DIY Fashionable Handmade Jewelry TutorialsHandmade-Jewelry-Club Wear these plain, fashionable ball drop earrings to add some delicate and sparks to your look night and day. These ball drop earrings are well-embellished and ideal for adding a subtle shine to your outfit. For jewelry enthusiast who like to be noticed, this fashionable and flowing design will dance beautifully around your ears and for your entire playful jewelry statement. You can get this Gloria’s fashionable statement for less, but with cool, simple-to-follow craft. Aimee shared a very simple way to create a fashionable statement in any outfit as well as, to form a unique necklace on your own. This necklace compromised a large, valiant, and chunky piece that exudes a feminine and refined touch. A great way to expand your fashionable jewelry collection and take your creativeness is to make several pieces by yourself. This set of necklace is a cute addition to any outfit and a dose of style.
123BEAD - Beaded Jewelry Making Instructions, Tutorials, Projects & Kits The jewelry you make from this design is yours do with as you please. You may make it as often as you like without any restrictions. For example, you can make this jewelry for yourself, for friends, or to sell. I do not require that you give credit to me for the design. While I assert no rights over the finished jewelry made from these instructions, the photography/images and text on this page are copyrighted as follows: Copyright Erin Weik. This copyright applies only to the document above, and does not apply to the rest of the website content, images and text, for which I retain full rights.
diy {bird nest necklace} I have been seeing a lot of bird nest jewelry around lately. They are beautiful and I love the trend so I thought I would try making my own. These turned out to be really easy to make and require just a few simple supplies. This necklace would make a lovely Mother's day gift, which just happens to be coming up this weekend! What you'll need: - Jewelry wire (I prefer using a 24 gage because it is easier to manipulate but the 20 gage can work well too with the help of some round nose pliers) - pearls or glass beads - necklace chain - jump ring and a clasp Select the beads you want, string them onto your wire and arrange them as you'd like. then simply wrap the wire around the beads wrap some wire in the space between each bead (I like the look of three loops but you could just do one or two if you prefer) this is what the back looked like. now attach a jump ring and a clasp to the end of a necklace chain and this is what you end up with :) I love how each one is so different
Bijoux rétro avec cabochon transparent standard : technique et astuces Suite à mon 1er tutoriel sur l’utilisation de cabochons transparents j’ai réalisé de nombreux bijoux avec cette même technique de base. Mais des variantes sont apparues : utilisation de cabochons standards (dans mon 1er tuto il s’agissait d’un cabochon irrégulier à utiliser avec une bélière à coller), créations en résine ou avec des vernis effet glacé (diamond glaze et Dg3 art gel). Ce qui fait un joyeux mélange entre vos commentaires, mes recommandations, les réponses à vos questions ;-). Cela devient plutôt embrouillé je trouve. Alors j’ai décidé de faire ce résumé, en faisant ressortir tous les points importants, les recommandations déjà présentes dans mes tutoriels précédents mais qui sont ainsi regroupées. Explications dans la suite de l’article : Utilisation de cabochons transparents standards, à inclure dans un support en métal : Les cabochons en verre ou en résine sont généralement de forme ronde ou ovale et de taille standard pour être utilisés avec des supports standards. 1. a. ou
Free Patterns and Tutorials FREE Patterns and Tutorials Click on a picture for more details on each pattern or select from the list on the left: DIY Friendship Bracelet For several months now, we’ve been receiving emails requesting a friendship bracelet DIY. Well, friends, ask and you shall receive! Today, we’ll give you a step by step tutorial on the classic chevron pattern. If you used to whip up friendship bracelets like a champ in grade school and have since forgotten how, consider this a refresher course. You’ll need:embroidery threada safety pin or tapea pair of scissors Start by cutting several strands of embroidery thread at about 24 inches each. Start on the left side with the outermost color (shown here in red) and make a forward knot by creating a 4-shape over the 2nd color, loop it under and back through the opening. Pull up and to the right to tighten. Now pick up the outermost color on the right side (show here in red) and make a backward knot, creating a reverse 4-shape over the 2nd color, loop it under and back through the opening. Continue knotting towards the left until the outermost strand reaches the middle.
Tuto charms - Créations rue fédor Il vous faut: Des gouttes de verre (magasins de décoration) Un dessin ou une illustration de votre choix Du médium ou une colle qui devient transparente en séchant Un ruban de cuivre autocollant pour soudure (magasin spécialisé dans le vitrail Tiphany) Un lissoir Un fer à souder Du flux De l'étain Des anneaux Et surtout : Un local aéré, car les vapeurs de soudure sont toxiques !!! Choisir l'endroit du dessin que vous placerez derrière votre goutte de verre. Mettre du gel médium Coller découpez le papier le long de la goutte de verre (je découpe d'une main et photographie de l'autre...) Une fois toutes les gouttes prêtes et bien séchées, prendre une longueur de ruban de cuivre Le placer délicatement... sur les côté et sur l'arrière, bien lisser...dégraisser mettre du flux puis passer la soudure sur le dos et les côtés ( je ne peux pas faire de photo car je me brûlerai !!!...) et c'est bien plus joli. Souder un anneau sur le haut de la goutte Et voilà !
Gemstone Properties » Spirited Stones Throughout history gemstones have been used for their healing properties and in spiritual practices. The energy that the stones imparted to their wearers made the rare and beautiful gems precious. Today, science recognizes the inherent powers of gemstones in the technological uses of crystals in watches, lasers, and computers. Read about the fascinating healing properties of gemstones below. Agate Agate comes in a variety of colors. It is said to enhance one’s perceptiveness and to stimulate analytical capacity. Agate is believed to help discern truth, accept circumstances and encourage honesty. Use it to improve memory and concentration, enhance personal courage and increase stamina. Agate – Blue Lace Blue Lace Agate is considered a stone of communication. Use it to ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. Amazonite Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Amethyst Ametrine Angelite Apatite Aventurine Jade
Breaking habits of perception-a skill that changes everything « Metta Refuge Here is another great teaching from Thanissaro Bhikkhu. While looking for some buddhadharma about dealing with guilt about the past, I came across this paragraph, from the end of his article, “Habits of Perception.” It was so helpful, I stopped my search to read the whole article, which I share below. May it be an aid to developing the skillful perceptions that lead to freedom! A frequent image in meditation instructions is that all you have to do is turn on a light and the darkness goes away. Thanissaro Bhikkhu What have you got here in the present moment? Some of the baggage you’re bringing into the present moment consists of issues you’ve picked up in the course of the day: things this person said, that person did, things you yourself said or did. But the issues also go deeper than that. So the Buddha sets out maps, he sets out instructions, for how to cut through those feedback loops and to understand how your perceptions shape things in a way that brings suffering. Like this:
Comment utiliser les cabochons en verre / Breloque & Pendentif Oui vous l'attendiez avec tant d'impatience ! Le guide sur les cabochons ! :-) J'ai enfin trouvé le temps de vous préparer ce guide technique, même 2 guides, le 2eme étant sur l'utilisation des chaînes à boules (et je me suis rendu compte après la session photo que je l'avais déjà écris ce guide ! Et sans transition, voici le guide ! Tout d'abord, nous allons travailler le cabochon et l'image que vous aurez choisi : Petit point matériel : colle pour bijoux, vernis glassificateur (que vous pouvez trouver partout !) N'hésitez pas à remettre une couche de vernis glassificateur au dos du cabochon ainsi que sur le bord de l'image Ensuite, il existe 2 supports pour poser le cabochon : Bien évidemment, l'utilisation n'est pas limité à ces 2 supports ! Seule contrainte : la colle que vous utiliserez doit pouvoir coller les matières que vous utiliserez. Pour poser votre cabochon sur une base de cabochon/cadre : Mettez de la colle mais pas trop ! Y a plus qu'à attendre que ça sèche !
Charms Of Light - Healing with Energy, Light & Love by Caryl Haxworth Charms Of Light was created by Caryl Haxworth to bring healing and beauty together. Caryl is spiritually guided to provide healing with energy, light and love ~♥~. A natural intuitive and healer, Caryl offers a range of healing products and services which will help you to attain a balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. At Charms Of Light you will find beautiful and unique, handcrafted gemstone Healing Jewellery, Healing Gifts and Healing Art, all of which Caryl has created with love and an intent to heal. A Reiki Master and Intuitive, Caryl adds Reiki to all her creations to further enhance the healing benefits in each one. She calls them "Charms of Light"! Please feel free to take a look around. Caryl's personal website at, www.carylhaxworth.com, offers her intuitive healing services which include: Intuitive Consultations & Guidance, Reiki Attunements, Reiki Healing, Angel Attunements, Angel Card Readings and Workshops. We are in The Online Shopping Town
Inspirational blogging – what to write about? “What should I write about on my blog?” and “How do I find great blog post ideas?” are two things every blogger struggles with at some point or another after making a blog. You cannot afford to sit and wait for inspiration to strike. Use the tips from this guide to find blog post ideas and blast away at a new blog post with a sense of purpose. Keep a blog post ideas doc The worst thing that can happen to an idea is to let it slip through your fingers like sand. Be well-organized and keep an ideas document. Keep the document synced between your devices to look it up or use it for on-the-spot note-taking when something new comes to your mind. Google Docs and Simplenote are two of my favorite tools for keeping an ideas doc. Is it time for you to create a new piece of content? Starting from scratch without a reserve supply of ideas, you will get stuck and create a rushed, inadequate job. When it’s time to work on a new post, you simply open your ideas document as a reference. Don’t be afraid.