Free Icons Download EmptyEasel: Tutorials,etc Converting CMYK .PSD files for use in GIMP | Open Mutual – Company Blog Though GIMP has some support for handling CMYK workflow there is one part that isn’t available and that is opening existing Adobe Photoshop files (.PSD) that use the CMYK model. From a private book or card design point of view the one main place you’ll see these .PSD files is with online printers who provide you with only .PSD files as templates for the media sizes they print on. These files have a few or just one layer of the exact size that you have to make your material and so just happen to specify CMYK model rather than needing this. GIMP cannot open these type of .PSD files if they use CMYK: GIMP can only open PSD files that use RGB. Error loading PSD file: Unsupported colour mode: CMYK …and before you ask, no the separate+ plugin will not work here – that only has support for CMYK Tiff import and it does not alter how the existing PSD import works. You have three to four options to help here, The command I use is, convert input.psd -channel RGBA -alpha Set -colorspace rgb output.png
GIMPTalk.com - Ultimate gimp tutorials and The 12 Kinds of Ads In 1978, Donald Gunn was a creative director for the advertising agency Leo Burnett. Though his position implied expertise, Gunn felt he was often just throwing darts—relying on inspiration and luck (instead of proven formulas) to make great ads. So, he decided to inject some analytical rigor into the process: He took a yearlong sabbatical, studied the best TV ads he could find, and looked for elemental patterns. After much research, Gunn determined that nearly all good ads fall into one of 12 categories—or "master formats," in his words. At last year's Clio Awards, I saw Gunn give a lecture about these formats (using ads mostly from the '70s and '80s as examples), and I was fascinated by his theory. I soon found myself categorizing every ad I saw on TV. This slide show presents some recent ads exemplifying each of Gunn's 12 basic categories. Click here for a slide show on Gunn's 12 master formats.
Pixuff Photoshop Artistic Halftone plug-in - stippling, stochastic screening, texture halftone and anyscreen. Artistic Halftone is a set of Photoshop plug-ins help to create special halftone effects. It includes the following four filters. Stipple. stippling is the creation of a pattern simulating varying degrees of solidity or shading by using small dots. Spencer Tracy. Stippling portrait created by Pixeology Artistic Halftone. Stochastic Screen. Texture Halftone. Anyscreen.
PsyBlog: Why We do Dumb or Irrational Things: 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Studies Ten of the most influential social psychology experiments explain why we sometimes do dumb or irrational things. “I have been primarily interested in how and why ordinary people do unusual things, things that seem alien to their natures.Why do good people sometimes act evil?Why do smart people sometimes do dumb or irrational things?” –Philip Zimbardo Like famous social psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo (author of The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil), I’m also obsessed with why we do dumb or irrational things. The answer quite often is because of other people — something social psychologists have comprehensively shown. Each of the 10 brilliant social psychology experiments below tells a unique, insightful story relevant to all our lives, every day. Click the link in each social psychology experiment to get the full description and explanation of each phenomenon. 1. The halo effect is a finding from a famous social psychology experiment. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Scratchboard Illustrations: Amazing Art from Various Artists Scratchboard or Scraperboard was invented in the 19th Century. It’s a technique in which artists create drawings using tools and sharp knives to etch into a thin layer of white clay or chalk topped with a fine coat of black India ink. During that time this form of illustration quickly became the favorite medium among many artists. scratchboard – Mark Summers scratchboard – Douglas Smith Line Art – Bill Sanderson scratchboard artwork – Kent Barton contemporary people – Mark Summers wicked portraits – Mark Summers composers – Mark Summers Lincoln Sketchbook – Mark Summers composers – Mark SummersSummers Videos Demonstrating Scratchboard Illustrations Scratchboard Illustration of a Horse, Tutorial
Speed Test Why do I get a “socket error” message? An error may result from having the speed test open in more than one browser tab or window. The test may fail to complete and display the following message: “A socket error occurred during the Upload test. Please try again later.” To prevent this error, and get the most accurate test results, close all other browser tabs and windows before running. If you continue to get a socket error message, or another type of error message, please provide feedback by emailing us at speedtestfeedback@fusionconnect.com. Why is the location I usually pick missing from the City list? A slow response can be caused by latency or packet-loss between the client and server, or particularly high Internet usage (during peak hours). In which browsers does the Speed Test work best? Why am I receiving “Could not connect to the Internet” errors when I am connected? Why didn’t the test choose the server location nearest me? Why is my speed lower than expected?
32 Brilliant Poster Design Tutorials In Photoshop Learn new tips and tricks with these poster design tutorials in Photoshop. UPDATE: This post was originally published on August 1, 2011. We’ve updated the list and replaced the outdated ones. Enjoy, Creatives! Posters play an integral role in advertising; they’re arguably the best form of advertisement in outdoor settings. They’re an effective way of attracting people and conveying your message clearly in the midst of a chaotic scenario where everyone is in a hurry. It can also help boost your brand recall because posters are great agents for brand visibility. On the other hand, posters are also a great medium to showcase one’s creativity. In today’s post, we rounded up 32 brilliant poster design tutorials we’ve found online — each showcasing their unique style and methods. Make a Retro Space Themed Poster in Photoshop View Tutorial Making a Superhero Movie Teaser Poster View Tutorial Design the Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Poster View Tutorial Creating a Spectrum Poster Design in Photoshop View Tutorial Design a Swiss Style Music Festival Poster in Photoshop
Conjugate verb English, Conjugator, Conjugation tables The Print Designer’s Bundle (Best-Selling Fonts, Effects, Vectors and More) « Design Cuts Who this deal is for: Graphic designers Scrapbookers Print designers Web designers The Ultimate Print Designer’s Collection (Thousands of Quality Resources) After so many requests for a quality print design themed bundle, we set to work to compile the best resources in the world into one amazing collection. This vast library of design items features the most asked for resources from the Design Cuts community, and all for a 97% discount! Take your print design work to the next level, with this huge collection of best-selling resources Happy February Design Cutters! If you’ve been following along with the community happenings here, you may have seen lots of opportunities to have a say in this new bundle. The conclusion? (Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself a ‘print designer’. Specifically, tons of Design Cutters have been asking for: So you know what we did? We secured all of this and more for you, and have compiled it into one massive bundle, for a HUGE 97% saving on the regular price.