The Document Foundation Blog The Evolution Will Be Socialized From the actions of the Egyptian government to the policies of Facebook, the monopolies of central banks to the corporatization of the Internet, we are witnessing the potential of a peer-to-peer networking become overshadowed by the hierarchies of the status quo. It’s time for us to gather and see what is still possible on the net, and what, if anything, can be built to replace it. I have had a vague misgiving about the direction the net’s been going for, well, maybe 15 years. But until recently, it was more like the feeling when another Starbucks opens on the block, a Wal-Mart moves into town, or a bank forecloses unnecessarily on that cool local bookstore to make room for another bank. Lately, however, what’s wrong with the net has become quite crystalized for me. It started with the corporate-government banishment of Wikileaks last year, and reached a peak with Egypt shutting off its networks to stave off revolution. I received literally thousands of emails in response.
HTML - Fontes: Tipos, Cores, Tamanhos e Estilos Na linguagem HTML estão disponíveis formatos envolvendo fontes: tamanho, cores, estilo, alinhamento, fundos etc, possibilitando inúmeras possibilidades de apresentação do texto. Para saber mais detalhes sobre as fontes, clique aqui. Para entender como são disponibilizadas as cores nas telas e os seus respectivos códigos RGB e hexadecimal, clique aqui. Para ver algumas tabelas de cores, em base 10 e em 16: Note-se que para aplicar uma formatação, após selecionar o texto desejado, pode-se utilizar os botões das barras de ferramentas ou clicar em "Format" e em algumas das opções como "Text style", "Text color", "Paragraph". O parâmetro COLOR contém a cor do texto. O parâmetro SIZE contém o tamanho. Quando se lida com fontes FACE contém o nome do tipo de letra Por exemplo: <font face=*></font> ou <span style="font-family: *;"></span>: É importante lembrar que essa fonte só poderá ser visualizada em outro computador se ele possuir essa fonte instalada. <font size=*></font>: Exemplo: a. c. d. e. f.
Pétition « Stop aux brevets logiciels » Introduction Our petition aims to unify the voices of concerned Europeans, associations and companies, and calls on our politicians in Europe to stop patents on software with legislative clarifications. The patent system is misused to restrain competition for the economical benefit of a few but fails to promote innovation. European court decisions still accept in many cases the validity of the software patents granted by national patent offices and the European Patent Office (EPO) that is beyond democratic control. On 2005 the Commission appeared to be more supportive to the interests of major international conglomerates than of small and medium sized enterprises from Europe - who are a major driving force behind European innovation. Considerations Studies A large number of serious scientific and economic studies justify ruling out patents on software. Copyright for software, but no patents Litigation instead of innovation Software patents miss their legitimate purpose. American mistakes
What true P2P networking projects exist or are in development, which may spring into action if the Internet is ever unacceptably co-opted or controlled 350+ Free Textures - Web Design Blog – DesignM.ag 17 scratched and scraped textures grab bag 40 random free textures 14 free high res slate textures Aqueous Sun Texture Pack Volume 1 (50) Aqueous Sun Texture Pack Volume 2 (50) Aqueous Sun Presents Rust v.01 (28) Beautiful Textures On Black Backgrounds (22) rust textures (5) victorian dreams texture pack (10) Dreamy Bokeh Textures (4) Glitter Bokeh Texture Pack (33) 20 grungy dirty wood textures tree bark 10 free high res textures 9 colorful rust textures Wood Panels Texture Set (9) turn back time texture pack (5) Vintage II Texture Pack (6) Rust ‘n Such Textures (10) textures (5) Folds: Texture Pack (8) Freebie: Texture Pack 4 – Watercolours (10) Metal Texture Pack – 47 Free Images Brick & Stone: Texture Pack (24) 17 rock and concrete textures 25 subtle and light grunge textures 8 re-stained paper textures 28 High-Res Vintage Postal Textures Old Leather Textures (5) 5 colored grungy bokeh textures 15 High-Res Lens Flare Textures 27 High-Res Fabric Fold Textures out of focus 30 free bokeh textures Bokeh Pack (22)
Top ten open source projects of 2011 Best of the Blog 2011 – Open Source The open source movement has come a long way since its beginning with computer software. Now we have open source electronic hardware, digital fabrication machines, and even farming equipment and houses. If it can be made, it can be open sourced. Here are our top ten articles about open source projects from 2011. #10 Second Generation Open Source Laser Cutter This is a new and improved version of a laser cutter project organized on Buildlog.Net. #9 Arduino 1.0 programming environment and language released Despite the fact that Arduino has been widely used for several years, the programming language/environment only recently left beta status. #8 FabFi: community-built wireless network This is one of those inspiring projects that is so simple, yet so effective, you have to wonder why no one thought of it earlier. #7 Comic-style introduction to Arduino #6 Global Village Construction Set #5 Open source hardware from Microsoft #3 FabScan open source 3D scanner
Category:P2P Infrastructure 1. Geert Lovink [1] "Instead of further going down the corporate lane of Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook, I propose to go back to the original architecture of Internet as public infrastructure with decentralized nodes. There are four main forces arrayed against a future network of free and open data [2]. Content providers want to insure that their every product is not only the only thing you are allowed access to, but that you only access it in ways that insure that you pay for the privilege. What Can We Do? Michel Bauwens: As I see it, there are three main strategies being deployed. 1. 2. 3. My conclusion is that all three approaches are necessary, but not sufficient, and that what is needed is an integrative approach. Basic Introductory Resources The P2P Foundation supports the following appeal: People’s Principles To End Mass Surveillance This documentation project was originally compiled in the context of the ContactCon conference to be held on October 20, 2010 in NYC.