10 Outrageous Social Media Predictions for 2014 Every year, around December, I write my predictions for the next year. I love it. I sit in a room with some colleagues and brainstorm on what we think will happen next year and then I go to my crystal ball and look into the future, and just to make sure I’m not too off, I take my DeLorean and go back to the future. Okay, so I don’t really have a DeLorean (although I always wanted one) and the only thing you can see by looking into my crystal ball is, well, crystals. But reading back some of my predictions, I realized that a lot of them have been more like projections than predictions. So this year I decided to ignore the projections (i.e. If any of the below predictions will come true, I’m changing my name to Nostradamus. 1. It’s about time that someone will come up with a financial model (and solution) that rewards social influence. 2. Reality TV have been using audience influence for more than a decade now, and recently The Voice introduced real-time voting through Twitter. 3. 4. 5.
Beautiful Type 15 Tools Every Social Media Manager Should Use This post was originally published on Feb 4, 2014 Smart businesses know that social media is a power to be reckoned with: social media channels create a direct line of communication between your company and consumers and give anyone with an Internet connection instant access to the latest buzz around your products or services. Not to mention, they can help you to generate revenue, while building your brand presence. Let that marinate for a second. This potential for a triple treat is no task to walk into empty handed or unprepared. The 16 tools below will help you and your social media manager take on the complexity of the job. 1. Those who have Google Analytics installed on their website can use Visually’s Google Analytics Report: an app that creates a custom infographic of your website’s activity and performance. Pricing: Free 2. This free, easy-to-use Twitter management tool allows you to oversee all aspects of your Twitter account(s) in one interface. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Apollonia Saintclair A l’occasion de la sortie du livre SKATE ART, les Editions Cercle d’Art et Cedric Melado commissaire-priseur chez FauveParis organisent une vente aux enchères caritative le jeudi 30 novembre à 20h. L’intégralité des produits de cette vente sera remise à skateistan.org, une ONG basée à Berlin qui finance et installe des skate parks dans les zones de conflit ou abandonnées de tous et distribue des skates aux enfants pour leur permettre de jouer, de se détendre, de faire du sport et de mener un semblant de vie normale. C’était un plaisir et un honneur de réaliser l’une des 25 planches originales, en compagnie de Erro, Peter Klasen, Olivier Masmonteil, Kongo, L’Atlas, Benjamin Spark, Christophe Tollemer, Milledollars, Alcmea architectes, Mambo, Maria Giemza, Toxic, Jérôme Bryon, Kraken, Yann Paolozzi, Guillermo S, Daëna Phan Van Song, Pramith, Colorz, ou encore Kouka. LA MAISON DE VENTE: FauveParis, 49 rue Saint-Sabin, PARIS Mise à prix 200 €.
Open rate oswojony, czyli (prawie) wszystko o wskaźnikach otwarć kampanii mailingowych - Blog - Skuteczne newslettery i e-mail marketing bez abonamentu - FreshMail Wskaźnik otwarć (open rate) to miara, która nastręcza marketerom wielu problemów. Czym tak właściwie jest? W jaki sposób się ją oblicza? Kiedy zmiany tego wskaźnika traktować jako sukces, a kiedy – sygnał, że w którymś momencie planowania kampanii popełniliśmy błąd? Jak mierzyć ilość otwartych maili? Wskaźnik otwarć mówi ile osób z naszej listy mailingowej, otworzyło lub widziało konkretną kampanię. Aby mierzyć ilość otwartych maili, do każdego z nich automatycznie dodawany jest fragment kodu, który żąda przesłania niewielkiego, niewidocznego pliku graficznego z serwera. Dobrze, zatem gdzie leży problem? Kolejną sprawą jest fakt, że nasi czytelnicy mogą posiadać panel podglądu wiadomości w swoich klientach poczty e-mail. Zatem wskaźnika otwarć nigdy nie należy traktować jako sztywną miarę. Jak liczymy wskaźnik otwarć? Zazwyczaj wskaźnik otwarć przedstawia się procentowo, jako stosunek ilości otwartych maili do różnicy maili wysłanych i maili odbitych, co zilustrować można wzorem: Gdzie:
SUPERIOR MAGAZINE | FASHION DESIGN MUSIC ART & CULTURE What Losing My Job Taught Me About Leading - Douglas R. Conant by Douglas R. Conant | 8:00 AM March 18, 2013 It was the spring of 1984. I remember the day as if it were yesterday. Fortunately, the new owners had set me up with a fabulous outplacement person, Neil MacKenna. First, I learned the power of connecting with people by being fully present — in every moment. Too many leaders are so caught up in the momentum of work that they lose sight of the opportunity to connect with people. This is easier said than done (it takes a lot of mindfulness to keep your mind from wandering, or your gaze from flicking to your watch or your phone) but it’s essential to honoring people — another lesson I learned from Neil. He “honored” me with his time, his attention, his insight and his energy. I have found that the more I honored others, the more they honored me and the more fulfilling my career became. And when someone does help you, acknowledge it. Before I was fired, I had kept my head down and on my work.
Miss Moss Mobile RTB – the Agency View: an Infographic by Rubicon Project - The Rubicon Project Today we’re unveiling an infographic on mobile RTB, representing the views of leading agency trading desks across Europe, with the aim of providing a benchmark for the growth and development of mobile automated trading over the coming year. The infographic covers: 2012/2013 mobile spend, how agencies are currently accessing mobile inventory, the most common advertising partners, the top challenges in buying mobile inventory and the most in demand ad formats: You can embed the Rubicon Project Mobile RTB Infographic on your site using the following code:
artnau artnau - Infographic: The evolution of customer experience By Sheridan Orr Forrester just released a study that shows customers feel more empowered than ever. As a result, customers have raised their expectations of the brand and the experience. Given the findings of this study, I thought it might be interesting to look at the pivotal moments that created the modern, connected and empowered customer. In the late 1800s, shopping consisted of trekking to a crowded market and heavy engagement with shopkeepers. A railroad operator received a large shipment of watches from a jeweler because the original client refused them. While the Sears catalogue remained wildly popular, passengers left the rails for cars. Shopkeepers were looking for a way to improve customer loyalty and John Biggins was looking for a way to make his bank the preferred institution for merchants. While Biggins was creating the credit card in Brooklyn, a Las Vegas tradition was being conceived. Story continues below... What Sears did for print, QVC did for television.