How send data from Arduino to Google Docs Spreadsheet A very interesting feature of Arduino is the great avalaibility of library that make the developer work very simple and fast. Make a Web Server, a Web Client or post a Tweet haven’t difficulty. Try to do the same application with the Microchip’s Stack TCP/IP…. It’s not impossible but for beginner developpers is of course hard. With the Ethernet shield or WiFi shield you can connect your application to the internet world, get information, send email, post data… Post data? In this post I want explain the best way found by RobertMParker to send data on Google Spreadsheet. The best way to access to Google Spreadsheet is not access to Google Spreadsheet… I didn’t find a way to access directly on the sheet, but we can pass data to our sheet using a Form. The method step by step to send data from Arduino to Google Spreadsheet 1° – We must create a Form from Google Documents page (you must be logged): 2° – Select “Create new” -> “Form” from Google Docs Menu: 4° – Click “Done”. The result must be:
forum • View topic - Omnidirectional Remote Controlled Robot I just did a very quick and rough assembly... and well... it works kinda, the wheels without any plastidip or similar on a wooden floor slip and slide a ton and my tiny DC motors with not much down-gearing in the gearbox spin way too fast, the robot moves in the expected direction reasonably well, but it's basically spinning at least 4 times the distance is moves if that makes sense, and since it has 4 wheels with no suspension or give what so ever going over anything makes at least one wheel free-wheel in the air. And this is without the 300g battery, motor controller boards, arduino mega and second level on top, I expect the performance to get even worse with that weight on top. I'll need to find something like plasti-dip to coat the rollers with as well, clearly needs more traction. Quick sketch
What Is It | Interaction Design and Digital Production Projects - L’Artisan Electronique - Vimperator In L’Artisan Électronique, pottery, one of the oldest artisanal techniques for making utilitarian objects, is combined with new digital media. However, the installation still clearly refers to the artisanal process of working in clay. Unfold’s ceramic 3d printer has a great resonance with the way traditional potters handled clay by building a form out of coils of clay. The virtual pottery wheel on the other hand, is a digital tool to ‘turn’ forms in thin air. L’Artisan Electronique is an installation commissioned by Z33 for the exhibition Design by Performance and developed in collaboration with Tim Knapen and the RepRap community. L'Artisan Electronique was in exhibitions in Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi Art Fair), Jerusalem (Israel Museum), Rotterdam (CBK), Enkhuizen (Zuiderzeemuseum), Brussels (Design Flanders Gallery), London (Aram Gallery), ... Photos: Unfold & Kristof Vrancken for Z33
Blog » Blog Archive » Computerless Arduino Computerless Arduino Davide Gomba — July 29th, 2011 Ever wanted to reprogram Arduino without a Computer? Have a look at the [Teague Labs] tutorial. The Computerless Arduino consists of two major components; an Arduino-compatible microcontroller loaded with a realtime code interpreter, and a stand-alone 5 button LCD display to display port values and manipulate code. The display can be connected to the Arduino via a 4-pin port at any time to peek at In/Out values, view the current code, and make changes as desired.By keeping the display separate, it’s possible to have many dedicated Arduino modules (we’re using one of the smallest, cheapest, and most-capable Arduino clones, the Teensy2.0 for $18), without needing to spend much on each additional device. via [CreativeApplications] source [Teague Labs]
Dangerous Prototypes | A new open source hardware project every month seeper - Interactive Arts + Technology Collective Propeller Propulsion by TheoJansen on Shapeways - Vimperator [Note: This propeller propulsion add-on does not include a 3D printed Strandbeest, which should be bought seperately! This propeller only fits the PARVUS!] Theo Jansen’s 3D printed Strandbeest continues to evolve with the addition of a Propeller Propulsion system! The propeller addition is available as a separate kit, which can be mounted on the 3D printed Strandbeests. The 3D printed Strandbeest is sold separately. A few tips to consider: - Please look at our instruction video on mounting the Propeller Propulsion add-on, here. - After mounting the Propeller Propulsion add-on it is best left mounted.
Program an ATtiny Using an Arduino I am a big fan of the Arduino platform. For those who aren’t familiar with the Arduino, it is a microprocessor development environment & ecosystem. You can visit their site for more info. All of this changed yesterday when I was going through my Arduino notes and came across some attempts by others to use the Arduino IDE to program the ATtiny. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades I was all set now. avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding I was close, but no cigar. Programming Your Own ATtiny – in 9 easy steps For those wanting an easy way to program ATtiny chips, here is what you need to do: Make sure you are using the latest Arduino IDE – currently version 022. ATTiny45 & ATTiny85 pinoutdigital 10ncncgrounddigital 11digital 12digital 13+5VYou are ready to program. Troubleshooting Verify each step and the results. Conclusion You are now (hopefully) able to program an ATtiny with the same ease as you can an Arduino.
BaronPilot Arduino based copilot autostabilizer with Nintendo Wii component (tricopter, quadcopter) This is a program to stabilize a multicopter (copilot), runs on microcontroller like Arduino or Teensy++ and only a wii motion plus, no other electronics needed. These project started April, 2010. Supported are planes, tricopter, quadricopter (+ and x config), hexacopter (penta and coaxial). The self-leveling capability helps when doing FPV (first person view). 19 Oct 2011 Look at the new quadricopter shop . 21 Jan 2011 First step in the UAV complete system with GPS, this is the first implementation of the DCM filtering with Wii components, and a MARG sensor array, this is really really fast way! The BaronPilot name & project will be changed, the new SuperEconomical UAV will be main target for this project. Founding a new company to project&build this vehicles, with no worry for users, cheap, and fast delivery. 3 Nov 2010 Introduced the V60 with the new Multiwii compatible mode, you don't need to modify hardware between the two platform (and to test the GUI). 1 Nov 2010 Removed old blog entry