Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. SNAP: Stanford Network Analysis Project Curriculum Vitae (mis à jour le: 25/01/2011) Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux Né le 27 mars 1973 à Paris. Marié avec deux enfants. Séjours (courts) dans d’autres laboratoires de recherche universitaire Conférences invitées1 Sydney, Australie (2014). Mini-cours et tutoriels Invitation de chercheurs Bourses et subventions Distinction académique Fonctions électives Responsabilités administratives Université de Montréal, Département de Mathématiques et de Statistique Université Pierre Mendès France, Département STID de l’IUT2 Arbitrage d’articles de revues Bernoulli, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Cognitive Computation, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Frontiers Neuroscience, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Statistical Software, Mathematical Reviews, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Proceedings, Statistical Methodology. Comités éditoriaux Thèmes de recherche privilégiés 2012: Lafaye de Micheaux P. and Léger C. 2014?
Homepage RStudio Server Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - Louis Aslett Current AMI Quick Reference (27nd Jun 2015)Amazon instance type reference Click to launch through AWS web interface: What’s new recently? Easy Dropbox setup to make syncing files on/off server easy, including selective folder sync. < Back to homepage Amazon’s EC2 platform provides a convenient environment for rapidly procuring computational resources in the cloud. To get started with the Amazon cloud, you must first signup for an AWS account if you don’t already have one. Click here for a simple video guide to using the AMIs listed here, or for more detailed information read on. What is this? If you want to run a server in the Amazon cloud, you have to select what system you are going to bootup. In particular, many common tools and dependencies are built-in. Why an RStudio AMI? The RStudio team have done a phenomenal job with making it simplicity itself to install, but there are still several motivating factors which led to me creating this AMI: AMI Release History Usage Comments
ADLS - Administrative Data Liaison Service Interactive graphics for data analysis: principles and examples - Martin Theus, Simon Urbanek StarCraft Data Mining | Expressive Intelligence Studio Skip to main content Expressive Intelligence Studio You are here Home Main menu Navigation Home StarCraft Data Mining People Overview The StarCraft Data Mining project is part of an effort to automatically aquire knowledge about expert RTS gameplay by mining thousands of professional StarCraft replays. Publications Ben Weber and Michael Mateas. Downloads We are providing the ARFF files generated by this project to encourage other researchers to perform player modeling. Links