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The Complete Collection of Cosmic Curiosities

12 october 2022

The Complete Collection of Cosmic Curiosities

I say "like a sardine" here is a kind of literary imagination. Here's the thing: there's no room for us there. Any point of any one of us coincides with any point of the others in a single point. That is where we all live. In fact, we don't even bother anyone else. All we have is a difference in character. When space doesn't exist, there's nothing more annoying than having someone as obnoxious as Mr. pber ^ t pber ^ d huddled at your feet. How many of us are there? Oh, I never found out. I don't even know how many there are. If we want to count the number of people, we must separate from each other, at least a little bit. But we're all crammed into one spot. Contrary to your imagination, this state of affairs does not promote social skills. I know that at other times neighbors greet each other. But at that point we were all neighbors, so no one even said good morning or good evening to anyone else. In the end, each of us melted into a small circle. Among the people I know best: Mrs. pH (I) NK _ o, her friend de xuaeaux, an immigrant family named zzu,Narrow aisle rack, and my aforementioned Mr. pber ^ t pber ^ d. There was also a cleaning lady who everyone called "maintenance"-she was the only one in the universe because we had so few rooms. To tell you the truth, she has nothing to do all day. You don't even have to remove the ash. In a small spot, of course, not even a speck of dust can get in. So she just nags and complains every day to pass the time. Just the people I mentioned above, our place is crowded enough. But you have to add all the stuff that we have piled up there: all the stuff that will later form the universe. They are so unpacked that you can't tell which of them are going to be astronomical (like the Andromeda nebula),heavy duty racking system, which are going to be geographical (like the Vosges fault) or chemical (like a beryllium isotope). What's more, we often bump into the household goods of zzu's family: camping beds, carpets, baskets, etc. If you don't pay attention at once, the zzu family will apologize that their family is too big and act as if they are the only family in the world. They even tried to put a line in our little spot to hang our clothes. But others have wronged the zzu family. They started by calling the zzu family "immigrants.". Their excuse is: everyone else came first, and the zzu family came later. This is nothing but groundless prejudice. For me, the reason is obvious: because there is no first and last, long span shelving ,Narrow aisle rack, there is no room for immigration. But some people insist that the concept of "immigration" must be understood in the abstract, which means moving in from outside space and time. You may say that our views at that time could be called short-sighted and narrow-minded. That's the fault of our environment. This kind of intolerance is basically left over in us. Note: It happens even today. If two of us had met once in a while-maybe at a bus stop, maybe at a movie theater, maybe at the International Dentist's Annual Meeting-and started remembering our old days. We say hello to each other — sometimes people recognize me, sometimes I recognize people — and then we start asking each other about this person or that person (even if we only remember a few of the people the other person remembers), and then we start talking about our past disputes, slander and slander. It was only until one of us mentioned Mrs. pH (I) NK _ o — every conversation, without exception, came down to her — that intolerance was suddenly put aside and our hearts lifted. We all experience a feeling of great joy and generosity. Mrs. pH (I) NK _ o, the only one of us who none of us will forget, the one we all feel sorry for. Where did she end up? I haven't tried to find her for a long time. Mrs. pH (I) NK _ o, her crispy breasts, her pink legs, her orange robe. We'll never see her again, in this cluster or any other. What I want to clarify here is that I have never believed in the theory that the universe will shrink back when it expands to an extremely thin state. But a lot of us are counting on that to happen. They are constantly making plans for us to get back to that point. Last month, I went to the bar on the corner. Guess who I saw? Mr. pbre ^ t pber ^ d. Are you all right? "Why did you move here too?" I learned from the conversation that he was now an agent for a plastics company in Pavia. He was exactly the same as before: his silvery teeth, his gaudy suspenders. When we go back, "he whispered to me," what we must promise is that this time, we must not let some people in.. You know who I'm talking about: the zzu family. I really want to tell him that I have heard many people say the same thing. But their conclusion was, "You know who I'm talking about.." Mr. pbre ^ t pber ^ d.. To avoid the subject, I quickly said, "What about Mrs. pH (I) NK _ o?"? Do you think we'll find her then? "Ah, yes." She, in any case. He said, his face turning purple. For all of us, the reason we're looking forward to getting back to that point is actually looking forward to being back with Mrs. pH (I) NK _ o. (Even me,Drive in racking system, though I don't believe we can ever get back to that point.) In that bar, every conversation we had would come down to her. And we will be moved by it. In this atmosphere of memory, even Mr. pbre ^ t pber ^ d will seem less annoying.