Ten useful open source tools for web developers The rapidly changing nature of the Web makes it necessary for web developers to constantly be on the lookout for new, shiny tools. This post will hopefully show you some cool tools you didn’t already know about. Providing you with a list of the ten BEST open source tools for web developers would have been great, but it would be negligent to call this a top ten list because there are so many different tools out there that fall under the Free/Libre/Open Source category. Developers can be notoriously choosy when it comes to the tools they use and it’s close to impossible to create an objective top ten list. In order to be included in this list: The project/tool has to be available on the three major platforms; Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux.The source code has to be available to any and all developers.Finally, it has to be truly useful to web developers. By the way, if you were expecting another list with GIMP, FileZilla, and Firefox you are in for a disappointment. OpenLaszlo Silex Amaya KompoZer
5 efectos CSS accesibles » Sentido Web 08May2007 Comments Off El tema de la accesibilidad es algo que a veces se deja de lado cuando se quiere conseguir un diseño más dinámico. Pero si se busca bien, se podrá encontrar ejemplos de diseños CSS que sean accesibles. Estos son 5 muy buenos ejemplos de ello: 5 Accessible and pretty CSS tips Vía / dzone Praktiska exempel - Verva 13 Internet Slangs with Unexpected Alternate Meanings We've all grown accustomed to the online jargon, shorthands and acronyms that have developed over decades of Internet use. Silly as they might be, most of us are guilty of truncating, abbreviating or misspelling words to save a few seconds here and there. The jury is still out on whether the seconds have added up to much or not, but linguists have had a field day studying online lingual behaviors and their effects on offline writing and speech. Nevertheless, it's interesting to look at how pre-Internet acronyms and abbreviations like "LOL" have taken on new meanings ("laughing out loud") with the introduction of widely popular Internet idioms. Below, you'll find a list of 13 Internet acronyms and slang terms with unexpected alternative meanings, ranging from downright unpredictable to hilariously ironic. Before netizens had us "laughing out loud," there were little old ladies participating in less bone-tickling happenings. A study published by Peter E. Are you a Star Wars fan? And U?
Create the accordion effect using CSS3 | The CSS Ninja - All things CSS, Javascript & xhtml Recently I have been playing around with CSS transitions and animations as implemented in webkit based browsers such as Safari and Chrome. They have been submitted to the W3C for consideration in the CSS3 spec so hopefully we should see more browsers support this soon, Firefox 3.5 supports CSS transforms which was developed by the webkit people to work alongside CSS animations & transitions. To continue my effort to accomplish tasks in CSS that are usually reserved for JavaScript, such as my Futurebox and CSS based iPhone orientation detection. I have developed a CSS based version of the popular “accordion effect” that utilises the webkit CSS transitions. It should be noted that this works best in a webkit based browser such as Safari 3+, Chrome or iPhone. Firefox 1.5+Opera 9.6+Safari 3+Chrome 1+IE6+ – IE solution The xhtml <dl><dt><a href="#Section1">Section 1</a></dt><dd id="Section1"><p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... The CSS -webkit-transition: height 1s ease; Webkit media queries <dl><!
Herramientas adecuadas para el diseño y desarrollo de un sitio w Las fases de un desarrollo web, así como los lenguajes de programación usados, son muy extensas y variadas, y por ello necesitamos herramientas específicas para cada una de ellas. Conoceremos a continuación las principales herramientas existentes para poder desarrollar fácilmente un proyecto web. En el desarrollo web tenemos unas herramientas para el diseño, otras para la maquetación, otras para la programación, y para la depuración. Todas las herramientas que usemos son muy importantes, desde el Sistema Operativo hasta el comando más insignificante, y por ello debemos elegir la más adecuada a nuestras necesidades y capacidades. Sistema Operativo Para desarrollar una web, lo primero que necesitamos es un Sistema Operativo, como es lógico, y su elección no es tan trivial. Otra característica a tener en cuenta es las facilidades que el Sistema Operativo aporta al desarrollador, y en este sentido GNU/Linux se lleva de calle a Windows. Fases de desarrollo de una web Fases: diseño y maquetación
inUseful: Användbarhet, interaktionsdesign & effektstyrning Text Message Translator, Online Text Message Dictionary » CSS & Javascript Character Entity Calculator :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained Enter your HTML Entity Character number (such as ट or just 2335 – ट) to get the CSS and JS values for that entity. Explanations on how to use the results are below. (open in new window). named entities | numeric entities | 2,636 entities If you can’t find the entity you want, try drawing it Example of JavaScript Charater Entities and the DOM Example Code (This is the code for the dynamically generated content in the button above). var calc = document.getElementById("calculator"); var theButton = calc.getElementsByTagName('button')[0]; var buttonOptions = ['\u03a0\u03a1\u0395\u03a3\u03a3', '\u2660\u2663\u2665\u2666', '\u221a']; var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*buttonOptions.length); var buttonText = document.createTextNode(buttonOptions[rand]); var z = theButton.appendChild(buttonText); The Explanation: Line 1: gets the div containing the button. Including Character Entities in JavaScript and CSS The processes for including special characters in JavaScript and CSS are very similar:
Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them. This is opposite of image preloading. Using Lazy Load on long web pages will make the page load faster. In some cases it can also help to reduce server load. Plugin is inspired by YUI ImageLoader Utility by Matt Mlinac. For those in hurry there are several demo pages: basic options, with fadein effect, noscript fallback, horizontal scrolling, horizontal scrolling inside container, vertical scrolling inside container, page with gazillion images, load images using timeout and load images using AJAX(H). When checking the demos clear browser cache between each request. How to Use? Lazy Load depends on jQuery. You must alter your image tags. <img class="lazy" data-original="img/example.jpg" width="640" height="480"> $(function() { $("img.lazy").lazyload(); }); This causes all images of class lazy to be lazy loaded. PRO TIP! Setting Threshold Event to Trigger Loading
How to persuade your users, boss or clients Advertisement Whether you are getting a client to sign off on a website’s design or persuade a user to complete a call to action, we all need to know how to be convincing. Like many in the Web design industry, I have a strange job. I am part salesperson, part consultant and part user experience designer. One day I could be pitching a new idea to a board of directors, the next I might be designing an e-commerce purchasing process. There is, however, a common theme: I spend most of my time persuading people. As Web designers, we often have to nudge people in the direction we want them to go. 1. The worst thing you can do is enter a meeting or begin designing a user interface with a personal agenda. Start by ListeningTo achieve this, you must really listen. Tailor Presentation of AgendaRather than forcing the people in the room to reluctantly agree, tailor your presentation of ideas so that they see the benefit of them. 2. The same approach can be used online. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion (al)
l Everything You Need To Know About CSS Selector Specificity There's an obscure topic of CSS that I think many people aren't aware of. It's called 'specificity'. I suppose it's not as glamorous as rounded corners, drop shadows or animations but it's still just as important in your day to day work as any other part of CSS. So what is CSS specificity? It's a weighted value system for all of your selectors. Essentially, each piece of your selector has a value applied to it. IDs IDs are the most powerful type of selector you can use. The first example below has a point value of 100, while the second example has a point value of 300. #content { }#content #aside #caption { } Classes Your second most important type is the class selector. The two selectors below are of equal value. #caption { }.content-highlight .aside-type .float .bold .uppercase .quote .featured .etc .etc .etc { } Elements Last but least are elements. Again, both selectors below have the same point value. .uppercase { }html body div div blockquote span span span b i { } Odds & Ends Resources
Javascript no obstructivo, Manual de buenas maneras - aNieto2K Esto pretende ser una traducción (de las mias) de un fabuloso artículo de Christian Heilmann. Javascript es una herramienta maravillosa para mejorar la usabilidad de las aplicaciones web. Es una capa extra entre la estructura (HTML) y el diseño(CSS). Uno de los problemas con los que nos encontramos a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones web con javascript son problemas de accesibilidad derivados al no contemplar la posibilidad de que un usuario nos visite con un navegador que no interprete este lenguaje. La frase, “¡¡Divide y vencerás!!” Operación limpieza El desarrollo web ha cambiado en los últimos años, estamos dejando de mezclar la presentación de la estructura, lo que nos está facilitando el trabajo de mantenimiento, modificación y mejora de nuestras aplicaciones. HTML: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5"><tr><td><font face="Arial" size="-2">Lorem Ipsum</font></td></tr></table> Y aún podemos ir más allá… Reglas del Javascript no obstructivo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.