Related: Sounds / Bruitages
55 Great Websites To Download Free Sound Effects Imagine a movie or video without sound effects. Even a magnificent film like Titanic would look nothing more than a joke if there are no ‘Wham’, ‘Bam’ and ‘Smash’ sounds in it. Background music and sound effects are important for making a video (or even an audio production) engaging and in its full essence. There are thousands of online resources to download sound effects. Read also: Free-Loops.com This platform offers more than seven thousand CC-licensed sounds and loops, which are divided into categories like drum loops, synth loops, midi files, etc. Sign-up/Log-in: Not Required SoundBible A superb site for downloading sounds, SoundBible, offers royalty-free sound effects that you can use commercially in movies, games, and other projects. Fugue Fuge has a huge library of royalty-free, high-quality music in dozens of categories. Not required ZapSplat At ZapSplat, you can access thousands of professional sound effects in various categories like nature, cartoons, horror, etc. Freesound License:
Survival Topics - Your Online Survival Kit Arcade Games Arcade Game Generator Input one set of questions and answers, and create a whole batch of interactive, arcade-style games [view examples] Save them for use in the class, embed them in your blog/website/wiki! IPad versions of "Wordshoot" and "Flashcards" already available - more to follow! STEP 1: QUIZ TITLE a. Type the title of your quiz in the box below. STEP 2: QUESTIONS*ANSWERS b. What is two plus two? If you would like to direct players to a particular game, specify it here: None: Free choice
Download Royalty Free Loops Apple Loops Sounds Effects Beats Samples Wavs For Acid, Fruity Loops, Ableton, Pro Tools, Garageband Description : Unmixed synth!! Description : KEY: F# TEMPO: 140bpm Drake type pad Description : Am going offline for a while(a month) so i decided to uploaded more loops...give feedback and link in comment if use this loop.... :-) Description : Hi to Everyone, If you use one of my loops in your song, I'd love to hear it ! Description : Share what you create!! Description : share what you create! Description : Stairs to space Description : Through Space Description : 2 sine Waves one octave apart with some pitch modulation. Description : KEY: F#-maj TEMPO: 128bpm I like this Description : KEY: F#-maj TEMPO: 128bpm I like this one Description : KEY: Eb-min TEMPO: 156bpm dun-a-nun-a-dun-a-nun-a- BATMAN!!! Description : Music Box Loop in G# - MAJOR; Hope you find this useful. Description : Strings Loop in E - MAJOR (C#-Minor); Hope you find this useful. Description : Chord in A Major Scale Description : Synth Loop in A - MINOR; Hope you find this useful.
Invisible Web: What it is, Why it exists, How to find it, and Its inherent ambiguity What is the "Invisible Web", a.k.a. the "Deep Web"? The "visible web" is what you can find using general web search engines. It's also what you see in almost all subject directories. The "invisible web" is what you cannot find using these types of tools. The first version of this web page was written in 2000, when this topic was new and baffling to many web searchers. Since then, search engines' crawlers and indexing programs have overcome many of the technical barriers that made it impossible for them to find "invisible" web pages. These types of pages used to be invisible but can now be found in most search engine results: Pages in non-HTML formats (pdf, Word, Excel, PowerPoint), now converted into HTML. Why isn't everything visible? There are still some hurdles search engine crawlers cannot leap. The Contents of Searchable Databases. How to Find the Invisible Web Simply think "databases" and keep your eyes open. Examples: plane crash database languages database toxic chemicals database
Turn-O-Phrase - Word Puzzles for Culture Buffs Free loops and samples by rekkerd.org, download royalty-free quality audio samples for your music at rekkerd.org On this page you will find a collection of free audio loops and samples. Please read the terms below before downloading. The rekkerd.org free samples are released under the Creative Commons BY license. You are free to use the samples in any musical context i.e. songs, remixes, soundtracks, etc. (including commercial projects) as long as rekkerd.org is credited for the samples used.In case of commercial use or redistribution, please contact me to discuss the way the samples will be attributed. Note: this license is non-exclusive and the above conditions can be waived after permission from me (e.g. in case you don’t want to attribute the samples). Still have questions? To make sure you will be notified when new samples are available, just enter your email address below to subscribe to the rekkerd.org newsletter. If you enjoy these samples you can show your appreciation by donating. The archive The archive below includes all samples by me. Separate downloads Other contributors
Virtual Reference Shelf - Ask a Librarian Abbreviations Back to Top Almanacs & Fast Facts Architecture Art For more information, see: Arts, Fine and Decorative: General Resources (Library of Congress Humanities & Social Sciences Division) Business For more information, see: Internet Resources: Subject Guides Links to freely available Internet resources on business and economics topics arranged by subject. Calculators Calculators On-Line Center Calendars & Time Earth Calendar A daybook of holidays and celebrations around the world. Children & Parents Ben's Guide to U.S. Consumer Information For more information, see: BEOnline: Consumer Information (Library of Congress Business Reference Services) Dictionaries & Thesauri Directories Education College Guides Resources for TeachersEDSITEment A site for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies. Encyclopedias Genealogy Grant Resources
Q&A: How to Teach Your Students About Their Digital Footprint We’ll be at ISTE next month presenting on the importance of starting early with digital citizenship, in elementary school. We’ll be co-presenting with Samuel Walker, a K-5 technology teacher from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, whose leadership has helped make digital citizenship a priority in his school from policy to practice. In preparation, we sat down with Walker, a proponent of problem-based learning and self-proclaimed homework skeptic, to gain some insight into his unique approach to digital literacy education. Now a technology facilitator at Kimmel Farm Elementary, Walker has been in the classroom for the last 17 years. He provides technology professional development for his colleagues and teaches digital literacy and citizenship to students in grades K-5. He is an avid user of our free online curriculum, and was named North Carolina’s Technology in Education Society’s instructional technology educator of the year in 2010. Common Sense Media: What didn’t you see coming?
Free White Noise Here are the sound files I have for you to download. I recorded all of them using the "voice notes" feature on my cell phone, which basically records low quality wav files. As such, the quality is not the greatest, but I'm guessing that if someone were looking for a high-fidelity clothes dryer sound, they probably wouldn't be looking here. If you would llike to download these files for your own personal use (such as burning them to a CD), just right-click on the name of the file you wish to download and choose where you would like to save it. Still having trouble? Try the Help page. The main files are hosted by Google Page Creator. All Sounds Download all sound files. Individual Sounds Aquarium filter Aquarium 1 (Mirror) (Length: 1:04; Size: 1.35 MB)Aquarium 2 (Mirror) (Length: 1:18; Size: 1.64 MB) Clothes dryer Dryer (Mirror) (Length: 1:04; Size: 1.34 MB) Fan Fan 1 (Mirror) (Length: 1:03; Size: 1.32 MB)Fan 2 (Mirror) (Length: 1:03; Size: 1.33 MB) Waves at the beach Mixer Rain Eggs boiling