Autoproduzione. Melanzane, narrativa fantastica e interattiva, sedano, giochi di ruolo e avventura, capperi, mitografia simbolica, cipolle, leggende, salsa di pomodoro ed estetica de. Il mio esperimento di auto-pubblicazione su Amazon si è concluso.
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Come promuovere un libro con i comunicati stampa - Libroza. Uno dei modi più semplici per promuovere il tuo libro è scrivere e distribuire comunicati stampa.
Purtroppo però molti autori ignorano o snobbano questo strumento di marketing perché pensano che sia passato di moda e che nell’era di internet un comunicato stampa non abbia più valore. E invece si sbagliano. Ascolta questo episodio in Podcast su iTunes o Spreaker. ILMIOLIBRO - Impaginare un libro, regole e consigli - Corso di editing. Perché è importante impaginare un libro in modo corretto?
Perché una buona impaginazione contribuisce alla qualità generale dell’opera, facilita la lettura e perché dopo la copertina è la prima cosa che notiamo in un libro quando lo prendiamo in mano per sfogliarlo.
Auto-éditer un roman en 8 étapes – Mademoiselle Cordélia. Cover Letter Format - Fiction Forum. Jan 20, 2008 Posted by Michael on Jan 20, 2008 in Articles | 11 comments provided by The Fiction Forum Your cover letter is the first impression any editor will have of your writing abilities.
Therefore, the cover letter should be straightforward and concise. Treat your cover letter as a business letter–after all that is what it is.
Myebook. » Writers as Rock Stars: Introducing Liner Notes, a Music Column for Writers. Recently, I went to Terminal 5, a music venue here in NYC, to see UK singer Lianne La Havas perform live.
I stood behind my diminutive partner while we watched roadies set up the sound for Lianne. I swayed from the Maker’s Mark I had ingested, which then combined with the two beers I consumed earlier at dinner. Twenty minutes later, Lianne took the stage. Or rather, as the audience eager to hear her voice, we relinquished the stage to her.
As she performed—singing pitch perfect notes while playing lead guitar—I remembered why I enjoy LIT, my reading series in Brooklyn.
All Indie Writers: Freelance Writing, Indie Publishing, Blogging. Réponse à L’auto-édition des auto-éditeurs. de David Meulemans. J’ai vu hier soir sur Facebook (oui, j’y vais parfois), une série d’articles très bien par David Meulemans (éditeur) sur l’auto-édition.
Comme je n’ai pas trouvé de bons moyens de commenter là bas (et pas envie de m’inscrire sur Tumblr), je poste ici mes commentaires. Je les écris au fur et à mesure de ma lecture de chaque épisode, et il me semble que certaines de mes remarques trouvent déjà leur réponse dans les articles suivants. Sérieusement, Je vous convie à lire ces billets, avec ou sans mes réponses.
Ils valent le coup. (pas de remarques sur le premier épisode) Réponse à l’épisode II: Qu’est-ce qu’il est nul, ce manuscrit…
How to Publish an Ebook on Amazon. Self-publishing through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform is quick and easy.
I thought it might be helpful to write a quick walk-through to take new users through the publishing process one step at a time using screenshots. In order to get started, simply follow this link to the Kindle Direct Publishing site, sign on with your amazon account, or create a new account. When you first sign in, you will be looking at your Kindle Bookshelf. Until you begin adding books, your Bookshelf will be empty. Here is an example of my Bookshelf with my first three books already published.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: Get help with self-publishing your book to Amazon's Kindle Store. Distribute Your Book through, Bookstores, and Online Stores. CreateSpace: Self Publishing and Free Distribution for Books, CD, DVD. CreateSpace Spine Calculator. Our CreateSpace width calculator is simple to use, and calculating the spine width of a book takes seconds.
Simply enter the number of pages, select the type of paper, and calculate the spine width for an instant, accurate result. Use our CreateSpace width calculator to save time and to ensure that your spine dimensions are accurate. CreateSpace is a wonderful outlet for writers who want to self-publish their books. It’s a great platform for publishing and distribution for self-published authors. With CreateSpace, authors are required to upload their content to the site – including artwork for the cover and spine design. A CreateSpace width calculator is helpful for publishers who need quick calculations for the appropriate size their spine image or artwork must be.
How to Format Your Self-Published Book. How to Format Your Self-Published Book by Moira Allen Return to DIY Publishing · Print/Mobile-Friendly Version As children, we were advised, "Don't judge a book by its cover!
" Yet this is precisely what we do in nearly every area of life --especially when it comes to books!
30+ Best Book cover psd mockups - TechClient. Hello everyone, Today we are going to share a great premium quality Freebies with you 30+ Best Book cover PSD Mock-Up. Free PSD mockups collection of Stationery mockup, 30+ Best Book cover psd mockups design. Each PSD mock-up is fully layered with smart object.We hope you enjoy this collection.
Free 3D Book Boxed Set Photoshop Mockups. Book Cover Success and Failure Explained. Not that long ago I was asked to create a presentation that would help authors when it came time to design a book cover. I know that there are lots of do-it-yourselfers who are self-publishers, and there are also authors who are buying services from professionals. I wanted to create a presentation that would give both kinds of authors useful information.
Take pride in your eBook formatting - Guido Henkel: Guido Henkel.
To me, one of the key elements that sets apart a professional eBook release from that of an amateur has always been the technical presentation of the book. Sure, anyone can write a document in a word processor, run it through some export tool, use a fully automated conversion utility or peruse the services of an online service, but the sad fact of the matter is that none of these approaches typically results in, what I call, production-level digital books. So, why are people using them? I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and observing how other authors approach their eBook publishing, and the more I examined it, the more I have noticed that there are generally two reasons for it.
The first reason is that many authors simply don’t know any better. They write their book, complete it and look for the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to deploy it.
Publishing. Publishing. Publishing. RESOURCES FOR WRITERS. Online Document. Publier. Editorial Design Served. Helping Writers Become Authors - Write your best story. Change your life. Astound the world.
50 Web Links to Let Your Book Go Viral!
PART ONE Tips to “Advertise” your Book for FREE: Forums / Networks / Book Communities / Book Bloggers – all this means free show casing of your book and free PR. For your book to sell, you need to create the demand. You need an audience, a platform – which you will get when your book is showing up on many websites and forums, visible to readers, bloggers and to book reviewers.
Here are fifty links to top websites for you and tomorrow’s blog post will bring you even more! .Find 45 more websites to advertise your book here. More Websites and hundreds of tips how to promote your book in the upcoming e-book “Book Marketing on a Shoestring”. If you enjoyed this blog post, please feel free to check out all previous posts of this blog (there are almost 765+ of them, if you haven’t already. Follow on Twitter: @111publishing And don’t forget to spread the word on other social networking sites of your choice for other writers who might also enjoy this blog and find it useful. .Hyper Smash. Piattaforme di Self Publishing. Self Publishing - Auto pubblica il tuo libro o ebook. 15 More Apps To Create Books On The iPad.
Creating books on the iPad doesn’t seem like the first thing you might do with one of the popular little tablets, but it’s really quite capable of doing so provided you’re not trying to write the next great novel. We’ve written about 3 apps to reate books on the iPad in the past, but the following listly by Meg Wilson goes further, including 15 apps to do so. The artful collision of technology, learning, and literacy is an idea promoted in the Common Core Standards, which is likely your rule book if you teach K-12 in an American public school.
This is a new age of literacy where students can read, research, write, publish, and socialize on the same device sitting right in their lap with a pinch-and-zoom elegance that somehow makes the whole process seem easier than it really is. And for those of you that rail against both Common Core and the iPad (but obviously not literacy), keep fighting the good fight. 15 Literacy Apps To Create Books On The iPad. Writing & Publishing. Tizianokdp. Ebook. Pubblicare ebook online. Books, Ebooks and Self publishing. Writing. Book Creator apps for the iPad. Self Publishing, Book Printing and Publishing Online - Lulu. Baen Ebooks. In January of 2011 we started posting free short stories we thought might be of interest to Baen readers.
The first stories were "Space Hero" by Patrick Lundrigan, the winner of the 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Contest, and "Tanya, Princess of Elves," by Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunter International and set in that universe. As new stories are made available, they will be posted on the main page, then added to this book (to save the Baen Barflies the trouble of doing it themselves).
This is our compilation of short stories for 2019. As is usual with such copyrighted material from Baen, the contents may be copied and shared but NOT sold. All commercial rights are reserved to Baen Books. The Testimony of the Traitor Ratul by Larry CorreiaToday I Remember by Martin L.
Read Books Online Free - Romance Novels Online. Intermezzi Editore - RISVEGLIO EDIZIONI. How to Improve Your Description Copy to Sell More Ebooks.
Your book description on retailer sites like Amazon is one of the most important ebook marketing elements at your disposal. Your cover and title will catch potential readers’ attention, but your description is what will make the sale. The strongest part of your description should be the first 150 words. But what can you do to pack a bigger punch into such a small space? At BookBub, we often run split A/B tests to see what blurb copy resonates most with our subscribers.
7 Secrets to Writing Persuasive Back Cover Sales Copy by Casey Demchak. By Casey Demchak (@caseydemchak) I met Casey at the recent Author U event in Denver, Colorado. It’s not every day you run into someone whose specialty is back cover copy for your book.
This is one of the most important pieces of copy you’ll write, since it has a lot of work to do representing your book and showing people what’s unique, interesting, or especially valuable about what you have to offer.
Free reference manager and PDF organizer. EasyBib: Free Bibliography Generator - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles.