Simply Scratch Simply Scratch - Delicious recipes made simply from scratch
Well that’s one heck of a title… but then again, this is one heck of a sandwich. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that April is National Grilled Cheese month. A whole month dedicated to cheese in bread. I love it. Creative grilled cheese sandwiches are everywhere. People are putting some remarkable flavor and textural combinations in between all kinds of breads.
Related: dkgarcia
Easy Salsa Verde (Tomatillo Salsa)
You are going to love how delicious this Easy Salsa Verde recipe is! Fresh tomatillos, jalapeno, onion and garlic are broiled until blistered and charred and then blended with freshly squeezed lime juice, cilantro and salt. Serve salsa verde with tortilla chips or use in your favorite recipe calling for green salsa.
Commonsense ♠♣ © winnie caw 2002(follow the arrows below for more of winnie caw's whimsy, or click on a link)Puns, More Puns and Jokes Home Page Reflections Search Engine - find anything on whimsy pages Pun-itive Sentences 1.
Rosa's Yummy Yums
All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.- Havelock Ellis Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.- Chinese Proverb Taking things easy isn't all that evident if you are trapped in a lethal routine or somebody who has a bad conscience for staying at home all day long like a kept woman and not being the one who is obliged to go to the "salt mine". During holidays, leisure replaces work as a priority.
The World's Healthiest Foods
100 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating Links to the articles about these foods can be found below. In addition to questions about our foods, we often get asked about beverages and sweeteners. In the beverage category, water and green tea have been especially popular topics, and in the sweetener category, so have honey and maple syrup.
How to Set Up the Ultimate Desktop Recording Studio
Consider it another marvel of the digital age--or the latest evidence that the beautifully difficult, soul-taxing art of music creation has irretrievably slid into the hands of talentless idiots. Either way, with the help of a computer, a few peripherals, a variety of entry-level software and two weekends' worth of struggle, I have produced my first single. It's hardly a secret that musical production has been striding boldly into the digital age over the past three decades. Software that enables instruments to interface directly with PCs was pioneered in the 1980s, and current programs pack all the goodness of a full production studio into a laptop, with virtualized instruments, amps, effects, mixing boards and multitrack recording machines all onscreen.
40 Tasty Restaurant Websites to Inspire You
Restaurant websites are a great place to find inspiring designs and also to check out some nice ways of displaying photographs within a design. Since the main content of a restaurant is their food – or at least it should be – there is no better thing to do than show beautiful images of the food. So for this post, I’ve rounded up 40 Tasty Restaurant Websites to Inspire You. You’ll notice that these restaurant web designs use images in a variety of ways to put the focus where it needs to be. Whether it’s a full background or in a slideshow, the images make it all about the food. So here we go, enjoy the tasty selection and remember that sometimes images are better than a thousand words.
Recipes @ Whole Foods Market
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So I know it’s not Fall yet but I LOVE all things Fall. I love Pumpkin spice everything and cool weather and sweaters and boots. Only one problem..I live in Central Florida! So we don’t really get our cooler weather until the end of October and it’s still not as cool as I’d like. So that’s why I have to over-do it on the Fall-esque foods, scents, and activities…to make up for the lack of cool weather. If it’s not cool enough I crank my AC down and bring out the comforters and the fall flavored snacks and it makes me feel better about my lack of Florida Fall.
Soldiers on LSD // Current
To Our Faithful Users: Current's run has ended after eight exciting years on air and online. The Current TV staff has appreciated your interest, support, participation and unflagging loyalty over the years. Your contributions helped make a vibrant place for discussing thousands of interesting stories, and your continued viewership motivated us to keep innovating and find new ways to reflect the voice of the people. We now welcome the on-air and digital presence of Al Jazeera America, a new news network committed to reporting on and investigating real stories affecting the lives of everyday Americans in every corner of the country. You can keep up with what's new on Al Jazeera America and see this new brand of journalism for yourself at