracking Software. How GPS Tracking Software works wonders for the Logistics and Fleet Management Industry.