Box of Tricks - Technology and Education So true Lisa Stevens Blog ICT-Supported Subject Teaching & Learning | Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge Contact Sara Hennessy University of Cambridge Faculty of Education 184 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PQ Tel: 01223 767657E-mail: sch30@cam.ac.uk Publications Downloads of papers arising from all of our projects are available in Word or PDF format by clicking on links below Presentations Recent presentations from various projects are available in Prezi format at Research Projects Using the Interactive Whiteboard to support classroom dialogue OER4Schools: Introducing digital Open Educational Resources into Zambian primary schools through school-professional development (The above two projects have their own websites) Bridging practice and research into teaching and learning with technology (2007-2010) Grant holder: Sara Hennessy Funded by ESRC grant: RES-063-27-0081 Bridging between research and practice: Supporting professional development through collaborative studies of classroom teaching with interactive whiteboard technology. Toolkit (1.3Mb) and Figures (5 Mb)
¡Bienvenidos a AsíSeHace.net! Isabelle Jones Blog Swansea Metropolitan University Education Research The University’s research covers engineering, social science, arts and humanities disciplines. Striving to be engaged, always innovative, it’s often interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature. Through our research partnerships we influence economic, cultural and social landscapes at national, European and international levels by delivering benefits for business, government and communities. Classics Find out more Research in the areas of classical literature; Rome and the West; Economy and Materiality; and the Ancient Near East. Art and Design Find out more Research in applied art and design; design policy; film, photography and digital media; fine art and performance. Celtic Languages Find out more Research in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and dialectology; medieval Welsh religious history, medieval Welsh literature; Welsh folk life and folk culture. PhD Study Find out more The University has a busy post-graduate research community.
Chris Harte Blog SchoolRack » Create a FREE Teacher Website or Educational Blog! Impacts of ICT in education. The role of the teacher and teacher training Impacts of ICT in education. The role of the teacher and teacher training. A.K. Paper Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Lahti, Finland 22 - 25 September 1999 1.1 problem definition The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Dutch education is lagging behind expectation and desire. Within the PROMMITT action-programme, Stoas Research analyses the future educational practices of the vet-professional. The main research question is: What is the teachers’ prospective role in a richly ICT-designed learning environment and what competences are required for this role? 1.2 Research questions The following questions are posed in our study: What are the consequences of (the use of) ICT in occupational practice on the attainment targets and curriculum of secondary (agricultural) vocational education? 1.3 ICT in dutch vocational education ICT as object. 1.4 Research method 1.5 Results We will discuss the four main tentative conclusions of the study. The teachers
eLearning Technology Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers) 9 Step Guide for Administrators New to Twitter (From an administrator relatively new to Twitter) « Mission Driven Leadership BOLD STATEMENT ALERT…Every school administrator, and really every educator, needs to be on Twitter. This is not a statement I realized to be true until I was actually active on Twitter, but now I regret waiting so long. There are several Twitter startup guides out there, but this one is unique (I hope) as it focuses on administrators and educational leaders new to Twitter, from the perspective of an administrator fairly new to Twitter. There are so many reasons to be on Twitter; self-reflection, professional development, current data and research, collaboration, and modeling tech savviness to staff and students. 1. Twitter is the only social media site that I use. I was wary of getting on Twitter for the same reasons I shunned Facebook and other social media apps. There is nothing to be afraid of. 2. There is a ton of info and resources out there on how to set up your account. 3. At first you will do much more following of others than creating content yourself. 4. MT – Modified tweet.