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Typing Games
Sense-lang Free Typing Games Sense-lang offers multiple free typing games and English games. Each typing game was exclusively developed by our programmers for the website. There are 3 types of learn type games:
Helbling Mind App
Web 2.0, New Learning Technologies (and EFL) Free Technology for Teachers; free resources and lesson plans for teaching with technology written by Richard Byrne. Nik’s Learning Technology blog by Nik Peachey, for English Language teachers. EdTech Toolbox: a place to share e-learning and Web 2.0 tools for education.
Art 4 Apps
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Plan De Travail Et Ceintures De Compétences
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50 ways to use Book Creator in your classroom
We’re excited to be publishing a free new resource for teachers, made entirely in Book Creator. 50 ways to use Book Creator in your classroom is our new year gift to teachers. This book is packed with resources covering every subject and grade level you can think of! We draw from over 5 years of case studies, thought-pieces and tutorials published on this website and beyond, packaging them in an easy to read ebook. Created by teachers, for teachers
Exercices Dactylo - citations, extraits...
Typing test rules If you do NOT fix the errors, a penalty will be added to your final WPM score. To fix the errors, press the backspace key. The timer start when you start typing. However, if you wait more than 3 seconds, the timer starts anyway.
100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers
YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point.
Colourful Christmas trees
You need: two drawing sheets A4 sizewatercolour paintbrushes jar with watertissue paperscissorsglue rulerpencilgold or silver markerwhite correction markerglitter Paint a background for the Christmas trees with water paint. Use different colours and let them blend into each other. Use plenty of water for nice bright colours. Choose three colours of tissue paper.
Beginner's guide to Construct 2
Well done for choosing Construct 2! Let's get started making your first HTML5 game. We'll be making the 'Ghost Shooter' demo game.
6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2015
While doing research for my upcoming e-book, The Teacher’s Guide to Tech, I have come across dozens of tools with pretty awesome potential for teaching and learning. These six are the ones I think are the most interesting and most useful right now. Wherever you fall on the technology spectrum — from newbie to experienced user — there’s probably something here you haven’t tried yet. Although most of these tools aren’t brand-new, they are all steadily growing in popularity, and each one can enhance teaching and learning in a unique, time-saving, or engaging way. For every tool, I provide a brief overview, my personal rating of its difficulty, a video that demonstrates how the tool works, and a list of suggested ways you can use it.
Chat-noir oeuvres d'Art
Boszi par Endre Penova Fernando Castillo Picasso Konrad Krzyzanowski Henri Clive Louis Valtat