Teach Your Monster: Free Phonics, Reading and Mathematics Games. Reading Games KS1. Half Pint Kids Decodable Books. If you want hard copies of the books for your students and your school cannot afford to buy them, many teachers have written grants to obtain them, asked their PTO for help or used websites such as Donors Choose who buy materials for classrooms. It is unlawful to copy the books! Please know that these digital books show up best on computers or iPad and tablets rather than phones. In addition, you will see that I have listed the skills that children need to learn, BEFORE reading each set of books.
Each book builds upon the skills from previous books so the books should be presented in sequence. An explicit, systematic, sequential and cumulative approach to teaching reading is the Science of Reading! I have also included links to the FREE Teaching Guides, Activity Pages and Literacy Centers. You have permission to download and print these supplemental resources but you do not have permission to change the content and/or resell them. Thank you and happy reading! LuAnn Santillo, Author. Abeka Phonics - Six Easy Steps. Reading Skill Sharpeners - Grade K. Phonics, Grammar, Spelling - Grade 1. Phonics Workbook - Vowels - Grade 1. Journeys Sound/Spelling Cards Grade 1-3. Credits Photography cat:Artville orange:Comstock KLIPS horse:CORBIS/© Kit Houghton Photography ostrich:CORBIS/Sandro Vannini bird, fox, queen, whale:CORBIS Royalty Free elephant:© Dorling Kindersley/Dave King zebra:© Dorling Kindersley/Jerry Young fish:EyeWire seal:IndexStock/Anna Zuckerman-Vdovenko uniform: Dave King cook:Mauritius/IndexStockacorn, apple, bear, chick, duck, goose, ice cream, kangaroo, lion, owl, moon, pig, rooster, saw, sheep,tiger, volcano, worm:© 2002 PhotoDisc, Inc. chair:© PhotoDisc/SuperStock mouse:Photonica/Neo Vision ocean:© The Purcell Team, 2000/PictureQuest ring:Tom Schierlitz eagle:John Warden/STONE igloo:David Rosenberg/STONE Assignment Photographythumb:Joel Benjamin noodle:Michelle Joyce jump:Alan Landau artist, boy:Tracey Wheeler Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved.
In any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval. HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS GRADE 1. Phonics Reader: Jan at the Fair. Phonics Reader: Zip Up Val. Free Phonetic Readers - Feature short and long vowels. Easy Alphabet Activities. Phonics Activities. Beginning Sounds Paint Sticks. This is a fun, hands-on literacy center activity that will provide your students with practice identifying beginning sounds.
Keep reading to get your copy of the free printable that includes pictures for all letters A-Z. Supplies to Make the Beginning Sounds Paint Sticks Materials Paint sticks {one per child in your small group}Adhesive backed Velcro {available at any craft store}Pictures of beginning sounds for each letter {see below}Laminating filmScissors How to Make the Paint Stick Activity Start by collecting paint sticks, one for each child in your small group.
How to Use the Paint Stick Activity Give each student in your small group one paint stick. Then, the students search for pictures that start with the beginning sound at the top of their paint stick and attach those pictures to their stick. Click on the picture below to download the beginning sound pictures for letters A-Z. Starfall - Learn to Read with Phonics. Fun Fonix: Phonics Worksheets, Workbooks, Games. 56 Free Phonics Worksheets and Phonemic Awareness Activities. Free Phonics Worksheets. Online Phonics games. Phonics games will help your child to practise sounding out words, which will help them to read. Initially, children will learn basic letter sounds, such as "c-a-t" for "cat".
Later they will move on to sounds such as "th", "sh" and "ch", then "oo", "oa" and so on. Once they recognise a few basic letter sounds, they will be able to work out what a written word says for themselves, a skill which they will be very proud to show off! Follow the links below to the free phonics games. Your child will have lots of fun while developing their phonic knowledge and skills. Click for free printable phonics resources to support the DfES Letters and Sounds scheme.
Another skill which phonics games can help with is being able to recognise the sounds that a spoken word is made up of, which will help them when it comes to writing and spelling. Free Phonics Online Games | eSpark. Fun Phonics – Phonics Program. Progressive Phonics - Phonics Program. Progressive Phonics is an all-in-one reading program that is easy, fun, and totally FREE---that's right, totally and completely free! And with Progressive Phonics, ANYONE can teach a child to read and write in just a few minutes a day, which makes it ideal for parents, teachers, tutors, volunteers and home-schoolers. No experience necessary. Just pick a book and start reading it with your child/students. Matching handwriting worksheets and activity sheets for each book -- when children write what they learn, they learn it better.
Also teaches the essential sight-words (and phonics rule-breakers) that most phonics programs fail to teach. Instant access -- download and use today. Our books can be read on-screen or printed on your color printer. But don't judge a book by it's home page. "Thank you so much for this amazing series. "These books are great. ABC Fast Phonics with cartoons and sound.