Quantum entanglement: The missing link between wormholes?
Wormholes — shortcuts that in theory can connect distant points in the universe — might be linked with the spooky phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where the behavior of particles can be connected regardless of distance, researchers say. These findings could help scientists explain the universe from its very smallest to its biggest scales. Scientists have long sought to develop a theory that can describe how the cosmos works in its entirety. Currently, researchers have two disparate theories, quantum mechanics and general relativity, which can respectively mostly explain the universe on its tiniest scales and its largest scales. There are currently several competing theories seeking to reconcile the pair. Intriguingly, quantum mechanics also has a phenomenon that can link objects such as electrons regardless of how far apart they are — quantum entanglement. Einstein derisively called this seemingly impossible connection "spooky action at a distance." Entanglement and wormholes
Rumtidens skjulte dimensioner
Rumtidens skjulte dimensioner Rumtiden, som man sædvanligvis tænker på som firedimensional, kan have så mange som syv ekstra dimensioner. Ellevedimensionale strukturer, som studeres nu, kunne give en forenet redegørelse for naturens fire grundlæggende kræfter Daniel Z. Indhold: Indledning Almen relativitet Kaluzas forenede teori Den femte dimension Massive partikler Elektrosvag forening Moderne Kaluza-Klein teorier Supergravitation Teoretiske resultater Superstreng teori Fremtidig udvikling Indledning Den 29. maj, 1919, fejede skyggen fra en total solformørkelse hen over Atlanterhavet fra det vestlige Afrika til det nordlige Brazilien. Observatørerne af formørkelsen ville afprøve en af de forudsagte observationsvirkninger ved Einsteins krumme rumtid. Skønt almen relativitet drejer sig om geometri i kun fire dimensioner, åbnede Einsteins fantasifulde arbejde døren til endnu dristigere anvendelser af hans grundlæggende ide. Hvorfor behøver man 11 dimensioner? Almen relativitet Kaluzas forenede teori
Stream the Quantum Activist!
The Quantum Activist is an internationally acclaimed documentary in distribution in 12 countries. You can now stream it through the internet to your laptop or tablet without any special systems required to watch instantly or later. A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness.Dr.
The Physics of Space Battles
The Higgs Boson was found. Now what?
Comstock/Thinkstock Images. On July 4, the physics community responded with jubilation to an announcement that had been anticipated for 50 years: the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Just as half of the country was ecstatic in 2008 when Barack Obama was first elected—supposedly heralding the end of “business as usual” in Washington—the Higgs breakthrough appeared to herald a new era in particle physics, one that could bring us closer to a possible unified theory describing all of the fundamental forces of nature. Unfortunately, in both cases, reality has intervened. Briefly, the Higgs is an elementary particle predicted 50 years ago during the development of the standard model of particle physics. Many might imagine that physicists were rooting for door No. 5 because we like to be vindicated. While the Higgs discovery was announced in July, the announcement was based on preliminary data.
Hammer and Feather
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 1996 by Eric M. Jones. All rights reserved. MP3 Audio Clip ( 6 min 34 sec ) Video Clip 2 min 24 sec ( 0.6 Mb RealVideo or 21 Mb MPG ) 167:02:55 Scott: Whenever you're ready, I'll get the tools off of you (that is, off Jim's PLSS). 167:03:02 Irwin: Okay. 167:03:18 Scott: They want to get that? 167:03:19 Irwin: I guess so; I don't know. 167:03:23 Scott: Yeah. [Jim goes to the back of the Rover, having left the SCB on his seat.] 167:03:25 Allen: Dave, that's affirm. 167:03:33 Scott: Okay. 167:03:35 Irwin: Okay, I'm ready to get the tools off. 167:03:36 Allen: And we're plenty comfortable on the time. 167:03:40 Scott: Yeah, well, we ought to get the descent engine sample first. 167:03:45 Irwin: Okay, well I don't need my bags for that. 167:03:47 Scott: Nope. 167:03:51 Irwin: I'll get the SESC. 167:03:52 Scott: Yeah; and a scoop. 167:03:54 Irwin: Yeah. [Dave goes around the north side of the spacecraft to find a patch of undisturbed soil.
Usenet Physics FAQ
Version Date: August 2013 This list of answers to frequently asked questions in physics was created by Scott Chase in 1992. Its purpose was to provide good answers to questions that had been discussed often in the sci.physics and related Internet news groups. The articles in this FAQ are based on those discussions and on information from good reference sources. Most of the entries that you'll find here were written in the days when the Internet was brand new. So because of their age, the FAQ entries that you'll find here have a great deal of academic credibility—but they are not always perfect and complete. This document is copyright. General Physics Particle and Nuclear Physics Quantum Physics Relativity and Cosmology Speed of Light Special Relativity General Relativity and Cosmology Black Holes Reference Topics There are many other places where you may find answers to your question. This FAQ is currently available from these web sites: Australia:
Se Jordens brande de sidste 10 år
De sidste 10 år har to af NASA’s satellitter indsamlet data over Jordens brande. Disse billeder har de nu samlet i én stor visuel præsentation af en af naturens mest destruktive fænomener: Ildebrande. Billederne stammer fra instrumentet MODIS (Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), som er ombord på NASA’s satellitter ved navn Terra og Aqua. NASA observerer og analyserer brande over hele verden igennem et omfattende researchprogram med satellitter, fly og udstyr på Jorden. »Det man kan se på disse billeder er en rigtig god repræsentation af den satellitdata forskerne bruger til at forstå den globale fordeling af brande og for at fastslå, hvordan brandenes udbredelse stemmer overens med klimaændringer og befolkningens vækst,« siger professor Chris Justice fra University of Maryland, College Park, som er projektleder på MODIS. Forståelse for brandes reaktion på årstidsvariationer Terra og Aqua-satellitterne blev skudt i luften i henholdsvis 1999 og 2002. Fakta
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