Internationall Ghost Hunters Society Ghostly photographs from Hauntings The Official Home of the Bell Witch Photo Gallery spirits, ghosts, hauntings, paranormal New 2012 ~ The Temperance Building - Harriman, TN In this photo look at the bottom window near the door - there appears to be a female watching us. The first pic is the original picture, second is spotlight/magnified and the third has an arrow pointing to the female. Not sure what to make of this one, but when we went inside later that night there was not a girl/female present, at least not in human form. Visit our Haunted Places page and click the thumbnail for the complete story on this building and our interesting experience there. Also inside the Temperance Building we captured "orbs" in a few pictures. Private Residence - Wartburg, TN - The photographer felt an odd "presence" on the couch so she grabbed the camera. Bell Witch Cave - Adams TNThese pictures are all of the same corridor of the Bell Witch Cave, only 1 of these 3 pictures show an unexplained light "anomaly", almost appearing "gelatenous" or like a type of "plasma" over the light. Waverly Hills Sanatorium - Louisville, KY
Ghosts and Ghost Stories Paranormal Evidence - Photos & Videos Below you will find possible evidence of the paranormal that the Ohio Exploration Society has either collected during paranormal investigations and explorations of abandoned and historic locations or were submitted by contributors of the website. This includes Photographic Evidence, Video Evidence and Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). None of the evidence has been altered in any way other than leveling audio to make the EVP clearer, adjusting brightness levels in photos, or adding the OES logos to videos. If you would like to know more about each piece of evidence, make sure to click the appropriate link to be transported to a page with more detail. <A HREF=" <A HREF="
Lost Destinations_ The Paranormal Files By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes... A creeptacular collection of spooky stories, photos, videos and features of the very paranormal, ghostly & haunted brought to you by LD... so turn down the lights, lock the doors, and come explore the dark side with us... Want to purchase one of these, or any of my other photos...? All of my pics are available for purchase as high-quality prints on Kodak glossy paper, in 5x7 or 8x10 size; framing is available.
The Shadowlands: Ghosts and Hauntings Visit Dave's bio page / Tina's bio page Online 24/7 and also at 16 Church St, Mt Holly, NJ Dave's Internet Radio Show and Podcast LibraryGhost