jesperbylund.com Gamification Categorization[edit] Gamification in a narrow sense is used in a non-game context, is built into the service system, and is aiming at an infinite experience. It does not aim at creating a game but offering a gameful experience. Another categorization compares gamification with other gameful approaches by looking at characteristics such as spontaneity, rules, or goals:[20] Techniques[edit] Gamification techniques strive to leverage people's natural desires for socializing, learning, mastery, competition, achievement, status, self-expression, altruism, or closure. Another approach to gamification is to make existing tasks feel more like games.[27] Some techniques used in this approach include adding meaningful choice, onboarding with a tutorial, increasing challenge,[28] and adding narrative.[27] Applications[edit] Gamification has been widely applied in marketing. Gamification can be used for ideation, the structured brainstorming to produce new ideas. History[edit] Legal restrictions[edit]
Gamify | The Gamification Platform HitoshiAriga on deviantART Gamer Humor for the Minor Illusion of Win « Kelly Rued's Work Blog Effectively using humor in marketing is tricky. If you know your target market well, humor is great linkbait. The most viral web phenomena to date have all been funny… to some people. The problem is knowing if the market for your website or app has a generally homogeneous sense of humor. Sometimes we are so immersed in our personal subcultures that we fail to see how anyone can NOT get the jokes that we take for granted. Nowhere is this becoming more of a problem in my media diet than in the realm of gamer humor. Gameification may be encouraging game designers to apply the stock tools* of game design to applications that might be much better without even a whiff of Leeroy Jenkins’ chicken. *If chainmail binkini and “<blank> of <blank>ing” jokes are any less of a stock game tool than “badges” I’ll eat my lush dwarven beard. But Everyone I Know Thinks It’s Funny! There’s a big difference between enjoying games and being so into gamer culture that you understand gamer jokes. Like this:
Stephen Asher Consulting, UK and international, business or personal, tax planning consultants Residence and Domicile As part of our UK and US tax return preparation service ,we will help you to understand your tax status in the UK. The extent to which you will be liable to UK tax will depend on whether you are: Resident; and/or Ordinary resident; and/or Domiciled in the UK These terms are not defined in law but the rules are largely based on case law. There has been much publicity over the last couple of years about reviewing the rules and their application following the publication of an Inland Revenue consultation document. How can Stephen Asher Consulting help you? Whether you are coming to the UK, are already working here, or are leaving the UK, it is important that you seek advice as to: What your residence and domicile status is or will be What are the resultant tax implications, including UK inheritance tax How to structure your affairs to take advantage of any beneficial tax treatments What records you need to keep How the remittance basis of taxation works
Social Media « Strategic Synergy Question: If you had the choice between a real rose and a virtual rose, which would you choose? Before answering, let’s take that virtual rose, and present it in some context. Perhaps the virtual gift is an invitation, hinting at fun and social entertainment with friends. Now make that virtual rose persistent, so the flower is available at every visit to your site. Display the rose in a public environment, where others see the gift from a friend. And lastly, add functionality to the rose, perhaps the rose completes a collection, unlocks new content, or provides new status within the community. Virtual Gifts are experiences that can be used as positive and powerful social exchanges. Rarity (scarcity) increases a virtual gift’s value, and time-limited offers create urgency. A virtual gift can also represent status in level, price, or value. Examples from Facebook: Entire products can be completely based on the gifting mechanic, as in the case of Facebook’s successful iHeart app. Chinese: India
Don’t Be Trapped By Dogma For me, the greatest lesson that Steve Jobs taught is summed up in this statement from his renowned 2005 Stanford Commencement speech: “Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” Steve, and the companies he built, proved highly resistant to dogma, to other people's thinking. No one could imagine what someone would want with a personal computer until the Apple II came along. The Macintosh was initially dismissed as a toy. How could Pixar ever think people would sit through a feature-length computer-generated animated film? Who is going to spend all that money on an iPod? Most companies are dogma machines. Dogma isn't just about what you make, but how you do it. Companies also have to be willing to question their own dogma. Apple, under Jobs, continually remade itself. Mourning and rememberance are important and good.
Seriosity: The Enterprise Solution for Information Overload Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity. It would be Realities Of Your Industry 101, because we don’t teach them and this results in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering. This post aspires to be README.txt for your career as a young engineer. The goal is to make you happy, by filling in the gaps in your education regarding how the “real world” actually works. It took me about ten years and a lot of suffering to figure out some of this, starting from “fairly bright engineer with low self-confidence and zero practical knowledge of business.” 90% of programming jobs are in creating Line of Business software: Economics 101: the price for anything (including you) is a function of the supply of it and demand for it. There are companies which create software which actually gets used by customers, which describes almost everything that you probably think of when you think of software. “Read ad. Anyhow.