Grasshopper to Catia Progress Update We’re continuing progress with Dassault Systèmes on implementing Catia into architectural process. Our first course of study aims at the Grasshopper/Catia workflow, and since our previous post, we’ve delved into Knowledgeware, the scripting platform for Catia. Our conclusion: Knowledgeware is awesome. In our previous post, we were using Power Copy to create a generative model. Of the candidates, we’ve taken a particular interest in composite materials, which would be lighter weight, easier to install, and last significantly longer. Unrolling Surfaces in Grasshopper | Bios Design Collective This Grasshopper definition is proof of concept for a VB component that unrolls developable surfaces to the XY plane. To make the component, I’ve adapted a rhinoscript by Andrew Kudless (of Matsys) to run in VB, enlisting the help of CCA student Ripon DeLeon to write the code.This example uses the VB component to create unrolled surfaces from 4 curves that I have distorted using the cage edit command in rhino. To use the definition on your own projects, simply choose any 4 curves to loft between in sequential order. The blocks of components are grouped somewhat clearly (I hope) so you can add more curves by copy-pasting more blocks and making the few required re-connections to make it work. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. For the above definition, I’ve added tabs along the edges of the unrolled surfaces for ease of attachment. Like this: Like Loading...
Adaptive Scaffolding | Explode_BReps @ UVa This definition creates a thickened ground geometry from two sloping curves. Scaffolding grows out of the thickened ground, and its dimensions are derived from the ribs in the ground. This scaffolding can then be trimmed by a curve and a cylinder as if it were growing around walls and buildings. Click here to download the definition. Like this: Like Loading... Rhino3D TV - Learn, Teach and Share. Examples Examples Bubble form finding with Large Deformation Variable bending stiffness in a randomly generated cell grid can be used to fine-tune the resulting shape. The generated bubble-like form can then reassembled into a gridshell structure to reanaylse the forces. Shell And Beam Shell and beam elements are combined into a single karamba model showing how an integrated shell and beam structure can be analysed. Shape Optimization VII – Tower Mesh Like the Shape Optimization with Galapagos III example, a tower made up of shell elements with horizontal loads and variable diameter along its height is optimized for minimum deflection using Galapagos.The image shows material utilization plus force flow lines. Shell – Disc with Hole Force flow lines in disc with hole in the middle and utilization of shell material. Shell – Double Curved Analysis Deformed geometry and color-plot of resultant displacements of double curved shell under point load. Shell Cantilever Shape Optimization IV-B – Surface (Shell)
BIODeLab BIODesign Research Laboratory [F]antastic + Interactive - ComputationalMatter [F]antastic + Interactive Self Organizing Curves + Point Attractors Influence - Grasshopper + Python Research V.1 [28.June.2011] - via GH_Python """Organizes the Curves by using a threshold value based on distances between each curve pt. A second set of Independent attractors in the form of points adds a new range of influence to the self organizing system .""" click images for full resolution Definition w/ Python Component Base Curves Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [0] Location of Attractor Points to Influence SelfOrganization Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [2] Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [3] Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [4] Gens [6] CurvePointsAttraction Level [6] AttractorPtThreshold Level [5] GHPython Code if "ghdoc" in globals(): a = ghdoc #b = ghdoc #a = ghdoc.SubSet(a) #b = ghdoc.SubSet(b)
Model of Parametric Bridge Conceptual Design Hi, everyone! Here is a bridge that I designed and modeled in Grasshopper. Although this is only a special case, the idea behind it is to take a parametric approach in designing all kinds of bridges since they share a logical structure which is particularly suitable for parametric modeling. I used clusters to build the model, and the definition can still be difficult to follow. Critiques are welcome! Tags: Attachments: ▶ Reply to This Software License The following software systems (Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator) are proprietary software provided under the following license. The user is allowed to use the software if and only if both of the following conditions are satisfied. Before using the softwere, please contact me in advance. 利用ライセンス 本ページで公開されているソフトウェアシステム (Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator)は下記のライセンスで提供されるプロプライエタリ・ソフトウェアです。
Swarm Behaviours Workshop Material – @improved Recently I’ve tutored a Processing workshop for the Hyperbody department at the TU Delft. I’ve decided to share the sketches with the open world – who knows, maybe someone will find them useful. There’s quite a few variations included – clustering, attractors, collision avoidance, etc. Read below for the download link and some screens of some of the sketches. Here’s a .zip file containing everything – including some Grasshopper sketches which allow for some basic interchange between Rhino and Processing via standard text files.