September September 11, 2001, Documentary Project - (American Memory from the Library of Congress) 9/11 Interactive Timeline September 11, 2001 Maps 911 Materials for Teachers U.S. Department of Education The Avalon Project September 11, 2001 Attack on America American RadioWorks - Witnesses to Terror Days of Infamy September 11 News.com - September 11, 2001 News Archives - The 9-11-2001 Terrorist Attack on America. The September 11 Digital Archive 9/11- never forget! Newseum | September 12, 2001 Front Pages Archive of Screenshots of Online News Sites on September 11-12, 2001 Sept. 11 Through The Eyes Of VII, Magnum And Life : The Picture Show : NPR Overview (September 11 Web Archive MINERVA Library of Congress) The World Reacts To The September 11, 2001 Attacks - YouTube Google News Search September 11 NIST and the World Trade Center 9/11 Tapes National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Legislation Related to the Attack of September 11, 2001
THE GOGGLES Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses Photos via GoogleGoogle showed off its first venture into wearable computing, called Project Glass. If you venture into a coffee shop in the coming months and see someone with a pair of futuristic glasses that look like a prop from “Star Trek,” don’t worry. It’s probably just a Google employee testing the company’s new augmented-reality glasses. On Wednesday, Google gave people a clearer picture of its secret initiative called Project Glass. The glasses are not yet for sale. In a post shared on Google Plus, employees in the company laboratory known as Google X, including Babak Parviz, Steve Lee and Sebastian Thrun, asked people for input about the prototype of Project Glass. “We’re sharing this information now because we want to start a conversation and learn from your valuable input,” the three employees wrote. The prototype version Google showed off on Wednesday looked like a very polished and well-designed pair of wrap-around glasses with a clear display that sits above the eye.
September 11 Digital Archive The Best Tools for Visualization Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data. Here are some of the best: Visualize Social Networks Last.Forward: Thanks to Last.fm's new widget gallery, you can now explore a wide selection of extras to extend your Last.fm experience. Last Forward Friends Sociomap: Friends Sociomap is another Last.fm tools that generates a map of the music compatibility between you and your Last.fm friends. Fidg't: Fidg't is a desktop application that gives you a way to view your networks tagging habits. Fidg't The Digg Tools: One more: Digg Radar. YouTube: Visualize Music Musicovery Last.fm music visual tools: Amazon
Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive Adam Westbrook: Want to be a Digital Storyteller? Just do it Do you want to tell digital stories that touch people? As a journalist, in marketing or education, or as a personal publishing project? I know that many people do, and that’s why I got quite excited about a beautiful digital book that I came across last week, Inside the Story. Not only that, all proceeds of the book go to Kiva, which empowers people around the world with micro loans. The whole thing was the idea of Adam Westbrook, a freelance multimedia producer who creates digital stories for commercial and non-profit organisations, and is also a lecturer and blogger based in London. Adam sent hundreds of emails over a period of months getting the best film-makers, journalists and designers to contribute. It was inspired by a project by Seth Godin – an ebook created collaboratively. I handpicked 24 of my favourite digital storytellers and asked them to each share one piece of hard-won advice. It’s been far more successful than I had imagined. The key word is authenticity.
Milestone Documents · Your primary source for historic texts and analysis. What 9/11 will mean in the annals of history is still undetermined, but its impact has reverberated throughout the world. The following documents tell the story of the attacks and their aftermath with an immediacy that only such records can. To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the tragedy, the Milestone Documents editors invite you to read and share these texts and accompanying scholarly commentary for free during the month of September. At left is an image of Ground Zero in New York City under construction (Library of Congress). Osama bin Laden’s Declaration of Jihad on the Americans (1996): Also known as the “Ladenese Epistle,” the declaration was bin Laden’s first call for jihad against the United States. The document can be taken to represent al Qaeda’s declaration of war on Washington. George W. George W. 9/11 Commission Report (2004): In November 2002, President George W. See more News>
איך החיידקים שולטים בנו ברוס גרמן, פרופסור לכימיה מאוניברסיטת קליפורניה דיוויס, חוקר זה יותר מעשור את אחת החידות הגדולות ביותר הקשורות בחלב האם: ההרכב המשונה שלו. 21% מהסוכר בחלב אם עשוי מחומר שאף תינוק אנושי אינו מסוגל לעכל. "במשך שנים האמינו שזו טעות אבולוציונית", אומר גרמן בראיון ל"מוסף כלכליסט". "אבל זה לא ייתכן. חלב אם עוצב על ידי 200 מיליון שנות אבולוציה, תחת אילוצים אדירים. הוא חייב להיות חסכוני מאוד, כי הוא עולה לאם באנרגיות אדירות, וכל רכיב בו אמור להיות מדויק על שבריר האחוז, משום שכל מחסור עלול להזיק לתינוק. 21% מבוזבזים פשוט לא מסתדרים עם זה". לגרמן היה רעיון. כמה שאלות נותרו פתוחות: האם החיידק הזה אכן נמצא בגופם של תינוקות? ד"ר ג'רמי קוניג, ביולוג מולקולרי מאוניברסיטת קורנל, הוא האיש היחיד בעולם שחקר באופן מדוקדק איך קהילת חיידקים צומחת מאפס לטריליון בגופם של תינוקות. עתה לגרמן נותר רק לגלות למה דווקא ביפידו. קצת אחרי שגילינו את האופטיקה, גילינו את החיידקים. מאז ועד לעשורים האחרונים ממש, המדע ראה בחיידקים את הביטוי הפרימיטיבי ביותר לחיים. בעשורים האחרונים התבררה גודלה של הטעות. אז מה עושים?