Powerbullet Presenter Download free trials IncrediFlash XTreme is a versatile tool to help you quickly and easily build Flash animations. No Flash or scripting expertise required. The streamlined user interface allows you to add text animations, images, sounds, video and interactivity with just a few clicks. Download a free trial for Windows. Flash Music Studio is an easy to use and powerful tool to convert music files into Adobe Flash format. PPT To Flash Studio is a powerful tool to convert and enhance Microsoft PowerPoint presentation into Flash. Download Powerbullet Presenter. System requirements: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista or 7 Which version: 1.35 (Standard) or 1.44 (Plus)? Version 1.35 was always free. Which one to use? Registration code for Powerbullet Plus 1.44: Name:Information Services and Technology 10 Key:000014-4776X5-DX1HB9-VC9EPN-F3JG4Y-VK2CT3-TDFKKM-1DZZCU-MFD87W-NET9UN Other highly-recommended free Windows software tools
Lee Burrows » Adding Google Analytics To A Flash Site Getting useful visitor stats from a Flash site used to be a pain – if the entire site sits within one html page the server won’t have any page changes to track. I used to write a custom logging system and save user actions to a database, but these days i use Google Analytics (see the previous post) – it’s free, easy to setup and provides a wealth of info (if you want it). Let me show you how to add it to any Flash (or Flex) site. Step 1: Setup a Google account If you already have a Google account (eg: for gmail) then you can skip to step 2. Step 2: Add Google Analytics to your Google account Once you have an account, you can use your details to login to the GA site at Firstly, you will be asked for the details of the website you want to track (you can add more sites later): And then your name and location (note to Google: you already know this!) Lastly, you’ll need to accept the tems and conditions: Step 3: Download the Google swc file Step 6: Wait
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 :: Free Trial The Adobe USA site has been optimized for users within the United States. If you live outside the U.S., we recommend that you visit your local site for the most relevant information, including pricing, promotions, and local events. United States Canada - English Your country selection will be remembered for future visits. Le site web américain d'Adobe a été optimisé pour les utilisateurs résidant aux États-Unis. Canada - Français Le pays choisi sera enregistré pour vos prochaines visites. View complete list of countries › 45+ Neat Coming Soon and Under Construction Templates You’re surfing through the net, opening all your most visited sites… With your fast and reliable internet connection, you are quite confident that you can open all websites that you please and immediately. Suddenly, there it hits you. One site you cannot open because of technical issues that needs to be fixed…’ Annoying isn’t it? But that is for the viewer/surfer’s point of view. Now, for website owner’s out there, this situation is considered a major drawback. Endless possibilities are coming in… You may loose your subscribers and of course, less income generated… Such situations are unavoidable and cannot be controlled. Coming Soon templates and Under construction templates pages on the web are pretty useful in ensuring that the viewers and subscribers are retained despite the technical problems and endless troubleshooting procedures. 6 In 1 Website Coming Soon Page Visit Source MofM WordPress Coming Soon Template Visit Source Under construction page – Coming Soon template Visit Source Ads
Vectorian Giotto: Free Vector Flash App Features We created Giotto for designers, not coders Giotto is the free Flash animation package made for you to design, not to code. With Giotto you can relax and focus your imagination on creative concepts, integrating stunning graphics and music into masterpieces of design. The latest versions of Adobe® Flash® are moving away from designers. Giotto has full support for ActionScript 2, but we made built-in effect generators that will help you create outstanding effects without any scripting at all. Vector drawing, animations, sounds, filters… Create complex vector illustrations in Giotto, anything from simple shapes to custom ones like polygon, star, or rounded rectangle. Organize all objects in the Library, create symbols like Movie Clips and Buttons for multiple use. Animate objects with motion tweens and shape tweens. Powerful animated effects without any scripting at all Giotto comes packed with more than 50 great effects that can be applied to both shapes and text. Screenshots
Flash CS3 - jeanphiBlog samedi 6 septembre 2008 VideoChat FLEX FMS > LES SOURCES... Par jeanphilippe, samedi 6 septembre 2008 à 13:16 :: Flash CS3 Les fichiers sources (Flex et FMS) de mon chat video... Lire la suite 235 commentaires :: lu 18326 fois :: aucun trackback jeudi 10 avril 2008 A lire : Pratique d' ActionScript 3 par Thibault Imbert en opensource... Par jeanphilippe, jeudi 10 avril 2008 à 08:15 :: Flash CS3 Comme on peut le lire sur son blog , Thibault Imbert nous informe que son ouvrage "Pratique d' ActionScript 3", supposé être publié par O'Reilly France, ne verra pas le jour. 238 commentaires :: lu 10864 fois :: aucun trackback samedi 13 octobre 2007 Chat Video Flex Red5... Par jeanphilippe, samedi 13 octobre 2007 à 16:58 :: Flash CS3 254 commentaires :: lu 18668 fois :: aucun trackback mardi 2 octobre 2007 De la 3D dans Flash Player 10 : ASTRO... Par jeanphilippe, mardi 2 octobre 2007 à 19:38 :: Flash CS3 194 commentaires :: lu 12219 fois :: aucun trackback samedi 15 septembre 2007 mercredi 22 août 2007
20 Tips to Optimize your ActionScript - AS, ActionScript, AS3, Optimization, Performance Introduction This article is primarily concerned with ActionScript 3 and generally specific to AVM2. Most suggestions would apply to ActionScript 2 as well, and I've noted those tips that differ between AS2 and AS3. With the advent of ActionScript 3.0 (hereafter "AS3"), the Flash Player realized significant performance gains. A few years ago, I ran some performance tests comparing JavaScript to AS2. ActionScript was noticably slower in every benchmark, usually in the range of 300% or more time required to perform large calculations. That said, the greatest single contributor to slow performance of Flash applications is poorly written ActionScript. Much of the information presented here will provide only negligible gains as regards performance when used in small-scale code operations. Before I begin, learn to benchmark your code. var start:Number = getTimer(); for(var i:int=0;i<1000;i++){ // statements to evaluate } trace(start-getTimer()); Select allOpen in new window The Tips Conclusion
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