Paranoia: Whats it all about? What is Paranoia about? Paranoia is a roleplaying game with a difference. Where as other RPGs encourage players to work together towards a common goal, Paranoia encourages backstabbing, double-crossing and bare-faced lying. The back of the Paranoia rulebook describes the game as follows: Imagine a world designed by Kafka, Stalin, Orwell, Huxley, Sartre and the Marx Brothers... Paranoia is a roleplaying game set in a darkly humorous future. You play one of The Computer's elite agents. Paranoia: A lighthearted game of terror, death, bureaucracies, mad scientists, mutants, dangerous weapons, and insane robots, which encourages players to lie, to cheat, and backstab each other at every turn. Is that fun? Trust us. Suffice to say, Paranoia is fun. Alpha Complex This is where everybody lives. The Computer The Computer runs everything within Alpha Complex. Though deranged, The Computer believes it is doing the right thing. Clones The Computer doesn't make that kind of mistake. Mutations Secret Societies
The Risus Monkey Random Dungeon Map Featuring geomorphs by the Risus Monkey. Inspired by Dyson's Random Morph Map and based on code by Rob Lang of The Free RPG Blog Risus Monkey's Random Map Press F5 for a new map or set tile width of to restrict the width. You can then screenshot or try printing straight from the browser. crooked staff productions roleplaying aids Please note that this site and its contents are Copyright © Kristian Richards 2002 - 2011 <p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href=" />Powered by FeedBurner</p> Hello and welcome to the CSP home page! It is the aim of this web-site to provide a wide variety of roleplaying aids for both the GM/DM and player alike. Within these pages you will find a number of files and images (spread over a few differing sections) all of which are completely free* to download. In some instances (such as with the adventures section) the downloads are compatible with the Dungeons & Dragons (3rd edition) role-playing game - though in most cases they should prove to be equally suitable for most types of role-playing / board games with little or no modification. For all the latest CSP news, updates, and even more free downloads be sure to check out... *However, a number of products are now for sale via RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, and lulu.
The 100 Most Important Things To Know About Your Character (revised) Quote from original Author(Beth):This list came about when, one day while struggling to develop a character for an upcoming Hunter game, my lovely roommate Nikki looked at me and said something like, "Wouldn't it be cool to have a list of questions you could go through and answer while you were making characters, so you'd make sure to consider all sorts of different elements in their personality?" I agreed, and that very evening we sat down over hot chocolate and ramen noodles to whip up a list of 100 appearance-, history-, and personality-related questions (which seemed like a nice even number) to answer as a relatively easy yet still in-depth character building exercise. Later on, we went through the list again, took out the questions that sucked (because there were a lot of them) and replaced them with better ones. In the more recent past, we've also found that answering those annoying online personality quizzes in-character can sometimes lead to interesting revelations. - Beth
Random Dungeon Generator Version .68 Refresh the page for a new design. See below the dungeon for more info. Inkwell Ideas' Other Projects: Information: This tile generator has multiple current join points between tile sides. About: This random dungeon generator is for games like Dungeons and Dragons, GURPS, Hero/Champions, Labyrinth Lord, Savage Worlds, Castles and Crusades, Basic Fantasy, RuneQuest, Traveller, Pathfinder, and other fantasy and miniatures games.
Slack n Hash- Name Generators After much deliberation… goodbye. Sort of. For now. I've neglected this site for a good couple of years, and let's face it, the months leading up to that point weren't exactly stellar either. So, time to own up, lower the curtain on this enterprise and consider my next step. Phil Smith , May 2011
How to Flesh out a Country or Region in Your Fantasy RPG World Edit Article Edited by Zach Haffey, Maluniu, Glutted, Nicole Willson and 5 others Hello game master/fantasy author. Ad Steps 1Short Introductory Summary - Give a one or two paragraph overview of the region or country, highlighting something unique or unusual about it and where it is geographically in your world.Ad 2Life, Society and Culture - This section should detail the culture(s) of the people who populate the region. Tips And for other topics, your providing these details will inspire ideas for larger, overarching plot-lines and the workings of still other regions of your land. Warnings Creating a detailed campaign world from the ground up, even a country let alone a continent, is quite an undertaking.It is important that you do the geography and their respective biomes first before embarking on the making of the country's people, their infrastructure and their culture if you're up to making your country believable.
Dungeon Tile Mapper -- v1.2.0 You've probably seen our Dungeon Tiles previews in our monthly "Previews" article series and may even have scored a copy of these cool tiles. By now you probably have hundreds of cool dungeon designs running around your head. But how can you create these dungeons and share them with your friends? Well a good friend of the D&D website, Randal "Jailoco" Meyer, has created a really cool drag-and-drop dungeon tile tool. And, he's given us a personalized copy for the D&D website as well as a nifty guide on its use. This tool includes all tiles from Dungeon Tiles I, Dungeon Tiles II: Arcane Corridors, Dungeon Tiles III: Hidden Crypts, Dungeon Tiles IV: Ruins of the Wild and will be updated with future sets. NOTE: Using our online version will let you save and load dungeons through the use of cookies, so if you would like to use that feature please have cookies turned on. Download the Dungeon Tile Mapper version 1.2.0 now (4.17m ZIP). Dungeon Tile Mapper Guide Generic Maps Tab Settings Tab Tiles Tab