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7 Features of Steel H-Beams

13 december 2022

7 Features of Steel H-Beams

Steel H-beam is a high-efficiency steel with a more optimized and stronger economic section of the section area. Steel H-beam cross section has a reasonable shape and good mechanical performance. Each point on the cross-section is relatively uniform and has small internal stress on the cross-section. Compared with ordinary steel I-beams, it has the advantages of large cross-section modulus, lightweight, and saving metal.

The Main Features Are As Follows
1. High structural strength

Compared with the same-working steel, the steel H-beam section modulus is large. When the loading conditions are the same, it can save 10-15% of the metal.

2. Flexible design style

The opening of the steel structure is 50% larger than the opening between the concrete structure, which makes the building layout more flexible.

3. The structure is light

Compared with the lightness of the concrete structure, the reduction of the structure of steel H-beam has reduced the internal force of the structural design, which can make the basic processing requirements of the building structure low, the construction is simple, and the cost is reduced.

4. High structural stability

The steel H-beam structure is dominated by hot-rolled H-shaped steel, its structure is scientific and reasonable, has good plasticity and flexibility, and has high structural stability. It is suitable for building a building structure with large vibration and impact loads. The building structure of the earthquake belt.

5. Increase the effective use area of the structure

Compared with the concrete structure, the section area of the steel structure column is small, which can increase the effective use area of the building and depend on the different forms of the building, which can increase the effective use area by 4-6%

6. Easy to process mechanical processing

Steel H-beam is easy to connect and install, and it is easy to remove and reuse.

7. Environmental protection

The use of steel H-beam can effectively protect the environment, which is specifically manifested in three aspects: First, compared with concrete, dry construction can be used. Land resources are lowered. In addition, a large amount of concrete consumption, reducing the amount of stone digging in the mountains is conducive to the protection of the ecological environment; the third is that after the service life of the building structure expires, the structure generated after the structure is remained small, and the amount of waste steel resource recovery is high.  

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