Basic Internet Safety Learning to recognize the warning signs of these risks will allow trusted adults to intervene and lessen potential negative impacts. By acting as a resource, parents and guardians can help make the Internet a safer place for their families. As a parent or guardian, you should stay well-informed about current issues to understand what your children are experiencing on and off the Internet. If they are social networking, instant messaging, using webcams, or blogging, help them use these tools safely by learning how to use them yourself. Children whose parents and guardians regularly talk to them about personal safety are more likely to exhibit responsible behavior on their own.[1] NetSmartz invites you to learn about the issues surrounding your children’s online lives. [1] Cox Communications Inc.
Cyberbullying Cyberbullying happens when kids bully each other through electronic technology. Find out why cyberbullying is different from traditional bullying, what you can do to prevent it, and how you can report it when it happens. What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Prevent Cyberbullying Parents and kids can prevent cyberbullying. Report Cyberbullying When cyberbullying happens, it is important to document and report the behavior so it can be addressed.
untitled 5 Fantastic Learning Channels on YouTube Kids YouTube is packed with great educational content, but the deep parts of YouTube can also get pretty weird. As a parent, you may not want to let your kids browse too freely. Luckily, YouTube recently released YouTube Kids. YouTube Kids is a free mobile app, available for iOS and Android, which curates educational and entertainment content for kids and teens, while keeping out the scary stuff. As YouTube Kid’s product manager Shimrit Ben-Yair puts it, “[YouTube Kids is] the first Google product built from the ground up with the little ones in mind […] The app makes it safer and easier for children to find videos on topics they want to explore.” If you’re looking to get started with YouTube Kids, we’ve checked out the initial offerings (which will grow over time), and picked out five great educational channels to get started with, both for younger kids and tweens. Whiz Kid Science Reading Rainbow TED Ed Khan Academy Khan Academy is a fantastic resource, for kids and adults alike. Numberphile
How Students Benefit From Using Social Media A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. However, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and if you take a moment to think about it, it’s not too hard to see how students benefit from using social media. As younger generations use such technology in the classroom, they remake the educational landscape. Students are experiencing the world through more than just books and assignments; they are learning and adapting to the world using a relatively new form of communication. In a world where connections are important, graduates are coming into the workplace with a lot to offer. But what exactly are they learning? Connections Social media networks are designed for the purpose of communal connections. Web engagement Knowledge Social media users share among themselves day in and day out, giving and receiving information at rapid speeds.
Basic Internet Safety Learning to recognize the warning signs of these risks will allow trusted adults to intervene and lessen potential negative impacts. By acting as a resource, parents and guardians can help make the Internet a safer place for their families. As a parent or guardian, you should stay well-informed about current issues to understand what your children are experiencing on and off the Internet. If they are social networking, instant messaging, using webcams, or blogging, help them use these tools safely by learning how to use them yourself. Children whose parents and guardians regularly talk to them about personal safety are more likely to exhibit responsible behavior on their own.[1] NetSmartz invites you to learn about the issues surrounding your children’s online lives. Then use the discussion starters to help you begin a dialogue about safety with your children. [1] Cox Communications Inc.
Teach Your Monster To Read 3 - Champion Reader Information for Teachers and Parents Designed for children who have already mastered our first games. Computer version is 100% free, forever. Complements synthetic phonics programmes used in schools. Easy and Secure. Designed in collaboration with leading academics and games designers. Keeps children focused on rehearsing and consolidating what they learn in school. Can be played independently by children either in school or at home. Each child has their own login so the game can track their progress over time. Teachers and parents can view at-a-glance progress reports. More information about the Teach Your Monster to Read games are in our Game by Game Comparison Why is it free? What reading level is it suitable for? How do children learn from the game? Will it work on my device? Who are The Usborne Foundation?
untitled Dsa Pearson per DSA / Redazione iS DSA, parliamone Scoprite il nuovo spazio iS dedicato ai DSA (Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento): ogni mese troverete nuovi articoli scritti da esperti del settore con aggiornamenti e consigli didattici per affrontare efficacemente questo tema in classe. › continua a leggere Incontro DSA e musica Il 22 ottobre a Milano, alle ore 18,00, presso la sala Puccini del Conservatorio “Giuseppe Verdi”, Matilde Bufano presenta il volume: DSA e musica. › continua a leggere Master I livello didattica musicale, neuroscienze e dislessia Sono aperte le iscrizioni al Master I livello didattica musicale, neuroscienze e dislessia. › continua a leggere Dislessia / Redazione iS Un’insolita compagna: la dislessia Presentiamo in anteprima un piccolo estratto del capitolo della nuova edizione del romanzo Un’insolita compagna: la dislessia, di Filippo Barbera. › continua a leggere Dislessia / Leonardo Romei L’uso delle frecce come indicatori per orientare l’attenzione › continua a leggere
untitled CLELE JOURNAL – children´s literature in english language education untitled