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How to Write a Good Donation Press Release After Donation? | Remember the Responsible Enterprises Fighting the Epidemic (As of February 13) _ Material

12 october 2022

How to Write a Good Donation Press Release After Donation? | Remember the Responsible Enterprises Fighting the Epidemic (As of February 13) _ Material

Original Title: How to Write a Good Donation Press Release After an Enterprise Donates? | Remember the Responsible Enterprises Fighting the Epidemic (As at 13 February) February 13, the twentieth day of the first month of the year of Gengzi. After sending funds and materials to the front line of anti-epidemic, enterprises also have an urgent task to do. This task is how to disclose and communicate the donation behavior of enterprises to major stakeholders. This work is not simple, because in addition to effective communication with shareholders, internal employees and competent authorities, it is also necessary to fully disclose to partners and the public. Of course, this can not be solved by a news report, because both before and after the donation, it needs to go through multiple procedures, multiple approvals, multiple steps and other complex work; but if the donation of enterprises lacks the necessary news reports and information disclosure, it is also incomplete. What we want to talk about today is "how to spread the donation action of good enterprises". This is not only a matter that many enterprises have been pondering recently, but also stems from our personal feelings about the disclosure of corporate donation information in our daily collection and collation. In our view, a news release that can not only fully demonstrate the motivation and value mission behind corporate donation, but also achieve effective communication with the public, needs to do the following four aspects: 1. The donation shall be disclosed in a timely manner. 。 Generally speaking, the timing of corporate donation dissemination should be as timely and accurate as possible. This can not only show the action and responsibility of enterprises to respond in a timely manner and take the lead in action, but also release donation information at the first time. It is also conducive to the secondary or multiple dissemination of data research institutions and news media, which is conducive to the maximum release of the positive energy of helping Wuhan and the multi-dimensional display of the sense of responsibility behind corporate action. In particular, it should be noted that all kinds of donation behavior and donation information will be concentrated in a short period of time in the fight against the epidemic in all parts of the country and all walks of life. If we can not timely voice and accurately report, it is easy to be submerged by a large number of reports. If we want to spread later, the news value and dissemination value will be greatly reduced. Expand the full text 2. You may have missed this information. 。 In addition to accurately disclosing the amount of donations, the quantity of donated materials, as well as the messages and high-level statements of enterprises in support of epidemic areas, the same need for detailed introduction should also include: the main purpose of corporate donations and the object of fixed-point donations, the next donation plan of enterprises or the appeal for donation cooperation, multi-batch donations should also include other batches. Donations from employees or co-donations from partners should also be noted. In this way, investors, research institutions, or potential partners who are also seeking cooperation can fully grasp the donation information of enterprises or find potential opportunities for donation cooperation, optimize the allocation of donation resources and improve the efficiency of donation. 3. These contents are more touching. 。 In the process of helping the epidemic prevention and control, in addition to the generous donations and the amount of money and materials, the stories of the characters and the feelings of the mentality in the donation action also touched people's hearts, which not only embodied the vision, mission, brand and values of the enterprise, but also added more affinity communication experience and more infectious responsibility transmission for the enterprise donation communication. In addition, compared with the stereotyped donations of many enterprises, those who solve the substantive contradictions in the fight against the epidemic through technological innovation, product innovation and service innovation, and give humanistic care to front-line personnel, will be more popular with readers, and thus have a better dissemination effect. 4. Why not recommend products? 。 Many advanced and high-quality products donated by enterprises have played an important role in many actions to help fight the epidemic. This includes not only some medical materials urgently needed for epidemic prevention and control, such as high-quality masks, goggles, protective suit, disinfectants, etc., but also some living materials needed to ensure the lives of front-line workers, such as healthy and fresh vegetables, rice, fast food products, office products, etc., which are also the basic necessities of life. It also includes advanced equipment and technology in infrastructure construction, such as excavators, ambulances, 3D printers, popular software APPs and so on. These high-quality products and leading technologies provide the most powerful guarantee for us to win the battle against the epidemic. We can also recommend these products and technologies to the vast number of consumers through the dissemination of donations, so that good products and technical services are more needed. Did your business donate? Did you send a press release after your corporate donation? In the face of the epidemic, I hope that more and more excellent reports can become the charge of our fight against the epidemic, and also become the good news bird for us to win the final victory. Corporate Donations on February 13 (As of 18:00 on February 13) CNNC donated 20,000 medical N95 mask to help Wuhan fight against the epidemic. Following the donation of 10 million yuan and more than 400 tons of alcohol to Wuhan, COFCO Dayuecheng Holdings donated 105 tons of vegetables to Wuhan. Danone Group donated additional materials equivalent to 6.09 million yuan of pulse products, which continued to help fight the epidemic across the country. Merck China donated 15,000 medical protective masks to five designated hospitals in Wuhan. Daoxiangcun donated more than 4 million yuan worth of materials to many units in Wuhan, Huanggang, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Heze, Taiyuan and other places, bringing warm care to front-line workers. Double Star Dongfeng Tire, a subsidiary of Double Star Group, donated 10000 protective suit to the Shiyan Municipal Government of Hubei Province to support the front line of the epidemic prevention and control. ISoftStone is used to fight the epidemic. Beiqi Group donated 40 Futian Tuyanuo negative pressure ambulances with Beiqi Futian materials to help the first-line rescue work. Honeywell donated 3000 air purifiers for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Among them, 4 million yuan was used for the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic in Hebei Province, and 1 million yuan was used for the support of medical teams in Hubei Province. Bosch Thermal Technology Materials once again donated 320 Bosch air purifiers to 16 medical institutions in Shanghai. To create and purify a safer treatment environment for front-line medical staff and patients. Suning and Qinyuan jointly donated 420,000 commercial water dispensers and air purifiers to five hospitals in Hubei Province. Kingdee China Services released preferential services and related policies for a number of products during the epidemic period, such as full subsidies for loan interest in February 2020 for customers of small and micro enterprises in Hubei Province. Hainan Expressway helped the people of Xishui County, Huanggang City, fight against COVID-19 pandemic with 200000 yuan. Anyou Group donated 500000 yuan worth of pork to medical staff and patients in Tongji Hospital of Wuhan and East Hospital of People's Hospital of Wuhan University. The Yunfeng Fund has donated 16,800 pieces of protective suit and 500,000 pieces of medical supplies to Wuhan after purchasing 17,500 pieces of medical protective suit from Croatia. Huasu Pharmaceutical products donated "Huasu Tablets", a basic drug for the prevention and control of viral infection, to help the front line of anti-epidemic. Zhongke Holdings donated projection infrared vascular imager to help Wuhan fight against the epidemic. Jincheng medical products donated 1.03 million yuan worth of medicines, and a total of 5.53 million yuan worth of cash, medicines, disinfectants and masks have been donated for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Zhongshouyou 1.08 million yuan to help five hospitals in Hubei fight against the epidemic. Qixing Ecological Group rushed to the hospitals in the heavily affected areas of Hubei to treat the patients. Climbing computers donated 1.5 million yuan in cash for epidemic prevention, and 1 million yuan worth of climbing computers were donated to support the emergency use of the newly built "Huoshenshan" hospital. Following the first donation of 1 million yuan, Shandong Huasen Cement Group donated another 500,000 yuan to support the fight against the epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Oulun Electric donated 100 Oujing dehumidifiers to provide assistance for hospital treatment and epidemic prevention and control. Linyi Xinminghui Safety Technology Co., Ltd. helped fight against the epidemic prevention and control work. Yabao Pharmaceutical donated 50 tons of disinfectant, and then donated 10000 barrels of disinfectant to Yuncheng area to support the epidemic prevention and control work. Chongqing Jiajia Dairy Co., Ltd. donated 30 tons of excellent lactic acid bacteria drinks worth 600000 yuan. Huaan Fund supports epidemic prevention and control work. VIPKID products launched the "Spring Sprout Plan": to provide free spring online courses for children in postpone the reopening of schools across the country, with a total of 1.5 million copies; at the same time, to provide free online live teaching platforms and technologies for schools and institutions across the country, so that teachers can easily create online classrooms and teach without leaving home. Hubei Hanchuan Baihe Ecological Company donated 10,000 Jin of organic vegetables to support the front line of anti-epidemic. Rongsheng Electrical Appliances donated 100 disinfection cabinets to help Ezhou prevent and control the epidemic. Panlong Pharmaceutical donated more than 1 million yuan worth of epidemic prevention protective products and medicines, including medicines, masks, 75% alcohol-based disinfectant and 84 antiseptic solution, to support epidemic prevention work. Fashion COSMO funds will donate 10% of the total sales profits of the March issue launched on February 12, 2020 to Leishenshan Hospital for epidemic prevention and control. Case BMW China and BMW Brilliance The epidemic started in Wuhan, and support came from all directions. Following the first donation of 5 million yuan on January 26, BMW China and Huachen BMW announced a further donation of 25 million yuan on February 12. It is understood that the donation is used to purchase medical equipment urgently needed by hospitals in Wuhan and other cities and prefectures in Hubei Province, such as monitors, non-invasive ventilators, etc; At the same time, it will also be used to establish the first national psychological counseling hotline for medical staff, patients and volunteers fighting in the front line of the epidemic, providing professional psychological counseling, psychological counseling and other humanistic care for medical staff fighting in the front line. In addition, during the epidemic period, BMW's six "1 +" services were also officially launched, including strict control of the showroom environment, the launch of online car viewing, special live broadcasting, the provision of rescue services, free car pick-up and delivery services, and the extension of warranty services and maintenance packages until March 31. In addition to providing further proactive epidemic prevention measures for BMW employees, BMW China and BMW Brilliance will closely follow the development of Chinese society in fighting the epidemic and will continue to contribute to Chinese society. Aeon Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Aeon has made every effort to ensure its business and provide life security for citizens all over the country. At the first time, it has called on all business companies to help prevent and control the epidemic. At the same time, it has made use of Aeon Group's global business advantages to carry out charitable donations. On January 28, Yongwang donated 1000 boxes of oranges and 200 boxes of bananas to five hospitals in Wuhan through social charities to contribute to the nutritional supply of medical workers. On January 29, Yongwang donated 24000 masks, 100 thermometers, 100 alcohol and 100 sterilization gels to Wuhan through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, interpreting love and warmth with practical actions. On February 3, Yongwang Mengle City Hubei donated 2,000 cans of Red Bull, 2,400 bottles of Power Health and 100 mattresses to three hospitals in Wuhan. On February 10, Yongwang 1% Club, a public welfare consortium, donated 1 million yuan to the Wuhan Municipal Government through the Chinese Embassy in Japan. At the same time, in order to alleviate the operating pressure of the merchants, Aeon Mengle City launched measures to deal with the epidemic, such as halving the rent, and promised to halve the rent (including property fees) from January 25, 2020 to February 29, 2020. Aeon is willing to tide over the difficulties with the merchants. Baxter In order to fully support the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic and uphold the mission of "saving and extending life", Baxter has provided 4.4 million yuan worth of medical relief materials and cash to Wuhan. A number of CRRT equipment for rescuing critically ill patients and a large number of "human life liquid" infusion products support Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals. In fact, as early as January 25, in order to help fight the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus, Baxter decided to donate cash to the Wuhan Red Foundation and purchase medical protective supplies such as protective suit, masks and disinfectants according to the needs of the frontline health worker of hospitals in Wuhan, so as to help medical staff treat patients more safely. At the same time, a number of CRRT equipment were urgently donated to assist in the treatment of critically ill patients. Recently, Baxter also rushed to Wuhan Hospital equipped with remote management of automatic peritoneal dialysis (APD) machines and peritoneal catheterization pipelines to help doctors and nurses through remote management to treat hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients infected by COVID-19 in isolation wards, as well as uremic patients who could not normally undergo dialysis in hospitals due to epidemic prevention and control. Soft power The sudden outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus has touched the hearts of all sectors of society. Fighting the epidemic has become an unshirkable responsibility for everyone, and iSoftStone has also devoted all its efforts to this battle. The company decided to donate RMB 10 million to Wuhan to fight the epidemic. In view of the shortage of medical supplies in some areas, iSoftStone actively coordinates the company's overseas branches to purchase related materials, and will donate them to areas with serious epidemics in need free of charge. In addition, iSoftStone quickly set up a special information technology service team to provide full support to the government and institutions in the epidemic area, and provide community guards free of charge. Telecommuting, business collaboration and other solutions to help epidemic prevention and treatment with the power of science and technology. At the same time, Softcom Power attaches great importance to the development of the epidemic situation, and has set up a public health emergency management team before the Spring Festival and initiated emergency response mechanism and business continuity management, including strengthening the enterprise's own epidemic prevention and control, daily tracking of employees'holiday whereabouts and health status, and formulating preventive measures for post-holiday start-up. In order to fully protect the health of employees and the business continuity of customers and the company. Corporate Donations on February 12 The second donation of 25 million yuan from BMW China and Huachen BMW was used to fight against COVID-19 pandemic in Chinese society. The second batch of NBA materials donated 55 monitors worth 4.5 million yuan to the People's Hospital of Wuhan University for the treatment of pneumonia patients. Hengfeng Bank donated 5.13 million yuan to Shandong to assist the medical team in Hubei. Medical supplies such as 5000 rubber strip protective suit, 10000 red zone (isolation infection zone) masks, 30 medical non-invasive ventilators and 1 negative pressure ambulance were urgently purchased by Fosun from all over the world and delivered to Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan. SABIC spent 8 million yuan to support several hospitals in Wuhan for the procurement of medical protection materials, the compensation of front-line medical care and support personnel, and the actual needs of other epidemic prevention work. Jilin Aodong donated 200 pieces of medical materials to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, totaling 2.7986 million yuan in eight batches of medicines and epidemic prevention materials. If the free service is unable to return to the rental city after March 1 due to the epidemic, it can be returned without responsibility. Liquefied air supplies donated 100 oxygen generators and 20 non-invasive ventilators to two designated hospitals to treat infected patients in a timely manner. More than 11 million employees of Xiaomi Group donated money to purchase epidemic prevention and control materials and send them to hospitals and other front-line institutions. At the same time, Bull Group delivered more than 5000 bull wall switches and sockets to the construction site of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital in two batches to help the front line of epidemic prevention and control. Haidilao products donate 20000 boxes of self-cooked hot pot to medical staff in Hubei every day. Later, with the expansion of production capacity, the number of donations will be increased. Xinwang Bank is used for the care and assistance of front-line medical workers from Sichuan Province to Hubei Province. At the same time, a special credit fund of 1 billion yuan has been arranged for the first time to guarantee the withdrawal of customers. Baiyang Medical Materials donated 5 million yuan worth of Diqiao products and epidemic prevention materials to care for the children of front-line medical workers. Hongde Fund helps Wuhan fight against the epidemic. Meilu shares donated 5 million yuan worth of Barbie sheep milk powder series, Barbie sheep milk powder series and other corresponding materials to provide nutritional support for medical staff and epidemic prevention workers fighting in the front line. The products of Yingqu Technology launched the warm-hearted action of "studying at home, sending Wuhan with the warmth of the cuckoo machine", and sent 800 sets of cuckoo machine printer gift boxes to Wuhan students who were unable to study at school under the epidemic situation. Harbin Ship Science and Technology Materials donated a batch of air purification and disinfection equipment with a sterilization and disinfection rate of more than 99.6% to help Wuhan. Following the first donation of 300000 medical masks, protective suit, temperature guns, infrared instruments, medical alcohol and other materials, the second donation of 800000 disposable medical gloves. Westinghouse Electric Materials has donated 2.1 million worth of medical and epidemic prevention materials to the front line of epidemic prevention, including fresh air systems, air purifiers, oxygen generators and atomizers. Linong Group and its grassland leader donated frozen dumplings with a total value of more than 800000 yuan to help Wuhan. Following the donation of 20 million yuan to help fight the epidemic in Hubei and Nanchang, Oufeiguang donated 85,000 medical professional masks to Guangzhou, Jiangxi and other hospitals in need to support the prevention and control of the epidemic. Teyi Pharmaceutical donated 200000 yuan in cash and 1.038 million yuan in total value of self-produced drugs by the company and its subsidiaries. China Pacific Insurance helped to carry out epidemic prevention and control work, and helped local technological innovation enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises facing difficulties in resuming work and production affected by the epidemic. Zibo Mining Group donated 2.6 million yuan and 13,000 employees donated 2.6 million yuan to support Hubei's fight against the "epidemic". Program Cat donated 5000 copies of 2019-nCov nucleic acid detection reagent (double fluorescent PCR method), worth 1.03 million RMB. Meisikangchen contributed 1 million yuan to the prevention and control work in the epidemic area. Qili Science and Technology Company donated 700,000 yuan worth of disinfectants, sustained-release agents and tablets to help fight the epidemic. McAudie products donated 11 sets of the latest digital slice scanning equipment to support the fight against the epidemic in Hubei. Founder Life Insurance products of Peking University provide insurance for the first members of the medical team of Peking University International Hospital affiliated to Peking University Medical Industry Group, and donate nearly 100000 yuan of medical masks and protective suit to the medical team at one time. Corporate Donations on February 11 Anta Group donated 20 million yuan worth of materials to front-line medical staff in Hubei Province (including Wuhan, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xiangyang and other cities and counties with serious epidemics), including warmth and living equipment for key epidemic prevention hospitals and makeshift hospital, which will help nearly 30000 medical staff to fully support the fight against the "COVID-19" epidemic. The total value of materials donated by Greenland Group is about 10 million yuan, including tens of thousands of N95 mask purchased from Canada, P3 masks purchased from Turkey, AMET surgical masks, tens of thousands of medical gloves purchased from Malaysia and South Korea, and tens o f thousands of sets of disposable protective suit, isolation clothing and other epidemic prevention materials in short supply. Faurecia supplies donated protective materials to designated hospitals in Wuhan and Xiangyang, including 2872 pairs of goggles and 4440 sets of protective suit, to help prevent and control the epidemic. Fuyao Group raised the first batch of 2.42 million epidemic prevention materials globally to help the front line of anti-epidemic. Following the first donation of HK $1 million, Chow Tai Fook made an additional donation of HK $10 million for the purchase of medical supplies, including masks, protective suit, protective glasses and disinfection materials, to help fight the epidemic. Hang Seng Bank has reduced its service interest by 10 million yuan to help enterprises fight the epidemic. Minsheng Bank donated the second batch of medical supplies, including 80 ventilators and 500000 pairs of disposable medical rubber inspection gloves. Mead Johnson launched the campaign of "Fighting the Epidemic for Love and Protecting the New Life" with 500 yuan of money and goods. During the anti-epidemic period, Mead Johnson provided comprehensive assistance services such as delivery packages for pregnant mothers in Hubei, assisting parturient women to contact receiving hospitals, providing free online consultation and psychological construction support. 361 Degrees Materials urgently purchased 2000 sets of medical-grade goggles and protective suit in the United States, and donated them to private hospitals in Wuhan to help prevent and control the epidemic. Goodyear Tire spent 2 million yuan on fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic in hospitals in Hubei and Dalian. Aeon supports epidemic prevention and control work. Biguiyuan donated 10 tons of disinfectant to the epidemic prevention headquarters of Wuhan Jingkai District and the epidemic prevention headquarters of Donghu High-tech Zone to prevent and control the epidemic. Taikang Insurance Group donated Wuhan University to support the prevention and treatment of viral etiology. China Pingmei Shenma Group donated 30 tons of 84 disinfectants to help prevent and control the epidemic. Medical products were set up to assist a batch of five-category CRP all-in-one machines and ultrasound equipment to fight the epidemic, and engineers were dispatched to install and debug equipment and train medical staff on site. Royal pet food products donated a total of 6.8 tons of pet food to Wuhan, to convey care for stranded dogs and cats, and to fully protect the health of pets. Qinyuan donated hundreds of commercial direct drinking water equipment with bacteriostatic function and air purifiers with virus and bacteria removal function worth millions of yuan to ensure the drinking water and other basic needs of medical staff and patients in Wuhan and other regions. Daxike system products donated 47 projection infrared vascular imagers (worth 5.65 million yuan) to support major hospitals in Wuhan and medical teams in Hubei. China Taiping Service has completed 45 cases of claims for medical staff of "Medical Care", with a compensation amount of 2.25 million yuan, involving 15 hospitals; "Medical Care" donated insurance claims of 900,000 yuan. Rongsheng Development fully supports Wuhan's fight against the novel pneumonia epidemic. Hangjin Science and Technology Materials donated 34.74 tons of sodium hypochlorite disinfectant to Wuhan to support the epidemic prevention and control work in Wuhan. Mingde Group donated emergency epidemic prevention materials to the Logistics Management Research Association of Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province. The first batch of materials included 20000 medical gloves, 1000 watering cans and 400 boxes of medicines. Kangshang Medical Products donated 100 medical high-flow oxygen generators to hospitals with serious epidemics in Hubei Province. Tianjin Zhengda Technology Co., Ltd. donated 20000 kilograms of disinfectant for epidemic prevention and control in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province. From now on, Wanwei Logistics Service will open the warehousing resources of the national logistics parks free of charge and provide logistics operation services for food in multi-temperature areas to support the national fight against the epidemic. Boyiya donated 140 medical non-invasive ventilators to 14 hospitals in 11 prefecture-level cities in Hubei Province, including Wuhan, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xiangyang and Jingzhou, with a value of nearly 15 million yuan. Coca-Cola China donated 1.5 million masks and 40,000 sets of isolation suits to fight against the epidemic. Fuxing donated 30 tons of disinfectant to help prevent and control the epidemic. Corporate Donations on February 10 Hengda Group donated 100 million yuan in cash to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences to set up a "research fund for innovative antiviral drugs" to accelerate the research and development of innovative drugs related to the fight against COVID-19. Nine Dragons Paper donated 32.4 million yuan in cash and more than 2.4 million yuan in medical supplies to help Hubei fight the epidemic. Suning donated 12 tons of Artemisia selengensis, 15 tons of Shanghai green and 15 tons of lettuce to help solve the problem of local living material supply. Ningbo Banking Service has launched six measures to help small and micro enterprises, offering 5 billion yuan of special preferential loans since February 10, bringing together at least 20,000 small and micro enterprises. China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu Company dispatched 10 aircraft to form a fleet to carry 958 medical personnel and 53 tons of materials from Jiangsu Province to help Hubei again. Fosun Materials purchased 126,000 masks from Poland to help prevent and control the epidemic. 00 on February 9, 800000 masks and 420000 protective suit had been deployed and returned worldwide, totaling 1.22 million medical supplies. TOTO China rushed to Wuhan and other areas with serious epidemics in Hubei Province to support the fight against the epidemic. Panpan Food products donated 20 million yuan worth of Panpan Leopard Power Vitamin Energy Drink and Panpan Bread and other meal substitutes to the epidemic areas in Hubei. Inter Milan Club products will wear jerseys with the theme of "China refueling" to compete, and will auction the customized version of the Jersey, and all the proceeds from the auction will be donated to Wuhan. Weidi Technology donated RMB 1 million yuan, which was dedicated to the specific implementation of the work related to the fight against the epidemic. United Film Medical, Shanghai Joint Investment and Shanghai Credit Investment Materials donated 50 million yuan worth of CT equipment and related services to Wuhan "makeshift hospital". Jiangzhong Dietotherapy Technology Co., Ltd. donated the first batch of 4000 boxes of Jiangzhong Hougu Mixi to Hubei Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine to support the fight against the epidemic in Hubei. Zhenshitong donated 3 million yuan, 2 million yuan worth of video conferencing hardware products and cloud video conferencing software products to support the epidemic prevention and control work in Hubei. Liju China Water Science and Technology Group donated a batch of medical supplies, including medical masks, protective glasses and protective suit, to help Wuhan medical staff fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic. Dejin Group also donated 100,000 masks with 18 million yuan, and donated 100,000 masks to the Macao government for epidemic prevention. Beiyuan Group donated 27.96 tons of sodium hypochlorite disinfectant stock solution to help prevent and control the epidemic. Linyi Hongda Biological Co., Ltd. donated 52 tons of alcohol to help fight the epidemic. The Princess and the Pea supplies 40,000 masks to Hubei. So far, 120,000 supplies have been donated to Hubei. Alibaba Services released the "Alibaba Notice to Merchants", introducing 20 special measures in six major areas, exempting all Tmall merchants from annual service fees in the first half of the year, and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Shandong Energy Group has donated more than 20.35 million yuan to its employees, and has since donated 30.35 million yuan in cash and 1 million yuan in medical supplies. Century Fengyuan products donated 50 sets of direct drinking water equipment with filtration and sterilization functions. The 60 tons of alcohol donated by SDIC Biological Materials serve more than 100 communities and more than 50 hospitals in Hubei. Corporate Donations on February 9 China Southern Airlines Group will donate 10000 sets of protective suit, 10000 surgical masks and 20000 medical masks purchased from overseas to the Hubei Bureau of Civil Aviation. Yangjiang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. of China General Nuclear Power Group provided emergency support for 3000 sets of protective suit in Wuhan epidemic area, and Taishan Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co., Ltd. supported 2000 sets of protective suit to help Wuhan epidemic prevention and control. CNOOC donated 20000 masks, 1800 sets of protective suit and 20000 kilograms of 84 antiseptic solution to Hubei Province to help win the battle to contain the virus. More than 16000 epidemic prevention materials were donated by Shenzhen aviation materials to support the first line of epidemic prevention and control. Chunlei Group donated 1200 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables worth 20 million yuan, of which 700 tons were sent to Wuhan, where the epidemic was most serious, and 500 tons were sent to Pingxiang and Nanchang to help battle to contain the virus. Mary Kay Service presents care insurance to distributors across the country, covering infectious diseases such as the new coronavirus, with an insured amount of 100,000 per person and a maximum total insured amount of 1.8 billion for the whole year. Dyson China Materials donated 2000 air purification fans to some hospitals, elderly welfare institutions, community epidemic prevention material distribution centers and schools in Hubei, with a total value of more than 9 million yuan, to provide better air environment for units in the front line of Hubei. Xinjiang Jintou donated 188 boxes of medical grade flat masks, totaling 300,800, to fully support the fight against the epidemic in the epidemic area. Guangdong yuanhang Liquor Group supports epidemic prevention and control in Hubei and Foshan. GNC China donated 1 million yuan worth of Jian'anxi whey protein powder to support Wuhan medical workers at the forefront of the "anti-epidemic" campaign to prevent and control the epidemic. Dayi Group donated 10 million yuan in the first phase to purchase accident injury insurance for medical staff from all over the disaster area in Hubei Province. Blue River Group products donated 12000 cans of infant formula milk powder, with a total value of about 4.3 million yuan, to help the epidemic prevention and control work. Chengdu Linji Food Co., Ltd. has donated 3000 bags of Tibetan highland barley fragrant rice, all of which will be used for the living security of medical staff. The first batch of 3000 boxes of Anmu dairy products donated, totaling 10 tons of Anmu goat milk, rushed to the front line of anti-epidemic. yuanfu rice field products donated 15 tons of rice worth 300,000 yuan to provide material support for the fight against the epidemic. Kangyuan Pharmaceutical products donated the first batch of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, totaling 5000 pieces, with a direct cost of more than 20 million yuan, free of charge for epidemic prevention and control in Wuchang District. Shaanxi Coal Group donated 27.96 tons of sodium hypochlorite raw liquid to fully support the local COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control work. As of February 9, IKEA China had donated a total of 117,000 items of various materials, with a total value of about 9.44 million yuan, to more than 50 designated hospitals and first-line rescue organizations in Hubei. Hebei Yiran Biotechnology Co., Ltd. donated 1.2 million yuan worth of probiotics to help Wuhan. The second batch of donations from TBEA, including 6,300 pairs of goggles and 40,000 pairs of medical gloves, rushed to the front line of anti-epidemic. The first batch of materials donated by Paimilei Group includes 12000 medical masks, 15000 pairs of medical gloves, 100 barrels of hand sanitizer, 100 pieces of protective isolation clothing and dozens of boxes of disinfectant. Corporate Donations on February 8 ConocoPhillips is dedicated to funding the procurement of materials needed by designated hospitals for epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province and supporting their frontline health worker. Zhongtong has set up a special fund of 100 million yuan for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control to ensure the safety and health of all Zhongtong family members. Shunfeng product Fengchao smart cabinet small program "mask mutual assistance" function online, and through the national 180000 Fengchao cabinet donation circulation, reduce the risk of personnel contact. Libai Group and its holding Chaoyun Group donated 200 million yuan of materials to help all the new coronavirus designated hospitals in the country. On the basis of a donation of 10 million yuan and an additional donation of more than 1 million yuan of emergency medical supplies, BYD began to design and manufacture the production equipment of protective materials, masks and disinfectants until the epidemic was alleviated and eliminated. Guangzhou Railway Group donated 20 tons of fresh lotus roots to Wuhan to help Hubei fight against the epidemic. Watsons China donated more than 1 million yuan worth of disinfectant, bacteriostatic hand sanitizer, bacteriostatic wipes and so on. Lenovo Group Service cordially invites employees of temporarily closed enterprises and businesses to come to work and provide temporary job opportunities such as assembly and packaging of computers, servers and mobile phones. The factory will be equipped with sufficient protective equipment and cleaning and disinfection supplies to protect the health of workers. Yakult products donated 300000 bottles of Yakult lactic acid bacteria drinks worth 702000 yuan to help frontline health worker better fight the epidemic. Following the first donation of 1.2 million yuan, USANA BabyCare donated another 1 million yuan for the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus epidemic in Hubei and its surrounding areas. Yaodu Rural Commercial Bank was used to purchase urgently needed medical supplies to help fight the epidemic. Ondavoma products donated 300 sets of intelligent bacteriostatic drying equipment worth 300,000 yuan to fight the epidemic. Jinke Group donated 4000 masks and 2000 kilograms of rice to solve the most urgent epidemic prevention and food security problems of front-line anti-epidemic personnel in Wuhan. Zhengya Group donated 100 heaters to the People's Hospital of Wuhan University. MGM China spent 20 million Australian yuan on the procurement of medical, protective and emergency supplies, and fully supported the nationwide anti-epidemic prevention and control work. 51Talk products donated 20 million yuan worth of 1 to 1 live foreign teachers to Wuhan. China Baowu is dedicated to the fight against the epidemic. Anjing donated 2400 pieces of food materials worth more than 400000, about 16 tons of food materials, including 1200 boxes of Tangyuan. The first batch of geological and mineral materials in Shaanxi donated nearly 100,000 yuan of epidemic prevention materials. Agile Group products donated the second batch of medical supplies, including 5 ECG monitors, 46 medical disinfection machines, 50 forehead temperature guns and so on. Charm Kitchen donated 2000 boxes and 80000 bags of new rice porridge series products to support Wuhan. Hebei Silicon Valley Chemical Co., Ltd. donated 300 tons of high-quality vegetables from Chibi City, Hubei Province, to help prevent and control the epidemic in Hubei. Gold Card Smart donated 500,Against Bacteria Breathable KN95 Face Mask,000 yuan and 1,000 sets of protective suit worth 100,000 yuan to fight the new pneumonia epidemic. Yisheng Biological Materials donated the first batch of medicines worth about 1.2 million yuan to help medical workers fighting the epidemic in the front line. Corporate Donations on February 7 Dongfeng Company launched the third batch of donation actions, so far, Dongfeng Company has donated a total of 61.18 million yuan to Hubei. Adidas' 10 million supplies will be used to purchase medical supplies needed to prevent and control the epidemic, while part of the funds will also be used to support youth health education and related activities of the China Youth Development Foundation. By reducing and exempting 20 million rent and service fees, providing 100 million yuan of equity investment and micro-loans, investing 5 million yuan of anti-epidemic materials, and launching the "Park Link" platform, China Power Optical Valley Service fully supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the park to get out of the predicament. Nokia Bell has set up the Shanghai Nokia Bell Emergency Relief Fund for anti-epidemic emergency relief and later recovery and reconstruction. United Technologies spent 3 million yuan on purchasing related medical equipment and protective materials, such as N95 medical protective masks, disposable protective suit, goggles and disinfectants. Uniqlo products donated more than 7100 pieces of high-function warm clothes worth about 2.52 million yuan. SMIC is used for epidemic prevention and control and front-line medical staff support, as well as procurement of urgently needed materials for epidemic prevention and rescue, and relief for key epidemic areas. Employees of the Agricultural Bank of China, including the Agricultural Bank of China and its subsidiaries, donated 60 million yuan to fight the epidemic in various parts of Hubei. PerkinElmer has donated more than 7 million yuan worth of automatic nucleic acid detection systems and reagents to CDC and medical institutions in Hubei, Heilongjiang, Henan and Shandong for the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus. 58 Tongcheng donated more than one million yuan worth of masks, protective suit and other medical supplies to Wuhan. Combit donated 51420 and 857 boxes of accelerated energy bar products, and more than 500,000 yuan worth of energy supplies were sent to the front line of the epidemic area. The products of Jindun Film and Television Center and Lida Film Industry donated the box office of the online movie "Action to Kill the Wolf" on the Lantern Festival to help prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic. Xinxiang Chemical Fiber donated 10 tons of spandex fiber for making protective masks to support the front line of anti-epidemic. Subaru Automobile (China) is used for the prevention, control and treatment of the epidemic. Seagate Technologies donated 1 million yuan worth of medical supplies, including three negative pressure ambulances equipped with a full set of medical equipment, 60 sets of new ventilators and ancillary equipment. The second batch of materials donated by Shandong Ruijie Environmental Sanitation Equipment Co., Ltd. totaled 2000 special garbage cans, which were sent to Wuhan. Lidman provided special fund support for fighting the epidemic in Hubei with 1 million yuan. Shenzhen Expressway supports the first-line epidemic prevention, disaster relief and smoothness work of the expressway system with 1 million yuan. Maxwell spent 1 million yuan to help the epidemic prevention and control work in Hubei. Liqiao Insurance Group supports HK $10 million in the fight against the epidemic in Hong Kong and Hubei Province. Dahua Bank donated materials with a total value of about 550,000 yuan, including 100,000 one-time surgical mask. Bytedance decided to donate 1 million yuan to Dr. Li Wenliang's family. The Bundesliga Leverkusen Club announced that it would donate 11.5 million yuan of medicines and additional financial assistance to China with Bayer. Hunan Haili Group Co., Ltd. donated 1 million yuan worth of disinfectant to the pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters of new coronavirus infection in Changde City. Tencent has set up a "Comprehensive Guarantee Fund for Fighting the New coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic" with 1 billion yuan, of which the Anti-Epidemic Fund will set up a special 300 million yuan "Salute to Anti-Epidemic Persons Fund" to pay tribute and condolences to those who have made special contributions to the "Anti-Epidemic" front line. RT-Mart donated 420,000 masks to help front-line anti-epidemic workers in Wuhan. Yikang Group donated medical materials with a total value of more than 300000 yuan, including Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid and Guoweikang Vitamin C. White Elephant Food products donated 10800 instant food to help Hubei fight against the epidemic. It also donated nearly 20 batches of convenience food to Henan, Shandong, Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing and other provinces. Bangbao Puzzle Products donated building blocks worth no more than 3 million yuan to Wuhan, Hubei Province and other regions, and provided free online education and training courses for primary and secondary school students nationwide. Jiawo shares donated about 2.3 million yuan worth of seafood and other frozen food materials to Hubei Province. Metso helps fight against pneumonia epidemic. Subaru China spent 1 million yuan on the prevention, control and treatment of the epidemic. Longjing Environmental Protection Materials donated 500 sets of air purifiers to Huoshenshan. Lego Group is used to support the procurement of medical supplies for hospitals in Wuhan and surrounding areas. Materials donated by CIFI Group include: 500,000 pairs of medical gloves, 8,920 pairs of goggles, 880 pairs of masks, 2 ventilators, 50 infusion pumps, 100 injection pumps, 5 defibrillators and 2,000 N95 mask. The materials donated by Huaxi Biological Materials include "Runbaiyan" wash-free disinfection gel and other disinfection supplies urgently needed in epidemic areas. This is the fourth batch of medical supplies donated by Huaxi Biology. China Gas donated another 15 million yuan to some provinces and cities to help the local epidemic prevention and control work. The first batch of Daqin water materials donated 10,000 boxes of Daqin water to help prevent and control the epidemic in Xi'an. Vipshop purchased 100 ventilators and 55 oxygen generators to help the front line of epidemic prevention and control. LANXESS supplies donated 1 ton of LANXESS Sharp Control ™ disinfectant to some hospitals in Wuhan and surrounding cities with serious epidemics to support epidemic prevention and control work. Hansheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is used to fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic. Corporate Donations on February 6 Shiseido Group is used for front-line medical staff, infected and people in distress in Hubei Province to ensure the win-win situation of necessary medical supplies and the smooth development of epidemic prevention activities. Huaibei Mining is used to support the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Anhui Province. Rémy Cointreau Group is used for the procurement of medical supplies for the prevention and treatment of the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as the "psychological comfort" project for front-line medical workers. INDITEX Group urgently raised 1 million euros (worth about 7.62 million yuan) of emergency medical supplies to help Wuhan prevent and control the epidemic. MetLife products donated 10 sets of CT equipment worth 50 million yuan to cope with the shortage of medical equipment and materials under the epidemic prevention and control. Xinjing New Materials donated 10 tons of disinfectant. Shanghai Xintou donated 100,000 masks worth 600,000 yuan for epidemic prevention and control. Agricultural Bank of China Life Insurance products provide 1 million yuan of life insurance for the front-line medical staff of epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province to solve their worries. Following the initial donation of 2 million yuan, Wanjiale donated 200 electric water heaters and water purifiers to the epidemic areas to fully support the fight against the epidemic in Hubei. Shimadzu donated 1 million yuan and a mobile X-ray photography system for pneumonia screening and diagnosis. AIA products provide exclusive insurance for 43 hospitals to support Hubei medical teams with a maximum insurance amount of 600,000 yuan per person, and the scale of donation insurance is still increasing, with donations exceeding 4.3 million yuan. We Serve Zhongchuang Space Service will exempt the rent for the whole month in February for the start-ups, exempt the rent for 10 days in February for some small and micro enterprises, and distribute two masks free of charge to the incubators and employees of small and micro enterprises every day for one month. Shenlan Science and Technology Materials donated four batches of materials to the governments of Jianghan District and Dongxihu District in Wuhan, which are in urgent need of materials: the first batch, only medical masks 15000; the second batch, 500 sets of protective suit; the third batch, only medical masks 15000; and the fourth batch, 420 sets of protective suit. Zhongneng Electric used 100000 yuan to purchase epidemic prevention materials. The materials donated by Youmei Company include N95 mask, medical masks, protective suit and self-owned products, with a total value of 3 million yuan. Xin'an shares 10 million yuan donated 500 boxes and 10 tons of 84 antiseptic solution, overtime production of disinfectant raw materials, disinfectant packaging, liquid silica gel accessories for breathing masks, etc., to support epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic work in Hubei and Zhejiang. Yixing products donated 290 air purifiers to support the medical team from Jiangsu to Hubei. Datong Jianghong Group is used for epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan. Helios Group donated more than 1 million yuan worth of epidemic prevention and health care materials. At the same time, Huace Group donated the broadcasting and publishing rights of Foreign Affairs. RiskConda donated nearly 200,000 materials and equipment to help open the emergency special line circuit in Hubei epidemic area. The 33.5 tons of vegetables donated by Meicai Material Joint Caring Enterprises were delivered to 15 epidemic prevention units in Wuhan Donghu High-tech Zone. Xiamen Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd. spent 1 million yuan on the work related to the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan. Wanze shares donated about 2 million yuan worth of intestinal probiotics to help prevent and control the novel coronavirus epidemic. Jiayu Foundation donated a total of 1.08 million medical masks to support the anti-epidemic work in various parts of Hubei. Hubei Trading and Investment Group Helps Enshi Prefecture Win the Epidemic Prevention Battle K11 Nomura Group spent 1.5 million yuan to support the treatment of COVID-19 patients in China The Wells Fargo Fund donated epidemic prevention materials with a total value of about 1 million yuan, including 1000 pieces of protective suit, 1800 pieces of medical protective suit and a large number of N95 medical masks. Sands China donated 25 million patacas 25000000 to fully support the anti-epidemic and relief work in mainland China and Macao Following the donation of 3 million yuan, Lilang Group's products switched from men's wear to protective suit to support the front line of the epidemic. Xinhe Cheng donated 10 million yuan to support the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Sun Paper donated 10 million yuan and 1000 kilograms of disinfection supplies and other epidemic prevention materials, as well as 100,000 yuan worth of household paper. Tianyin Holdings donated 3 million yuan to Jiangxi Charity Federation, which will be dedicated to the prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus epidemic. Wanliou shares donated a total of 3 million yuan in cash and medical materials, totaling about 3 million yuan, for the prevention and control of the epidemic caused by the new coronavirus. Longjing Environmental Protection Materials Donated 500 Sets of "Longjing" Brand Air Purifiers to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital The material subsidiary company of Tai'antang donated medical materials worth about 3 million yuan. Enhua Pharmaceutical donated 2.02 million yuan worth of medicines. Kehua Hengsheng donated 2 million yuan for epidemic prevention and control of COVID-19. Chongqing Beer donated 2 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control in Chongqing Santai Holdings plans to donate 2 million yuan to fight the epidemic The 2 million subsidiaries of Aonong Biology donated a total of 1.715 million yuan in cash for the epidemic. Jilin Aodong donated 1.2 million yuan worth of vitamin C effervescent tablets Xuefeng Science and Technology Materials and Cash totaled 1 million yuan to donate cash and epidemic prevention materials totaling 1 million yuan. Fucheng shares 1 million yuan and material donations 1 million yuan and material support to fight the epidemic Shandong Bohui Group donated 3 million yuan to support the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection in Huantai County and Maqiao Town. Shandong Jincailun Group donated 1 million yuan to Yanggu County Charity Federation for the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection Yongdong shares donated 1 million yuan for epidemic prevention and control yuantong Express donated more than 300,000 medical masks and other epidemic prevention materials to Shanghai Harbin Electric Power Group donated 60,000 masks to support the front line of epidemic prevention and control. Rongcheng Group purchased 30 million yuan worth of anti-epidemic medical equipment, purchased 30 million yuan worth of anti-epidemic medical equipment, and rushed to front-line hospitals in Hubei and Tianjin. Materia Medica element materials donated 3500 boxes of instant food to help Hubei epidemic prevention and control. From January 25 to February 5, Greenmay donated 3.2 million yuan to the epidemic areas in Hubei Province, which was dedicated to the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. Corporate Donations on February 5 China Mobile has donated two 5G cloud intelligent robots, including service robots, disinfection and cleaning robots, which can help medical staff to carry out guidance, disinfection, cleaning and medicine delivery. At the same time, Guiyang Bank has done a good job in epidemic prevention and control and financial service security, and fully supported the sniping battle of epidemic prevention and control. Airbnb China has set up a special fund of 70 million yuan to invest more than 10 million US dollars in the next few years to support Chinese landlords and tenants for a long time. Fuji Film China donated a total of 7 million yuan in equipment and materials, including medical diagnostic equipment and printers that can be used in front-line hospitals. At the same time, it provides 24-hour uninterrupted equipment installation and after-sales services. Each branch of LG Group donated 3 million yuan in cash, 1.2 million professional protective masks, 10000 sets of protective suit, and 6000 square meters of special floor for hospitals to help prevent and control the epidemic. Yangtze Power spent 10 million yuan to support the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus epidemic in Yichang. Fuli Group used 10 million yuan to set up the "Fuli Love Fund of China Youth Development Foundation" and donated 10 million yuan to Guangzhou Charity Association to support the fight against COVID-19. China Insurance Group, China Insurance Group and China Property Insurance Corporation urgently allocated 2 million yuan for epidemic prevention and control. Beijing Investment Transportation Science and Technology supports the prevention, control and rescue of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan. Guofa Co., Ltd. again donated 50,000 bottles of 75% ethanol disinfectant for the prevention and control of the epidemic caused by the new coronavirus. 360 Group donated 15 million yuan worth of medical supplies, including 1 million medical masks and 200,000 pairs of medical gloves, to ensure the safety of front-line epidemic prevention medical staff and support epidemic relief. Kostron products further increased the total amount of goggles donated to more than 150000 pairs, and the total value of donated materials reached about 5.6 million yuan. ASUS products donated the first batch of IT equipment to support the prevention and control work of designated hospitals in Wuhan. Among them, 10 million yuan will be used to purchase medical materials and equipment urgently needed for local epidemic prevention and control, and 20 million yuan will be used to set up a special fund for Yajule epidemic relief to help damaged families, frontline health worker and epidemic prevention and treatment institutions. Shuangta Food Products donated more than 3 million yuan of products and materials to Zhaoyuan, Yantai, Hubei and other places. BorgWarner China spent 2 million yuan to support the fight against COVID-19, such as the purchase of medical protective equipment, epidemic diagnosis, rescue, education and research. Shizhenbo donated 1 million yuan of medical materials, including KF94 masks, disposable protective suit, goggles, disposable gloves, hand-wash-free bacteriostatic liquid, 75% alcohol and other materials, to support the people of Wuhan and front-line medical staff to overcome the epidemic. Runbei Chemical donated 2.8 tons of disinfection cleaning agent and 1000 sets of disinfection wiping kits to help the front line of the COVID-19 epidemic. Raccoon materials donated 3 million yuan worth of products and materials, including raccoon bacteriostatic hand sanitizer, bacteriostatic laundry detergent, shampoo and shower gel and other disinfection and sanitation products. Yuexiu Transport is used to donate medical supplies to support the fight against the epidemic. The 500000 pairs of medical gloves donated by the Innovation Workshop were sent to first-line medical institutions in Wuhan, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Shiyan, Ezhou, Xiantao, Jianli and Enshi. Baicaowei donated materials mainly include whole wheat hand-torn bread, sandwich waffle bread and freeze-dried noodles, with a total weight of 5.71 tons, to meet the convenience of anti-epidemic frontline health worker and maximize the supply of nutrients in food. Yongxin Optical Materials donated 12 sets of laboratory research microscopes produced by the company itself, with a total value of 830,000 yuan, to help the epidemic prevention and control work in Hubei Province. The third batch of emergency medical equipment and materials donated by Camel Group, with a total value of 14 million yuan, includes medical materials such as masks, circuits, intubations, video laryngoscopes, closed sputum suction, ultrasound equipment, plasma sterilization equipment and so on. Shandong High Speed Hubei Development Co., Ltd. donated 47000 Jin of loving vegetables, including garlic, cucumber, cucumber, tomato, red pepper, broccoli, onion, KN95 Face Mask ,KN95 Face Mask with Five Layers, zucchini and other nine varieties, to provide security for life in the epidemic area. People's Daily Digital Communication, Yuewang Group and Guizhou Vegetable Group donated 100 tons of vegetables, including cabbage, lettuce and mushrooms. The Golden Eagle Group urgently raised 1 million surgical mask for epidemic prevention and control. Suning donated 100 tons of vegetables, including cabbage and radish, to Wuhan. Jianlibao products donated 1320 boxes of beverages to support the prevention and control work in the epidemic area. Delis Group donated 800000 yuan worth of high-grade meat products to help frontline health worker and patients in epidemic prevention and control areas. Sichuan Haotu Youtu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. donated 50 tons of fresh vegetables to Wuhan to support all kinds of living materials in the epidemic area. At the same time, Shenglu Communications purchased 260000 yuan of urgently needed medical supplies, such as masks, protective suit and disinfectants, to help fight the epidemic. Japan Steel Group donated 20 million yuan to support the epidemic prevention and control in Hubei and built an isolation ward in Lanshan Hospital. PerkinElmer donated the second batch of medical supplies of more than 3 million yuan to carry out the detection, prevention and control of new epidemics. Huisianpu Medical Systems Co., Ltd. donated 15 million yuan worth of medical equipment for the prevention and treatment of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection. Cole (Suzhou) Medical Technology Co., Ltd. provided emergency supplies to 1500 oxygen generators in Wuhan for the treatment of pneumonia patients infected by the novel coronavirus. Qinhuangdao Gulf Company donated fire alarm equipment to Leishenshan Hospital. Hubei Selenium Laifu Food Co., Ltd. donated 1 million yuan worth of lobster sauce to help prevent and control the epidemic in Wuhan. Jiayou International spent 2 million yuan to support the prevention, control and treatment of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Bishui Water Products donated nearly one million yuan worth of nanofiltration water purification equipment, and made every effort to do a good job of drinking water protection logistics for the epidemic area. Jintian International Materials has purchased 10,000 N95 mask that meet the national medical standards to help Wuhan fight the epidemic. Sanyou Group directed 1 million yuan to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital to purchase urgently needed medical supplies. Corporate Donations on February 4 China Electronics donated 20 million yuan to the front line of epidemic prevention and control in Hubei. At the same time, China Electronics's enterprises also actively donate money and materials through different channels, giving full play to the advantages of Netcom technology, and providing strong professional equipment and service guarantee for the fight against the "epidemic". At present, the whole electronic system of China is still in the process of organizing donations. Mengniu Group Service officially launched the "China Charity Federation (Mengniu) Emergency Material Center for Epidemic Prevention and Control" and devoted all efforts to the transfer of materials in Wuhan. Hermes set up the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation Hermes White Angel Guardian Program. Dell Technology Group donated 200 sets of IT office equipment to help hospitals receive patients more efficiently, deal with the epidemic, and ease the pressure of hospital office. The Wal-Mart China service is open to all tenants of Wal-Mart's national hypermarkets, Wal-Mart's community stores and Sam's Club stores, and the rent and management fee will be reduced by half from January 25, 2020 to February 8, 2020. Vision China is used to support Wuhan and its surrounding areas in fighting the epidemic and epidemic prevention and control. Shui On Real Estate Materials invested the annual meeting budget and employee donation of 500,000 yuan in the "epidemic" campaign launched by Xinfeng Tianyu Group, and purchased urgently needed medical supplies to help Wuhan Leishenshan Hospital and Wuhan Zhongnan Hospital. ISoftStone is used to fight against the epidemic. In addition, it quickly set up a special information technology service team to provide full support to the government and institutions in the epidemic area, and provide community guards free of charge. , remote office, business collaboration and other solutions. Sansteel Group is used to fight against the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan. Texas Instruments spent 2 million yuan on fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic and relief in the severely affected areas of Hubei Province around Wuhan. Manulife-Sinochem donated 3 million yuan in cash and medical supplies to support the medical staff fighting in the front line of the epidemic in Wuhan. Lunan Pharmaceutical Products donated more than 10 million yuan worth of medicines, including antibacterial and anti-infective products urgently needed to fight the new pneumonia, as well as some antiasthmatic drugs. The group donated the first batch of epidemic prevention materials, including 900 sets of polypropylene protective suit suits and a batch of medical materials such as goggles, rubber inspection gloves, surgical gloves, disposable shoe covers and masks. Tetra Pak is used to purchase milk and other foods to support the nutritional needs of medical staff and patients in severely affected areas. Yishite Group set up an epidemic prevention and control team to implement the epidemic prevention and control work in an all-round way, and started the donation procedure to urgently donate 10 million yuan worth of medical power supply, especially the equipment power supply used in ICU wards, to support major anti-epidemic hospitals in fighting the epidemic. Vitasoy donated 2 million yuan to three public hospitals in Wuhan, Hubei Province, which were officially designated to treat COVID-19, to support the improvement of medical conditions in these institutions and protect the health and safety of medical staff. Yixing spent 1 million yuan to help Wuhan prevent and control the novel coronavirus epidemic. China supports Wuhan, Hubei Province in fighting the new coronavirus epidemic, helping families in need and building public health facilities for epidemic prevention and control. Saisheng Pharmaceutical products donated immunomodulatory drugs worth more than 2 million yuan. Following the donation of 4 million yuan to Wuhan, Wenzhou and Yueqing, Peleya urgently purchased 110,000 masks from Europe. Galaxy Futures and Galaxy Derui spent 1.2 million yuan on the fight and prevention of the epidemic in Hubei. Zurich Insurance is used to subsidize medical workers in Hubei. Stone Pharmaceutical Group donated 50000 boxes of medicines and materials with a total value of 5 million yuan, such as Qixiao (Arbidol Hydrochloride Tablets), Qingre Jiedu Soft Capsules, Yinhuang Soft Capsules, Guoweikang Vitamin C Tablets and Medical Masks. The Bank of Beijing donated more than 30 million yuan in cash and materials to the front-line medical institutions for epidemic prevention in the capital, medical teams assisting Hubei and other front-line workers for epidemic prevention and control. Qixiang Tengda, the core enterprise of Cedar Holdings Cedar Chemical Industry Group, donated 6 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Zibo City, and Che Chengju, chairman of Qixiang Tengda, donated 2 million yuan to the Red Cross Society of Linzi District to fight the pneumonia epidemic infected by the new coronavirus. Bosideng donated 150,000 pieces of high-quality down jackets with a total value of over 300 million yuan to help fight the epidemic. The State Energy Group has donated a total of 62 million yuan to Hubei Province to support the prevention and control of the epidemic in Hubei Province. Aerospace Sanjiang 9 million yuan to help Hubei win the battle to contain the virus. Sino-German Real Estate spent 1.5 million yuan to support the fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus. Hubei Zhongyan Wuhan Cigarette Factory donated sewage treatment equipment to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital. The second phase of Gaotu Classroom Product Donation will be open to primary and secondary school students nationwide for free online live courses. Qingshan Paper Products donated 1 million yuan worth of self-produced medicines (Manshan White Syrup and Narcissus Essential Balm) to support front-line medical staff. At the same time, Qimu Company donated 10000 chemical fiber pillows and 20 tons of disinfectant to help fight the epidemic. Yuyue Medical Products donated 100 oxygen generators again. China Beidahuang Materials donated RMB 1 million equivalent of mineral water for daily use to support relevant health and safety personnel to improve the containment and control of the novel coronavirus. Daheng Science and Technology Materials donated masks worth 6 million yuan. Hunan Yandi is used in the front line of epidemic prevention in Wuhan. Yili Group donated 600000 Jin of high-quality potatoes to meet the needs of the people of Hubei. Yunda International Materials Yunda Netherlands Company donated more than 60000 medical masks, 30000 sets of protective suit and other materials, and Yunda Malaysia Company donated 440000 masks, 876 pairs of medical goggles and other holes. Huawei products donated two 5G unmanned vehicles for the deployment of Wuhan COVID-19 pandemic Prevention and Control Command to further protect the safety of medical workers working in the front line. China Poly Group donated 36 million yuan worth of living materials to help win the battle to contain the virus. AMP Biotech donated color copiers and printers and related consumables with a total value of more than 520,000 yuan to fully assist the construction of Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals in Wuhan. Zhouming Science and Technology donated 3 million yuan in cash and purchased emergency supplies for epidemic prevention and control, such as masks, protective suit, goggles, electronic stethoscopes and disinfectants, worth 2 million yuan. Sichuan Meifeng donated 2 million yuan each to Deyang Charity Association and Shehong Charity Association for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus, the procurement of relief materials, the treatment of sick people and the support of medical staff. Avaya products donated Avaya Scopia XT Executive 240 (XTE 240) remote video consultation system to Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital to support the epidemic prevention and control work of medical staff in the hospital. Liqun Group donated 750,000 yuan worth of epidemic prevention materials to help the education system fight the epidemic. Six walnuts donated 10 million yuan worth of drinks to help local governments fight the epidemic. Corporate Donations on February 3 Manpower Greater China, together with its member companies, jointly established the "Special Public Welfare Fund for COVID-19 pandemic", raising a total of RMB 1.38 million, of which Manpower Greater China pledged RMB 1 million. The public welfare fund will be launched as soon as possible and invested in key epidemic areas to provide humanitarian relief to relevant institutions and individuals. Tencent set up a fund pool of 200 million yuan and launched the "Public Welfare Alliance for Anti-epidemic Developers" to provide financial and resource support for service providers and developers. Volkswagen Automobile Group (China), together with its joint venture of 120 million yuan, Volkswagen Automobile Group (China), together with its Volkswagen brand, Audi, Skoda, Porsche and Bentley, and its joint ventures FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC Volkswagen, donated funds to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the global logistics and operation network, Amazon has actively raised more than one million pieces of medical protective and epidemic prevention supplies, including medical protective masks, medical protective suit, medical gloves, and donated them to first-line medical worker fighting in provinces and cities with serious epidemics, including Wuhan. Ningde New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is used for the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan and Ningde. Visa 1.7 million yuan was used to support medical workers fighting in the front line of the fight against the epidemic and to purchase medical and protective products. Harbin Sanlian donated 2.5 million yuan of drugs for Yanhuning injection and ambroxol injection produced by the company, totaling more than 270000, equivalent to nearly 1.5 million yuan, and donated 1 million yuan in cash. China Aviation Group Eighteen Ford Transit negative pressure ambulances rushed to Wuhan, of which eight plus two emergency rescue vehicles the day before yesterday, totaling 10, will be donated to the front line of Wuhan's fight against the epidemic. Beingmate donated 2000 boxes of adult formula milk powder worth more than one million yuan. At the same time, a free platform has been opened for 24-hour free consultation at home to protect children and families! The Federation donated 10000 "home-based quarantine protection kits" and organized experts to launch 724 hours of free consultation online. Kangerxin products donated generator sets to Leishenshan Hospital to provide emergency power supply. Hongwen Educational Products donated 70 million yuan worth of high school curriculum products. Headmaster educational products donated 20 million yuan worth of one-to-one live courses to help local children successfully realize the suspension of classes. Dezhan donated 5 million yuan worth of disinfection materials to help Hubei Province carry out epidemic prevention and control. Yongdali Insurance Brokers is used by front-line medical staff and workers to fight against the novel pneumonia epidemic. At the same time, Digital Zhengtong recently organized the core R & D team to start the design and R & D of the "Grid Epidemic Dynamic Monitoring System". Quantum biological products donated millions of micro-ecological regulators for epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan and other areas of Hubei. Tianshili Group donated 5.5 million yuan worth of medicines. Dreamnet Group donated 3 million yuan in cash and 3 million yuan in cloud communication service products. Opp household supplies donated 1000 Yuba to support the fight against the new epidemic. Millet supplies donated 50,000 surgical mask to Donghu High-tech Zone for epidemic prevention. At the same time, millet continued to raise the required protective materials, and additional cash donations, to mobilize millet ecological chain enterprises to participate. 50 Geely Jiaji vehicles donated by Geely Materials to support the allocation of prevention and control materials in Wuhan. At the same time, Geely Automobile also donated 34 Jiaji to Guiyang, Xi'an, Taizhou and other places to help the epidemic prevention and control work in the three places. IKEA China donated materials including quilts, quilt covers, pillowcases, mirrors, folding chairs and flatcars to 13 hospitals or related departments and aid agencies in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Province, totaling more than 3.8 million yuan 49000. The Spanish Club donated 500,000 masks to support China's fight against the epidemic. Sinopec donated 10000 military cotton coats for epidemic prevention and control. Materials donated by Yiwen Group include: 50000 of medical gloves and 1000 sets of medical protective suit. Good shop products donated more than 500 boxes of ready-to-eat food, including hand-torn bread, pork jerky, whole milk and so on. This is the eighth time that the company has donated food materials. Liugong supplies Kangbao Electrical Appliances donated millions of yuan of disinfection cabinets to help Wuhan. Qibin Group donated 3 million yuan in cash to support the fight against the new pneumonia epidemic in Hunan Province and Wuhan City. Yili and the Arctic Ocean donated 11 varieties of 8.5 tons of products, including 32600 natural yeast bread, vitamin bread, plain pure cake, and 600 boxes of Arctic orange juice, orange juice and pure water. Siemens donated 15 million yuan worth of Siemens medical equipment and encouraged employees to make voluntary donations. From February 3 to February 9, Sinopec Service Zhiyin Avenue Gas Station provided free refueling service for all 120 ambulances entering the station, and provided free simple meals and fast food service for ambulance drivers and passengers transporting patients. Shuanghui products donated 39.9 tons of ham sausage 19000. Sanquan Food products donated 41.9 tons of frozen dumplings, totaling 4600 boxes. 41.9 tons of missing food products were donated, totaling 4600 boxes of quick-frozen dumplings. Xinxiang Egret Investment Group donated more than 10 tons of medical supplies worth more than 300000 yuan for the earband of medical protective masks to support epidemic prevention and control. After donating 10 million yuan to Wuhan, China Gezhouba Group donated 10 million yuan to Yichang through Yichang Charity Federation to help Yichang win the battle to contain the virus. Following the case of 10 million yuan, Beidacang Group dispatched 15 tons of "black land" rice to Wuhan urgently. Huamei Food products donated 2500 boxes of food to help fight the epidemic in Hubei and Dongguan. Ningbo Zhongbai used 10 million yuan to purchase medical equipment and materials to support the prevention and control work in the epidemic area. Uni-President Enterprises donated 1 million yuan in cash and 31,000 boxes of products to fight the epidemic. Zhonggeng Group helps fight against pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. Junlebao products donated materials with a total value of more than 3 million yuan to Xianning, and donated materials with a total value of more than 500,000 yuan to Wuhan. Yirun Wenlu Group more than 2 million yuan Corporate donations on February 2 Volvo Service has launched a number of dealer care policies, including no sales target in February, direct personnel subsidies for dealer employees, and special support for many business projects. China Harbor Materials has organized overseas institutions to purchase various kinds of protective materials to help Wuhan and other affected areas, including 35000 of surgical mask, 1000 N95 mask, 500 sets of protective suit, 9383 pairs of medical rubber gloves and so on. The first batch of medical supplies worth more than 400,000 yuan included 20,000 KN95 masks, 100,000 disposable gloves and 30 boxes of hand sanitizer. Cummins China is used to purchase materials related to the fight against the epidemic and support the necessities of life for medical staff, front-line workers and poor patients in Hubei and other places. Shanghai General Motors spent 8 million yuan to fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic. Following the donation of RMB 1 million and 15000 medical masks, AstraZeneca products once again sold medicines worth more than 5.5 million yuan. Meituan Service launched seven business assistance initiatives, including a one-month reduction and exemption of takeout commissions for catering businesses in Wuhan, a special security fund of up to 300000 yuan for Wuhan businesses, and a special support fund of 350 million yuan to support the resumption of business operations nationwide. The IT equipment donated by Lenovo products includes 520 computers, 120 tablets, 285 printers, 450 sets of desktop IDV software, 2 servers and 100 other devices. New good materials donated a total of 5 tons of "zero degree" nano-degerming paper products. The Territory Group is used to support the front-line fight against the epidemic and related prevention and control work in Wuhan and its surrounding areas. Zhongmai Technology is used to fight against pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd. spent 1 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control. Following Beijing Benz's donation of 10 million yuan, Beijing Hyundai's donation of 15 million yuan and Beixian Finance's donation of 1 million yuan, Beiqi Group once again joined 10 units to donate 17 million yuan. Zhongxin Tourism Group serves multi-party coordination to ensure the safe return of tourists on the way, while providing services such as transporting protective materials. Century Huatong is used to support the fight against COVID-19 in Wuhan. Eastern Soft Medical Products donated 27 million yuan worth of high-end CT equipment and software. Huaxia Happiness spent 21 million yuan on the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection in Wuhan, Xiaogan and other places. Peptide wood biological materials include 100 boxes of Astragalus peptide stock solution and other medical substances. The first batch of new good materials donated 5 tons of second-generation sterilized paper towels. The first batch of 200 Bosch air purifiers donated by Bosch Thermal Technology Materials provides better protection for medical staff fighting against the new coronavirus epidemic. Beiersdorf spent 2 million yuan on the prevention and control of novel coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan. Following the donation of 5 million yuan, Lake Electric donated 150 air purifiers again. Beibei Group donated 100 electric heaters. Raytheon Accelerator purchased the first batch of medical supplies with a total value of 1.03 million yuan. Harbin Pharmaceutical Group produced 1335 rescue drugs worth 6.57 million yuan. China Chemical donated RMB 30 million for the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection in Hubei Province. On the basis of the donation of RMB 5 million, Er Ophthalmology donated RMB 10 million to relevant institutions at prefectural and county levels in Hubei Province. Millet Group, Xishanju and Yunmi Company donated materials worth 2.4857 million yuan, including 1750 millet tablets for remote video visiting system, air purifiers, infrared thermometers, walkie-talkies and automatic mobile phone washing. Yadi Science and Technology Group donated 10000 electric bicycles. In the first phase, Dongfang Group donated 1000 tons of high-quality brand rice produced independently by the company for the catering guarantee of medical staff for epidemic prevention and control. 1.572 million disposable medical masks, 60000 N95 mask, 1.53 million pairs of gloves, 60000 sets of goggles, 56000 bottles of disinfectant and other epidemic prevention materials purchased by Shuidi Company in batches have been transported to Hubei and other places. Guangdong Caiding Science and Technology Group donated about 40 tons of high-quality agricultural and sideline products worth 600000 yuan, including rice, rice flour, apples, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, pumpkins and so on. Diou Home has dedicated 1 million yuan to fight against the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia. At the same time, TCL Huaxing provided free Chinese textbooks and synchronous learning app for primary school students across the country during the epidemic. Wahaha is directed to purchase more than 40000 sets of emergency protective suit overseas to help domestic frontline health worker. On February 1, an additional 10 million yuan was donated to the Hangzhou Red Cross Society to set up a special fund for frontline health worker. Meike Home supports Hubei to fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic with 1 million yuan. Shandong Xinde Science and Technology Materials donated 1.8 million yuan worth of disinfection materials. Natural mattress supplies donated 1.1 million medical mattresses. Weihai Guangtai donated 3.5 million yuan worth of materials, including a fever patrol vehicle and a detention observation vehicle. Qingdao Sanli Group donated water supply equipment for a new hospital in Wuhan. The first batch of 30000 N95 Honeywell masks purchased from overseas, and medical consumables and materials (5000 protective suit and 50000 3m N95 mask) urgently needed in the later period will continue to be purchased. Hema supplies urgently transferred 500 catties of small crucian carp and 200 catties of small loach to Wuhan Zoo. Sanfu Outdoor Materials donated its own brand Anemaqen waterproof and warm clothes and outdoor shoes to medical staff. Corporate Donations on February 1 Following the previous donation of 200 million yuan, Hengda Group donated 5000 tons of vegetables to ensure the normal living needs of Wuhan citizens. Following the donation and the launch of the Love Restaurant, McDonald's donated 200,000 medical masks to Wuhan. Beijing Hyundai is used for the operation of wards, human support and procurement of medical facilities and other materials. Shede Liquor Industry is used to purchase medical equipment and materials in short supply to provide support and protection for front-line medical workers in the fight against the epidemic. Essence Group donated 5000 tons of sand and gravel aggregate to fill the material gap in the construction of Leishenshan Hospital. Hailan Home has 15 million yuan of money and goods, including 8 million yuan of urgently needed medical equipment and 7 million yuan of Hailan Home's new goose down clothes. Xincheng Holding Group has earmarked 10 million yuan for the people of Wuhan to fight the epidemic, focusing on the work incentives and safety maintenance of frontline health worker. Weigao Group donated the first batch of medical materials worth 3.05 million yuan, including 250000 surgical gowns, blood transfusion devices and other materials. Xinhualian Group spent 11 million yuan to fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic. The first batch of Sipai materials successfully purchased 270000 surgical mask. Huaxia Insurance Anhui Branch spent 150,000 yuan to support the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan. Dongcheng Pharmaceutical donated more than 8 million yuan of anti-epidemic related drugs. Shenyin Wanguo Futures helps Wuhan epidemic prevention and control work. Baidesheng spent 200,000 yuan to purchase medical, medical and living materials urgently needed for epidemic prevention and control. The Bank of Xi'an donated 12 million yuan to front-line epidemic prevention workers for personal subsidies and 2 million yuan to key medical institutions for the purchase of masks, protective suit and other medical supplies. Jiangnan Market, Jianghui Company and Jiangnan Fresh Products are used to support the living needs of front-line doctors and nurses in Wuhan. Xinyuanwei 1.37 million yuan was used by the Shenyang Municipal Government to centrally resettle tourists from Hubei and people returning from Hubei to Shenyang and solve their dietary problems. Materials of Ningfang Group Suntech donated 5 million yuan in cash, and provided 15 million yuan worth of online education cash free of charge to medical staff, staff and their families on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Medical supplies were donated to Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, including portable color Doppler ultrasound, desktop color Doppler ultrasound and five-classification blood cells, totaling 2.3 million yuan. Alibaba and Gaode Map Service, in conjunction with local partners, recruited volunteers to urgently develop an online "medical car" function to provide 24-hour free call service for medical workers. FAW donated 81 million yuan to 81 million yuan and set up a special fund for epidemic prevention and control. Marriott International Group is dedicated to the emergency rescue of the epidemic in Hubei. Tencent and Fosun jointly purchased 13.52 sets of protective suit in the second batch. Zixin Pharmaceutical products donated more than 2 million yuan worth of urgently needed medicines to jointly fight the epidemic. The online commercial banking service lowered the interest rate first for the first line of the 1.8 million epidemic. Xiaodu supplies will donate another 10,000 smart screen products. Together with the first batch of donations, the total number of donations will reach 20000. China Taiping Material Procurement N95 mask 26000 only. Joyvio Group donated a total of 5 million yuan (including enough fresh fruits). Shanghai Laishi's 8 million yuan includes 3.08 million yuan worth of intravenous human immunoglobulin drugs donated to 10 hospitals such as Tongji Hospital affiliated to Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and 5 million yuan in cash donated to the Jiangan District Charity Association of Wuhan. Million yuan of medicines donated by Sichuan Housheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Henan Zhengmei Property Service Co., Ltd. donated 2 tons of 84 antiseptic solution for the second batch of epidemic prevention materials. 33.5 tons of vegetables, including more than 20000 kilograms of potatoes, 20000 kilograms of white radishes, 10000 kilograms of cabbage, 10000 kilograms of winter melon and 7000 kilograms of Chinese cabbage, were donated by American vegetable suppliers. The donation includes 2 million protective masks, 11000 sets of protective suit and 280000 pairs of medical gloves. Honeywell supplies donated $1 million worth of supplies to fully support Wuhan Hospital in the fight against the novel coronavirus. The production of the first batch of 30,000 zippers for YKK materials is planned to be completed on February 1 and delivered to the manufacturer in protective suit by air on the same day. The production of the second batch of 70,000 zippers will be completed and delivered on February 2. Suning Group serves Suning Plaza to reduce and exempt the rent of cooperative brands during the Spring Festival, and at the same time launches a number of policies and services. Tudouji Group donated 1 million Jin of potato products. The products of Suzhong Pharmaceutical Group donated more than 3 million medical supplies. Huisheng Biological Materials donated 300000 yuan worth of disinfectants to help prevent and control the pneumonia epidemic infected by the new coronavirus. The main direction of Tianmao Group is to provide work allowance and disease allowance for medical staff participating in the fight against the epidemic in Jingmen. At the same time, China Southern Airlines Group will provide free transportation and charter services for relief materials, and open a green channel for the transportation of relief materials. Huarun Snow Beer spent 15 million yuan on purchasing emergency supplies such as masks, disinfectants, goggles and ventilators to help medical staff treat patients more safely. Guochuang Gaoxin Q Housing Network, a joint shareholder of Guochuang Group, donated 10 million yuan, of which 6 million yuan was donated to Donghu High-tech Zone for the prevention, control and treatment of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus in hospitals and communities designated by the government. Plum Blossom Biology is used to purchase urgently needed materials such as medical supplies, and to protect the safety of front-line medical worker. Johnson & Johnson donated materials including 48000 bottles, state antibiotic hand sanitizer and other materials deployed across the country, and began to develop candidate vaccines for coronavirus. In addition, Datang Fortune also purchased 5000 boxes of novel coronavirus nucleic acid rapid detection kits and donated them to medical institutions in Hubei Province. Alibaba Cainiao Network donated 300,000 relief supplies to Wuhan Union Hospital. Minhe shares 5 million yuan to support the prevention and control of COVID-19. Materials of Shounong Food Group Corporate Donations on January 31 China Railway Construction Corporation spent 21 million yuan to fight the epidemic of novel coronavirus infection. Wuliangye Group is used for the prevention and control of the new pneumonia epidemic in Sichuan. In addition, it has organized a batch of emergency supplies such as medical alcohol and medical masks to support the first-line anti-epidemic work. Shanghai General Motors spent 8 million yuan to fight the epidemic in Wuhan. SAIC will donate 20 negative pressure ambulances worth 6 million yuan to Shanghai for epidemic prevention and control, and SAIC Volkswagen and SAIC General Motors will donate 8 million yuan in cash to Shanghai and Wuhan respectively. Pinduoduo donated 1 million special medical masks, 20000 sets of protective suit, 200000 medical gloves, and 30 tons of medical disinfectant imported from Germany to alleviate the shortage of local medical supplies. Prior to this, Pinduoduo has jointly set up a 100 million yuan anti-epidemic fund with Zhejiang University on January 29. China Samsung has dedicated 30 million yuan to fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic. One million professional protective masks and 10,000 sets of protective suit included in the donation are being urgently purchased in South Korea. Amway donated the second batch of general epidemic prevention materials with a value of 10 million yuan, including 60000 bottles of Bisu antibiotic hand sanitizer, 54000 bottles of Amway Life Concentrated Multi-purpose Cleaner, 12250 Amway Life Spray Bottles, and 550 Yixin Air Purifiers. Honda is used to fight the COVID-19 epidemic, including 5 million yuan donated by Honda Technology and Research Industry Co., Ltd. and 5 million yuan donated by Honda Technology and Research Industry (China) Investment Co., Ltd. The PwC will be used for the most needed materials, donations and professional services in the fight against the epidemic, and we will continue to provide sustained assistance to medical workers and other affected people through material donations, donations and other means. Uniqlo supplies donated more than 7,100 pieces of highly functional warm clothing. Huifa Food Materials donated 12 tons of food and canned food, worth 800000 yuan, including 8 tons of self-heating food, totaling 12000 copies. Inter Milan Football Club provided emergency support for 300,000 masks. Yuyue Medical Products donated 2 million yuan of non-invasive respiratory products to fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus. On the basis of the first donation of 10 million yuan to Wuhan, Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank donated another 1 million yuan to Yichang to fully support Yichang's fight against the new pneumonia epidemic. The products of Qidu Pharmaceutical Industry are worth 2.034 million yuan of antibacterial and antiviral drugs and disinfection and sterilization products. Asiana Airlines donated about 240,000 yuan worth of epidemic prevention supplies. Fischer Lan is used to support the fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus and the follow-up prevention and control work. Yuzhou Group has set up a special fund of 15 million yuan to fight against the epidemic, which is used for the purchase of medical materials and frontline health worker care in Hubei Province. After donating 10 million yuan to Wuhan, the Blue Cursor Service cheered for China in the form of an advertising marketer: Three landmark screens in Times Square, New York and Las Vegas in the United States spoke out for the fight against the epidemic: Be Strong, China. Yunnan Botanical Pharmaceutical Products Donate botanical medicines featuring Yunnan plants, which have a good clinical effect on preventing or fighting pneumonia. He Zhiyoude donated 3.1 million yuan worth of materials. The donation includes 300 boxes of Hezhi Youde Oral Liquid and 200 air purifiers. 1 million yuan of Xintai Insurance was used as a special fund for epidemic prevention and control. Reith Education spent 1 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control, and funded the construction of hospitals in Wuhan. In addition, 88 online English theme classes have been prepared, and 100000 places are open to children nationwide free of charge. China Tourism Group has 24 million yuan, of which 4 million yuan in cash is donated directly through the group's rudder logistics company in Wuhan. Mengniu products have donated 660 million products on the basis of 80 million yuan. Volvo donated 11 million yuan to support the pathogenesis of the new coronavirus, clinical treatment research, vaccine research and development and related drug development, and donated 10 million yuan of medical emergency supplies and equipment. Jinmaike Group donated 1000 electric sprayers. Lilang Group helps to prevent and control the epidemic. Greenland Group donated 20 million yuan of medical materials. Versace spent 1 million yuan on front-line prevention and control work in epidemic areas. Kangyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 5 million yuan in money and goods Conch Group donated 5100 sets of protective suit, 55000 N95 mask and 346000 medical masks. Xinao Group spent 10 million yuan on professional safety protection, work and life security and other accident assistance. Triangle tires are used to support prevention and control and fight against the epidemic. Meiling Biomedical, a subsidiary of Changhong Meiling Material Co., Ltd., donated 1.07 million yuan of medical equipment, including medical refrigerators, atomizers, oxygen generators and other medical equipment in short supply. The materials of Shandong Energy Group include 12000 bottles of hand disinfectant and 70 sets of air disinfection machines. POSCO includes 3 million yuan in cash and 3 million yuan worth of medical supplies jointly donated by 21 legal persons of POSCO in China. Shandong Energy Materials once again donated medical materials urgently needed for the prevention and treatment of new pneumonia to Wuhan, including 12000 bottles of hand disinfectant and 70 sets of air disinfectors. Dongcheng Pharmaceutical once again donated more than 8 million yuan of anti-epidemic related drugs. CIIC Group fully supports epidemic prevention and control in Hubei. Agfa products established "Agfa Medical Emergency Committee" and donated 5 million medical aid equipment (50 medical film printers and 500 boxes of medical dry film). The materials of Ouke Group include 2400 sets of medical goggles and 500 sets of protective suit. China Aoyuan Group supplies include the highest level of protection N99 professional medical masks and disposable masks, a total of 35000. The first batch of 200,000 protective masks donated by Xiaohongshu has also arrived in Wuhan. In addition, it plans to invest 10 million yuan in the special aid for the pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus. Pathfinder supplies prepared two batches of supplies overnight, including thousands of velvet assault jackets and so on. Times China donated 12 million yuan, including previous donations, a total of 16 million yuan in funds and medical supplies. China Coal Group paid 30 million yuan to help win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Shuangquan Group assisted the epidemic prevention and control work in the novel coronavirus epidemic area in Wuhan. Jiadeno Health Group spent 1.5 million yuan on purchasing medical materials urgently needed by frontline health worker in epidemic areas for epidemic prevention and control, or on the development of epidemic prevention construction such as rescue and virus killing in epidemic areas. At the same time, quickly coordinate the logistics providers to transport the medical protective materials to the epidemic area as soon as possible. LG8.24 million yuan donated 1 million yuan in cash and 7.24 million yuan in materials. Corporate Donations on January 30 CNOOC fully supports Hubei Province to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Li Ning Group donated 10 million yuan to the China Charity Federation, and Li Ning Hubei Branch donated 1 million yuan and some urgently needed medical supplies to the Red Cross Society of Jingmen City, Hubei Province. China Railway helped Hubei Province and Wuhan City to further strengthen epidemic prevention and control. Budweiser China's 10 million yuan donation includes 5 million yuan in cash, 4 million yuan worth of medical supplies, and 1 million yuan worth of emergency pure water, of which the first batch of 460 boxes of emergency pure water, totaling 11040 tanks, will be transported to the front line of epidemic prevention. Supor products are worth 5 million yuan, including water purifiers, disinfection cabinets, air purifiers, heat preservation pots, water cups and other epidemic prevention logistics support materials. JPMorgan Chase spent $1 million on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in the affected areas, including the procurement of hospital defense and treatment of urgently needed supplies, and timely delivery of these supplies to the most needy people. In addition, the charitable donation will help the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to maintain contact with local governments and provide support for follow-up disease prevention and medium- and long-term recovery in affected areas. Yuexiu Real Estate used 10 million yuan to support the epidemic prevention and control work in Wuhan, purchase medical equipment and materials in short supply, support frontline health worker, and contribute to the safety and health of the local people. On the occasion of donating more than 5 million yuan, WuXi AppTec and WuXi AppTec Partners Fund donated an additional 15 million yuan worth of materials to the front line of anti-epidemic, including Wuhan, Hubei Province. The Baidu service will open the linear time algorithm LinearFold and the world's fastest RNA structure prediction website to genetic testing institutions, epidemic prevention centers and scientific research centers around the world free of charge, so as to improve the prediction speed of the RNA spatial structure of the new coronavirus and help prevent and control the epidemic. Following a donation of RMB10 million to the Wuhan Red Cross Society, Shui On Land Services announced the implementation of a rent reduction policy for commercial tenants of all its projects. Dongpeng Holdings donated more than 3 million bathroom products (including toilets, angle valves, soft pipes, showers, squatting toilets, foot valves, flushing pipes, etc.). Suning products urgently donated 400 sets of sterilization and disinfection lamps to 20 hospitals in Wuhan and Xiangyang, and were distributed by Suning Logistics to help the front line. One hundred thousand medical masks, including N95 series masks, have been donated to front-line medical, public security and traffic police workers in Wuhan. Langjiu shares 24 million yuan for Wuhan to fight against COVID-19 epidemic Sogou and Sohu Group jointly invested 20 million yuan to purchase N95 (9132/1860) protective masks, surgical mask, medical protective suit, goggles and other medical materials, and donated them to hospitals in Wuhan, Huanggang and Yichang, Hubei Province. Keep materials have collected 10000 medical protective masks, 500 pairs of medical goggles, nearly 3000 pieces of disinfection spray and 19000 pieces of keep high-protein nutritional food to quickly supplement physical fitness, which have been transported to hospitals all over Hubei Province and the Red Cross Society of Hongshan District, Wuhan City. Ideal cars are used to support epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan and other areas. Weilai invested 2 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan and other regions. Xincheng Holdings has a special fund of 10 million yuan for the people of Wuhan to fight the epidemic. Kingdee International Software Group funded 10 million yuan to fight against the frontline health worker of new coronavirus in Wuhan and its surrounding areas. Bank of East Asia (China) Co., Ltd. is used to purchase medicines, protective suit, goggles and other medical supplies urgently needed to fight the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, as well as condolences to frontline health worker, to provide protection and support for medical workers. R & F Group Service exempts its shopping mall merchants from 10 days' rent During the period of 1.25-1.30, the rent of shopping malls under Longhu Commercial Service will be reduced by half. Dafa Real Estate purchased 10 million yuan of medical equipment and materials in short supply to support the prevention and control work in areas with serious epidemics. One month's rent and property fee for Aegean Group's project merchants 58 Tongcheng donated more than one million yuan worth of medical supplies to Wuhan, and the first batch of 100000 masks and 1000 sets of protective suit have arrived in Wuhan. At the same time, a number of measures have been introduced in response to the national epidemic situation and needs, such as the formation of a caring motorcade and the publicity of epidemic prevention. Jianghuai Real Estate Materials dispatched emergency convoys, loaded with 8 varieties and 300 tons of fresh vegetables, to support epidemic prevention and control in epidemic areas. Mengjie Home Textiles donated 3300 sets of bed sheets and quilt covers worth 1.31 million yuan to support medical staff in fighting the epidemic. Itakawa Electric is used to support epidemic prevention and control. Midea Real Estate spent 20 million yuan to purchase medical equipment and materials in short supply for designated medical institutions for the treatment of novel coronavirus. Yifan Medical Products donated effective antiviral drugs such as Compound Yinhua Jiedu Granules and Maqin Xiaoke Granules, with a total value of more than one million yuan. Tesla donated 10 million yuan to a special fund of 5 million yuan for epidemic response, and allocated a budget of 5 million yuan to subsidize the energy cost of free use of supercharging stations for car owners during the epidemic. Changan Group donated 10 million yuan, of which Changan Ford and Changan Mazda donated 2 million yuan respectively, Changan Cross donated 1 million yuan, and Changan Automobile donated 5 million yuan. Gujinggong Liquor 20 million yuan Emperor Group's 10 million yuan includes more than 100 non-invasive ventilators and 10000 sets of medical protective equipment. On the basis of the donation of 10 million yuan, BYD added 1 million yuan worth of N95 mask. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group donated 3 million yuan worth of medicines, and the first batch of medicines were delivered smoothly on the same day. Canon donated "Canon Medical Light and Shadow 28-row CT" equipment with a total value of nearly 3 million yuan for the first-line clinical diagnosis of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus. One million yuan and 500,000 yuan will be used to help Hubei Province fight the COVID-19 epidemic, and another 500,000 yuan will be used to help Sichuan Province fight the COVID-19 epidemic. Box Technology spent 2 million yuan to purchase emergency supplies needed for the prevention and treatment of the new coronavirus, as well as incentives for front-line workers in the fight against the "epidemic". Taihe Health spent 2 million yuan to support the prevention, control and treatment of the COVID-19 epidemic. Yuntu Holdings 3 million yuan Shunwang Science and Technology 10 million yuan was used to support the First Affiliated Hospital of Medical College of Zhejiang University to purchase medical supplies and medical equipment needed for epidemic prevention and control, reward medical staff and administrative personnel on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and the Xihu District Public Security Bureau to care for the police and fight against the epidemic. Overseas Chinese Town Group fully supports epidemic prevention and control. Shanghai Jiahua's 3 million yuan of money and goods include Liushen brand toilet water, bacteriostatic hand sanitizer and other urgently needed materials. Sogou donated 70 million yuan in cash and materials to fight the epidemic by setting up a care fund for medical staff and a health fund. Huamei Energy-saving Technology Group donated thermal insulation materials for the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital. Arm China supports the prevention of novel coronavirus pneumonia. Haidilao donated a total of 16.262 tons of fresh vegetables, including potatoes, tomatoes, Pleurotus eryngii, baby cabbage, winter melon and so on. Zhengrong Group helped the epidemic area win the battle to contain the virus with 2 million yuan. Taikang Insurance Group has set up a 100 million yuan public health and epidemic prevention and control fund to support the construction of basic health system and epidemic prevention and control system. Midea Group donated 520,000 medical masks. China Energy Conservation, together with its subsidiaries such as China Energy Conservation Ecology and China Environmental Protection, donated 30 million yuan to epicenter of the outbreak such as Wuhan and Xianning in Hubei Province, and donated many batches of protective suit, masks and other epidemic prevention materials to cities such as Wuhan and Xianning. Jiahua Capital fully supports epidemic prevention and control in Hubei with 1 million yuan. IBM spent 2 million yuan to support the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus epidemic. New Hope Group donated 30 million yuan in cash and materials to set up a "special fund for epidemic prevention and medical care in agriculture, rural areas and farmers" to help poor farmers and medical workers in the front line of epidemic prevention under the COVID-19 epidemic. Power Construction Corporation of China spent 10 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control. CNOOC 50 million yuan to support Hubei promised to battle to contain the virus. A total of 36000 bottles of the second batch of pure water from Pepsi have been delivered to Tianyou Hospital affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology. By the end of the day, PepsiCo has donated 5 million yuan and 48000 bottles of pure water to the epidemic area. Lifeng Group spent 10 million yuan to prevent and control COVID-19. HM supplies are distributed to local residents through the Wuhan Red Cross Society. Shuijingfang used 9 million yuan to purchase epidemic prevention materials in Wuhan. Sina has set up a special fund of 100 million yuan to fight pneumonia, which will provide direct assistance to front-line rescuers and donate to public welfare projects in many fields, such as medical staff care and emergency assistance for epidemic prevention materials. Xinwangda 10 million yuan is dedicated to the first-line fight and prevention of pneumonia epidemic. URBAN REVIVO 1 million yuan was used to support the front-line epidemic prevention and control work in Hubei Province, providing support for patients and frontline health worker. Luhua Group spent 20 million yuan on the prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus epidemic. Cool Dog Music Service launched a special area of "Fighting Pneumonia" on its home page, and set up a number of selected song lists such as "Wuhan refueling", "warm-hearted music" and "unity of purpose". Red Bean Group donated 10 million yuan and a batch of logistical support clothing, including 200 sets of down jackets and 500 sets of underwear. Zhongguang Electric Appliances spent 1 million yuan to help prevent and control the novel coronavirus epidemic. CRRC spent 30 million yuan on purchasing medical consumables and protective equipment for the prevention and control of the new pneumonia epidemic, as well as supporting medical staff on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Gree donated 2 million yuan worth of air purifiers. Temple Company donated 1 million yuan worth of Temple fresh air system and Temple RO water purification equipment to provide pure air and pure drinking water for epidemic prevention and control hospitals in Wuhan epidemic area. Sofia donated 1 million yuan of materials for the purchase of N95 mask, disposable medical masks, decontamination supplies and other materials urgently needed for epidemic prevention and control. NBA supplies donated 10 million yuan worth of medical supplies. Health yuan and Livzon Group paid 22 million yuan, including 10 million yuan in cash and 12 million yuan in medical supplies, to help fight the epidemic in an all-round way. Jianghuai Automobile Service dispatched nine Geerfa heavy trucks, one Ruifeng M6 commercial vehicle and three heavy trucks from other logistics companies to transport 300 tons of fresh vegetables to the epidemic area. SK China donated 7 million yuan in cash and 3 million yuan in materials to support epidemic prevention and control. Doosan Group spent 1 million yuan to support the purchase of medical supplies and hospital construction in epidemic areas. Ranjian Global (China) Company donated 50 Qingsen air purifiers to support the front-line fight and prevention work in Wuhan epidemic area and ensure the safety of frontline health worker in the fight against the epidemic. Corporate Donations on January 29 Intel spent $1 million to support the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic, provide necessary medical supplies and treat infected patients. On the basis of the best efforts of Novartis Group to deploy materials, Novartis decided to donate another 2 million yuan for frontline health worker assistance in the COVID-19 epidemic areas. The Aviation Industry Group fully supports the fight to win the battle against the epidemic, and its branches have also been involved in the prevention and control of the epidemic. Libai Group will check the existing inventory of major warehouses, arrange the production of major production bases to ensure the market and donation demand, and help all designated hospitals for the treatment of the new coronavirus in the country. China Unicom is used for epidemic prevention and control, in addition to network security, epidemic prevention and control, convenience services and relief channels, to fight the pneumonia epidemic. At the same time, COSCO shipping Group purchased 8000 masks and sent them to Wuhan to support the epidemic area. The Three Gorges Group donated another 100 million yuan to Hubei to support the prevention and control of the epidemic in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei Province, with a total donation of 130 million yuan. Qualcomm spent 7 million yuan to support the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Lenovo Group donated IT equipment to Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital, and provided equipment operation and maintenance and on-site technical support. MCC urgently purchased 22000 masks and sent them to Wuhan. Amore Pacific Group spent 2 million yuan to help Wuhan fight against the epidemic. China Telecom spent 40 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control, and quickly deployed to fight the epidemic, making every effort to ensure the information and communication of key areas and units. GE includes a special fund of RMB 10 million, which is used to purchase medical supplies urgently needed by COVID-19 epidemic areas and to meet some of the emergency cash needs of epidemic areas. At the same time, medical equipment worth 10 million yuan was donated to support the diagnosis and treatment of the epidemic. Dayuecheng is used to provide necessary assistance and protection for frontline health worker in epidemic areas, including the procurement and transportation of N95 mask, surgical masks, medical masks, medical caps, protective suit, surgical gowns, anti-impact goggles, protective masks and other urgently needed materials for epidemic prevention. Shunfeng Service successfully transported about 224 tons of relief materials, providing sufficient capacity for the transportation of epidemic prevention materials. Netease donated an additional 100 million yuan to set up a special fund for epidemic prevention and control. Sony is used to fight against the new pneumonia epidemic, while calling on the majority of Sony fans to actively cooperate with various social epidemic prevention measures. Maotai Group spent 80 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19. In addition, Huagui Life, a subsidiary of the Group, presented insurance of 500000 yuan per person to 137 members of the Guizhou Medical Rescue Team who rushed to Wuhan, with a total insurance amount of 68.5 million yuan. Huang Shanghuang spent 10 million yuan on the purchase of medical protective suit, surgical mask, disposable surgical gowns, protective masks, goggles and other urgently needed medical materials, medical equipment and medical facilities. PepsiCo donated the first batch of 12000 bottles of pure water to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital and Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital to provide material assistance to people in the epidemic area. Central Plains Bank rushed to help with epidemic prevention and control. The TSINGTAO BEER of 12 million yuan donated 10 million yuan in cash and 2 million yuan worth of materials for epidemic prevention and control. China Liansu Material fully supports the construction of the new coronavirus isolation ward in Zhengzhou, provides all the water supply and drainage pipelines required for the project construction, and supplies all the pipes and fittings for the water supply and drainage project to meet the needs of the hospital construction. Nissan Motor and its joint venture in China donated 5 million yuan and 100,000 masks to support the treatment of COVID-19 patients in Hubei Province. Bubble Mart provided 10 million yuan in aid and support for the anti-epidemic work. The second batch of medical supplies to support the epidemic areas in Hubei, including 5000 pairs of protective glasses and 10 tons of disinfectant, are ready to go. Dongfeng Xiaokang donated vehicles with a total value of about 5 million yuan to the forefront of the epidemic to support the epidemic areas. Nanxing shares are used for front-line fighting and prevention work in epidemic areas. Yizi Greater China donated 3.5 million yuan and 2 million yuan, which will be used to support medical protective equipment urgently needed by front-line medical staff and patients in epidemic areas. At the same time, Yizi Greater China also urgently allocated and donated 1.5 million yuan worth of food. Following the first donation of 10 million yuan, Taiping Bird Group donated again for the prevention and control of the epidemic in Yichang, Hubei. Bohai Bank fully supports the fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus. The Jinlongyu is 30 million yuan, including 20 million yuan in cash and 10 million yuan in relief materials, to support the fight against COVID-19 in Hubei Province. China Tower spent 20 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control, and invested in the construction and renovation of Leishenshan communication base station infrastructure. Qinglong Pipe Industry 5 million yuan WeBank fully supports Hubei's fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus. China-Thailand Securities is targeted for the prevention, control and treatment of COVID-19. Rongsheng Development Hubei Company donated 10 ambulances and 1000 Kanglu vacation rights and interests, with a total value of 5 million yuan. MWH's procurement of medical equipment and supplies in short supply, and support and assistance to frontline health worker. Europa Home is dedicated to epidemic prevention and control. Kostron donated 100,000 pairs of goggles. In addition, 10,000 pairs of goggles were also produced by manufacturers. 2,000 millet second thermometers made of Kostron materials will be sent to Wuhan after the festival. Sinochem Group spent 30 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control to help battle to contain the virus. China General Nuclear Power Group 30 million yuan Yili donated 20 million yuan worth of milk products to provide nutritional support for frontline health worker in the fight against the epidemic. In addition, 5 million yuan in cash was donated to fight the epidemic. This is the second action of Yili Group after donating 10 million yuan to support the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan. HSBC spent 7 million yuan to donate medical protective materials and virus detection equipment to hospitals in Jingzhou, Tianmen, Suizhou and other cities and counties in Hubei Province, and to support the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention to improve the "prevention and control mechanism for large-scale public safety outbreaks". Aviation industry supports to win the battle against the epidemic. A total of 24 medical institutions under the Group's Aviation General Hospital and General Medical Company have opened fever clinics, and the first batch of 15 medical staff have been sent to the front line. Millet directed 10 million yuan to support several hospitals in Wuhan to purchase medical supplies and equipment needed to fight the epidemic. Ping An Puhui spent 10 million yuan to support the procurement of equipment and prevention and control materials needed for medical treatment and epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province. Children's insurance service of 2 million yuan contributed to winning the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Mona Lisa's 2 million yuan was used to purchase epidemic prevention materials, family pensions for deaths due to the epidemic, volunteer insurance, protective equipment and living allowances, etc. China Guangfa Bank (CGB) launched "It is a strengthening" with 35 million yuan to help the epidemic prevention and control work in Hubei Province. Taikang insurance products will expand the donation scope of special insurance for medical staff to the whole province of Hubei, and at the same time, it is mobilizing materials to help municipal medical institutions in Hubei. Zhongzhi Pharmaceutical Group donated 5 million yuan worth of Houttuynia cordata, Platycodon grandiflorum and Astragalus membranaceus. The Bank of Nanjing spent 10 million yuan to provide efficient and high-quality financial services for epidemic prevention and control, and fully supported Hubei in fighting the epidemic. Weima Automobile donated 4 million yuan worth of materials, including medical supplies including masks, vehicles for epidemic prevention and cash payments. China Southern Power Grid spent 30 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control, reflecting its responsibility. The Ordnance Equipment Group spent 35 million yuan to provide human and financial support to win the battle against the "epidemic". Following the donation of 500,000 yuan to Xiaochang County, Hubei Province, a designated poverty alleviation county, on January 26, China Tiewu donated another 10 million yuan to the front line of epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province for epidemic prevention and control. Jianghuai Automobile spent 10 million yuan to help Wuhan prevent and control the pneumonia epidemic caused by novel coronavirus infection. China Life Insurance Group spent 35 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control in Hubei Province. Up to now, the member units of China Life Group have donated more than 54 million yuan for epidemic prevention and control (excluding donated insurance rights and interests). Momo Science and Technology has set up a public welfare fund for scientific research to fight against the epidemic with 10 million yuan to help fight against the prevention and control of COVID-19, and to provide assistance and support to medical workers and scientific researchers who are fighting against the epidemic. Boeing Material Donates 250,000 Medical Grade Masks Following the donation of preventive drugs to Wuhan on January 27, Hongjitang Pharmaceutical Products donated preventive drugs again. China Resources Land Service reduces the rent of all shops in commercial projects across the country from the first day to the sixteenth day. The rent of each merchant in the six shopping centers managed by Ocean Commercial Services will be reduced by half from the first day to the fifteenth day. At the same time, China Electrical Science has 50 million yuan to provide strong professional equipment and service support for winning this special war. Haier Group donated 10.5 million yuan in cash and 500,000 US dollars worth of medical and epidemic prevention materials donated by Haier people from all over the world. KOTRA (Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Corporation) and WIITECH, a Korean company, jointly donated 80,000 protective masks, including 20,000 masks for children. Six walnuts donated materials worth 10 million yuan to support the prevention and control of the new pneumonia epidemic. Huaqiang Group spent 10 million yuan to support epidemic prevention and control. In the first phase, CIMC Logistics has collected more than 100,000 medical protective masks and nearly three tons of medical disinfectant, with a total value of over one million yuan. In addition, another 50,000 medical masks, 2,000 pieces of medical protective suit and 1,000 pairs of protective glasses are being actively raised. Neusoft Medical Products donated two sets of 128-layer high-end CT equipment and software with a total value of 27 million yuan. Boss Group donated 100000 packages of 75% medical alcohol wipes worth 2 million yuan. Zhejiang Zhongnan Holding Group spent 10 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control in Hangzhou and Binjiang District. Mingyang Group contributed 17 million yuan to the epidemic prevention and control work. Standard Chartered China spent 1 million yuan on medical supplies urgently needed in Hubei, especially masks, protective suit and other protective equipment for doctors and nurses, to provide protection and support for medical staff fighting in the front line of COVID-19. China Poly Group gives full support to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Semir Group donated 10 million yuan, while dispatching 1500 down jackets from the warehouse to the epidemic area. Cargo Lala supplies delivered free meals to medical staff in Wuhan and donated 10,000 meals. Three squirrels are worth more than 2 million yuan in material products. N is mostly used to block the epidemic of COVID-19. Niuniu Food spent 500,000 yuan to support the fight against pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus in Xiangyang. Tongwei Group supports the front-line fight against the epidemic and related prevention and control work in Wuhan, Hubei and surrounding epidemic areas. Haier Group donated 10 million yuan in the fourth round, another 10 million yuan in cash and 500,000 US dollars worth of medical and epidemic prevention materials donated by Haier people from all over the world. Sunshine power supply is specially used for the construction of Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan to jointly cope with the epidemic prevention and control work. The donation of Yingke materials includes protective suit, masks and other medical materials worth 1 million yuan. Jas Science and Technology donated 4 million yuan in cash and 1 million medical and construction materials. Wen's shares donated the first batch of 300000 cooked chickens and 20000 packages of chicken soup, with a total value of 15 million yuan,free shipping disposable coverall, to help the people of Hubei safeguard their health. Eastern European medical products donated two sets of 128-layer high-end CT equipment and software with a total value of 27 million yuan. China Taiping Insurance Group once again launched two major assistance measures to deal with the epidemic, one is to donate 10 million yuan to Hubei Province, and the other is to donate additional insurance to local and foreign medical support personnel in Wuhan to fight the epidemic. Text | Golden Bee Task Force Art | Duan Haohao returns to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.