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ruffled jacket When I was pregnant with our oldest I remember walking through Baby Gap. At the time our income was nearly non-existent so the fact that I was even in BabyGap is odd. In the sale racks I saw a little red jacket. It was simple, light weight and seemed perfect for the baby boy I had yet to meet. The only size they had was 12months, but his birthday would be in the spring so I thought it would work just right. One of my favorite pictures of Biggest Brother is of him learning to walk in a park, holding his daddy’s hands and wearing this jacket. The jacket got passed down to the other two boys. Warning: I know basically nothing about sewing. Supplies: Well worn jacket & and well faded pjs that are too small. Step 1: Cut the pjs into 1 inch strips. Step 2: You are going to create ruffles by sewing a gathering stitch. Step 3: Once you have made all the ruffles pin them down on the jacket. Step 4: Stitch the ruffles down the center. And an old jacket and passed down pjs get new life….
39 Free Skirt Patterns Free Skirt Patterns Posted on | January 6, 2013 | 17 Comments Five years ago, it was hard to find even one free skirt pattern on the internet. For beginners, try a simple elastic waistband skirt or a pillowcase skirt. Here are some free skirt patterns that I especially like. Recycled Skirts A-Line Skirts Peasant Skirts Maternity Skirts Mini Skirts Quick Skirts Other Skirts Read More : Sewing or Home Category: SewingTags: Clothing , Sewing , Skirts Comments 17 Responses to “Free Skirt Patterns” Vera Woodbridge February 3rd, 2010 @ 4:21 pm I would like a pattern for a circular skirt, please Many thanks Jayla February 14th, 2010 @ 3:50 am Thank you so much for this! Leave a Reply Categories
Twister Rain Coat/ Trench Coat (oh, so pic obese) - CRAFTSTER CRAFT CHALLENGES So...this is my first challenge...and i was probably too ambitious...here's the story of my inspiration...I was looking at the challenge for this month...and I wasn't paying attention while eating ramen noodles...long story short...I spilled food on my shirt, grabbed the first clean shirt i saw (which happened to be my twister shirt...) and...that is where i got my inspiration...I found my old twister mat...then got to work on that saturday...The pattern i drafted in about an hour...minus the sleeves and hood...(I just made that pattern up as I went...) sorry i don't have any in-process pics and here are the finished pics... here you can see the sleeve...i used the twister at both ends to do both sleeves ooh. and you can kind of see how it is fullllllly lined andddd here you can see the back pleat thing and the hoooood... andddd more detail of the hood, and you can see the epic anchor lining and the pocket...it makes me smile haha and just because my friend is so awesome..she did this for me
52 Free Dress Patterns Posted on | November 7, 2013 | 19 Comments I’m a firm believer that sewers can never have too many free patterns. With that in mind, here are 52 Free Dress Patterns, divided by style. Notes about the patterns are listed for some of the dresses. Patterns from existing dresses require laying out an item of clothing onto fabric, marking it, and cutting out. No pattern needed usually means that the dress is made from a recycled shirt. Drafting instructions means that you will have to make your own pattern, but the designer included all the information needed. Free Dress Patterns - Casual Dresses Free Dress Patterns – Office Dresses Free Dress Patterns - Dress-Up Dresses Read More : Sewing or Home Comments
1930s Under Dress Falling into the lines of each individual figure as if by magic, this slip, ultra modern because of its bias cut, is a perfect foundation under fitted frocks. And it’s as fascinating to work out as a picture puzzle, built up, as it is, from squares and triangles of fabric. For the average figure, you will need 2 ½ yards of material, such as flat crepe or radium in silk or rayon. Cutting Your Pattern. – For the skirt sections, provide a piece of paper 27 inches square. on the corner a, as in Fig. 1, draw and arc, as shown. Circles and dots blue & blue dress !! Now with tutorial Finally, finally, finally!I'm so exited that i finished my first summer dress! I really needed one and the ones i started, for some reason, i never finished them (didnt like them, weren't what i wanted, blah) lol, but this one i did like, i actually love it so much. Here's the dress: i'm still not sure if it fits my figure or makes me look weird. sorry the pictures are so crappy, there's no one to take them and these two are the best of the bunch. Here's a close up of the fabric (i think this one's the best pic What do you think? This is my first tutorial so bear with me These are the pieces you will need: Measurements:-Waist-Skirt Length-Top dress length, to decide where to put the waist band (mine's about 15 in. from shoulder to waist) To dut the skirt part just fold your fabric in half and measure half of your waist in a corner, and the length as you would a regular circle skirt. The waist band is about 2.5 in. 1. 2. 3. And ta da!
Make It and Love It: Paper Bag Skirt.......{{and hidden mistake}} Looking for the Honeybear Lane giveaway? Scroll down or click here. Okay, it’s not really a skirt made out of a paper bag. But it’s called a “paper bag” style skirt. (high-waisted, cinched in like a paper bag, a bit poofy, etc.) Kind of a fun little skirt style that can be made pretty easily. Well, unless you mess it up like I did the first time around. (But I’ll show you what I did wrong and then tell you the easier route…..don’t worry, it’s nothing huge.) I know, all paper bag skirts versions are a bit different…….but here’s my take on it. All cinched in with that flouncy bow tied in the front. And with plenty of pleats, which gives it a nice fullness. And yes, we need fullness around here. Because fullness allows for plenty of movement in the skirt…….you know, to help while gathering pine cones and such. The back is gathered with elastic (but is hiding underneath that waist tie), giving the skirt a nice snug fit. Why not make one or two? They are certain to put smiles on faces. See the seams?
How To Sew A Victorian Skirt A old tutorial I had on livejournal, I hope you like it :) So I thought that I would share my how to for this quite easy sewn skirt in taffeta that I made for a friend of mine, it is a two layer skirt with strings so that you can tie up and drape the panels as you wish. This is a bit simplified, On the original skirt the top of the skirt was lined with satin so it was not completed in the exact same way as in this tutorial, but trying to explain that whole deal was to time consuming to be worth it. Material you will need:Fabric: Of your choice, around 2 times the length of your skirtA zipper: I use a hidden zipper because I think it looks better, but a ordinary one is just as good.String: The length of your drapes and a little more *2*6 (you chose one can both have it the whole way up on the skirt or just half, or something similar) I use cotton string 0,5 cm (0,2 inches) thick. The pattern is a really easy one, it consist of 12 panels and then a long rectangle that is the ruffles.
*TUTE* Who can resist polka dots - Pencil skirt w gathered waist darts PIC HEAVY so i made an actual skirt of a test garment i posted previously -> I used no aloha's suggestion on the polka dotted fabric - i wanted a more classic white and black but i couldn't find suitable fabric so i went with green & white instead. the piping is white satin, it has an invisible zip at the centreback and I added a slit at the back to make it easy to walk in. hope you all like! laid flat My instructions for this skirt assume some basic pattern making and sewing experience/knowledge. Create the pattern pieces. Modify the front block (1/4 of front skirt):Drop the waist by 5cm along the waistlineBring in side seam at waist by 0.5cm (so that skirt hangs properly)Slightly curve the left leg of the dartCreate fullness for gathering by slashing and spreading the pattern piece according to the diagram.Slash approx 3 times and open up by 1.5cm Bring in side seam at hem by 2.5cm. Sew darts for the back.Join side seams of skirt.
Top 100 Tutorials of 2009 It was a good year in the online crafting world. Here’s a list of 100 craft and sewing tutorials of 2009, not ranked in a particular order. I made a similar list last year that continues to be popular. This year I decided to include my own tutorials! Feel free to comment and link to your favorites, as I’m sure that I’ve left many off the list. Buttercup Bag from Made by Rae Phoebe Bag from Artsy Crafty Babe. Diana Hobo from Think Liz. Ruffled Messenger Bag from Between the Lines. Basic Messenger Bag from Mmmcrafts. Lunch Bag from Amy Karol for Etsy’s How-Tuesday. Kate’s Notebook Lunchbag from Design Sponge. Reusable Snack Bag from We Wilsons. Apple Backpack from Alpha Mom. Shoe Bag from Betz White. The Everything Pocket Bag from Chickpea Sewing Studio. Earth Day Spa Set from Stardust Shoes for Michael Miller Fabrics. Little House Pouch from The Long Thread Boat Tote from The Long Thread. Water Bottle Tote from The Long Thread.
So Sew Something! Top Sewing Tutorials From Mother Huddle The Mother Huddle Top Sewing Tutorials Hey friends! The Fat Quarter Pillowcase Dress Custom Laptop Bag, Or Any Size Bag/Sleeve With This Tutorial (ipad?!) Bracelet Purse With Free Pattern Twirling Whilst Standing Still Skirt in 2t, 3T, and 4T Simple Tied Comforter With A Faux Piping Technique Central Park Swing Coat – Free Pattern Simple Pieced Throw Pillow Cover Ruffle Chiffon Flower Clips with a great ruffling technique Buttoned Up Throw Pillow Gathered Neckline Sweater Dress Hanging Fabric Baskets Salt Pouches For The Shower Or Bath Pleated Apron With Built In Hot Pads Hanging Fabric Baskets Or Pockets ~ You can make them any size Ruffle Cuff Pant Legs Easy Sweet Summer Top ~ All you need is a chest measurement! Super Cool Boys Belt Turn A Vintage Pillow Case Into A Bag Gathered Bloomers or Knickers Waterproof Park Blanket ~ Nobody like a soggy bum ;) Turn A Vintage Pillowcase Into A Window Shade Fifteen Minute Fat Quarter Drawstring Bag FacebookStumbleUponTwitterRSS The Best of The Mother Huddle Recipes
Sweetheart Ballet Tee Tutorial | IS•LY | I Still Love you Here’s yet another way to spice up your t-shirts when you get a little bored with the plainness of them all. I did this a few weeks ago to two of my plain tees. I’m threatening to do this on all of the t-shirts I own. Seriously. Watch out! Materials: Fitted Tee Sewing Machine Coordinating thread Elastic thread Scissors Magic Erase Fabric Pen (not pictured) Cut the collar off: only cut a little around the back & cut more around the front to make a deeper neckline. Find the center of the front collar. HAND wind your bobbin with elastic thread. Turn your tee inside out and pull on the elastic thread until your shirt is as rouched as you’d like. Trim loose ends after securing the thread in place with a square knot. Dab the front of your shirt with water and a Q-tip to erase the magic marker line. FINI! This tutorial is free for personal use and should not be distributed without my consent.
Lots Of Best Free Sewing Projects Alina's Adventures sew everything A P indicates a printable tutorial or pdf pattern. PET CARECatnip fish toy (Martha Stewart)Clothespin apron (Pick Up Some Creativity)Cool and cozy pet bed (Sew4Home)Country gent dog coat with pattern (Craftzine)Collapsible travel dish (Craft Stylish)Color spectrum pet bed (Design Sponge)Custom-fit doggy coat (Pretty Little Things)Dog leash (The Purl Bee)Embellished doggy sweater (Miss Lovie)Fabric dog coat pattern (Cut Out & Keep) PFabric pet bed (Inspiration & Realization)Fabric pup tent (CasaSugar)Family connection writing center (Craftzine)Fleece dog bed (Dog Under My Bed)Pet pouches (The B Line)Sweater dog toys (Craft Stylish)Squeaky doggie bone (Laura Griffin)Water resistant doggy coats (Martha Stewart) FOR THINGS WITH TWO WHEELSBicycle bucket (Noodlehead)Bicycle frame lunch bag (Evil Mad Scientist)Bike seat cover (thimble)Good old bike seat cover (Pickles) Key wristlet (Chickpea Sewing Studio) Tweet This! Comments Julie said... Kristin said... Mrs.