Related: Speaking
British English Coach_how to speak better If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way. When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. As human beings, we want to participate in group discussions and have an impact on the society around us. In the modern world, we communicate across borders. By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. What you need is to become a self-directed learner, somebody who takes responsibility for their own learning and creates their own learning programme to develop their English. Now, it’s certainly true that speaking is a social activity and is best done with other people. You can do the same with your English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I want to go for a drink tonight. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
UNDER STRESS | ELT-CATION Nothing teaches a language teacher better than their own foreign language learning experience. The class is over. Dobar dan. Kafe Bahus. Hvala. – Teacher! – Yes, Marko? – You sound like Google Translate! Like Google Translate? Sentence stress (*contrastive stress) it often overlooked in coursebooks because it is a common feature of languages. So, the good news is we know it all already. So, how do you practice ‘common sense’? Here are a few activities on contrastive stress that may be used with general or business English classes. Who ate the cookies? Get your students to look at the image and ask to read our loud the sentence “I never said I ate your cookies”. I never said I ate your cookies I never said I ate your cookies. I never said I ate your cookies. I never said I ate your cookies. I never said I ate your cookies. I never said I ate your cookies. I never said I ate your cookies. Sentence_Stress (Note: there may be more than seven meanings if we stress more than one word) Insert a word E.g.
Slang Language changes all the time. New words and phrases appear and evolve. The words and pronunciations used by young people in the UK can be very different to those used by adults. Living in a multicultural society has an effect on language, especially on young people, whose friends are often from a mix of backgrounds. Television and music also have a big impact on the language of the young. Often UK singers sing in American accents without realising. Young British people use lots of language that you usually can’t find in most dictionaries. Safe, sorted, sound, cool or wicked all mean That’s good or I understand. However, not everybody uses slang and not everybody likes it. When British people use language like this, it’s no surprise that some students say they can’t understand native speakers. So, how important is it to understand these slang words and expressions?
FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT | ELT-CATION If I’m trying to keep a conversation going and you aren’t doing your part, I’ll stop.Unknown. If you’re looking for a nice activity to jazz up your conversation class, you are in the right place. You will not waste your precious time on reading how important showing interest for keeping a conversation going is or why your learners should get some practice of how to do it before they step into the big world of real conversation. Step 1. Brainstorm with students how they usually show interest in a conversation. Step 2. Tell students they are going to watch but not hear a conversation between Sheldon and Amy from the Big Bang Theory. Step 3. Get feedback. Step 4. Now show the video extract again, but this time with the sound on. Step 5. Get feedback. Interjections Echo-questions Echo words Wh-questions Making a personal response Give out a copy of the handout to each student and ask them to group given words/phrases under the strategies of showing interest. Handout: Showing Interest Step 6. Step 7.
Heylangu bio: Experienced in the workplace, corporate office, training centre and classroom, I combine qualifications in teaching English, experience in training and teaching, and a successful business career. I know how to communicate in business and can tailor classes to help you achieve your professional goals. I specialize in applying the best teaching resources to real-world situations. what should you expect from my classes: I will get to know you and your needs. my teaching background: I have taught English as a foreign language for about 2 years as a private tutor (one-to-one) and in-company classes for businesses. my background outside of teaching: I built a successful freelance writing, editing and publishing business offering a wide range of communications services to business, governments and industry organisations. Teaches: English native languages: other languages spoken: Spanish qualifications:
10 Ways to Start Speaking English - Nina English blog There are many reasons why people attend my courses of English Without Books. But they all have one thing in common – everyone would like to improve their speaking. Okay, that’s a valid need. But there is a catch in it if we take it as some kind of a sport. If we start to approach it as something that we “should probably improve somehow”. So how to do it if you really mean it? 1. One of the best known and most effective recommendations. 2. I swear by music when learning languages. Summer courses 2019 Skype coaching Brno women’s weekend 3. Or any other apps where you have to record yourself and the app then gives you feedback on how you pronounce words/sentences. You get free access to English Central in some of our courses – in the 1-on-1 course with Nina and in the group course for Intermediate students. 4. I have been promoting tv series and movies on my blog and in all my courses for a long time. 5. When you read something and nobody is in the room with you, read it out loud sometimes.
10 great esl exercises to practice SPEAKING - Teacher's Pit Stop Level: B1 and above What you’ll need is a deck of cards (or more than one depending on the size of your class) Setup: Put your students into pairs and give each pair a set of min 10 cards (or a full deck if you have so many). The students will be having conversations with each other. Every card rank has a different scenario attached to it: Black Ace – You don’t like your partner. Red Ace – You’re in love with your partner. Black 2 -You want to share a secret but you don’t trust your partner. Red 2 – You’re too honest and share too many secrets. Black 3 – You only talk about yourself. Red 3 – You only talk about other people. Black 4 – You’ve had a car accident 7 years ago and that’s all you want to talk about. Red 4 – You have a cute new kitten and that’s all you want to talk about. Black 5 – You’re very stressed because of your work. Red 5 – You’re very relaxed because you’ve discovered meditation. Black 6 – You’re late for the next meeting and want to finish this conversation. A romantic date, Etc.
How to write the answers for the questions in terza prova by sal.angela Jul 4