ETV StreamlineSC Home page Free for all South Carolina's preK-12 community, including Public, Private and Home Schools, Child Care Centers, After-School Programs, Local Libraries, and Higher Education Institutions. ETV's Tech UnConference Join ETV for a day of participant-driven professional development, filled with peer-to-peer learning, collaboration and creativity. ETV will host an UnConference on July 27, 2016 at ETV in Columbia . We will start the day at 8:30 brainstorming session ideas, devising our own schedule for the day and ending the day with a Tech Smackdown. You will have an opportunity to attend or lead 5 sessions, finishing at 3:15. ETV Technology Recertification Workshop Events Calendar Workshop Listings Register and Schedule NOW! Reserve NOW! ETV Idea Lab – Columbia, SC SCETV thanks our sponsors—become an SCETV Sponsor About ETV StreamlineSC ETV's StreamlineSC is a standards-based video-on-demand service. Find out what others are saying about Streamline SC Testimonials
A hands-on approach to mathematics - RightStart Mathematics by Activities For Learning Inc. September 2007 So it's Monday and I'm just doing my weekend reflection. I figure I can get away with it since so many cool things went on during the week! Last Sunday, we were invited, last minute, to enjoy lunch with a couple of families from church. We had such a wonderful time with them that we didn't get home until 5pm! The meal was so yummy and the fellowship was just what we needed! The next couple of days were pretty normal. Wednesday, my bestest friend Jenny came over for the afternoon. I went to the dentist this week only to find out that he has to do something to fix my popping jaws. Thursday, Caroline and I went to have lunch with a sweet lady from church. Saturday was full of SEC football, including our beloved Vols being killed by the Gators. Saturday evening, hubby and I headed off to Rhythm & Roots. It was a nice week.
Saxon Home School Go Math! Academy Get math help for your students Whether it's for homework help or to get ahead in math, Go Math! NHELD Miquon Miquon Math helps children learn to view the world mathematically. The program emphasizes mathematical patterns and relationships rather than pre-set formulas and methods. It uses Cuisenaire® Rods* and a unique graphic layout to help children discover mathematical patterns and relationships with just a bit of guidance from their teachers as necessary. Discovery Learning Some parents use Miquon Math as their central math program in the early elementary years. It covers all the standard subjects and more. Learn More As the publishers note, it is probably the only math program on the market that uses all four arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) beginning in the first half of "first grade" (Orange book). We ourselves used Miquon as a supplement. Because of its unique approach, Miquon Math can be used effectively by advanced and gifted learners as well as those with learning challenges. Workbooks are consumable.
OperaGlass: Opera for Everyone This site enables opera companies and educators to access and download FREE digital versions of the Opera for Everyone series of CDs and the Teaching Manual for teaching purposes. Our objective is to have these materials used to introduce everyone to opera -- the remarkable combination of music, drama, dance and the visual arts. Opera for Everyone provides an excellent opportunity for students and educators alike to become familiar with the background and music of four classic operas -- each related to a different important period of opera: Rossini's The Barber of Seville (1816); Verdi's La Traviata (1853); Bizet's Carmen (1875); and Puccini's Madama Butterfly (1904). Each CD tells the story in two ways, first with words and then with music. Ira Ross begins each CD with an introduction to the opera and to the overture. Follow These Steps to Participate in the Program To get started, download the Teaching Manual.
Printable Graphic Organizers - Venn, Web, KWL STW Filing Cabinet Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. Quickly access your most commonly used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Please login to your account or become a member today to utilize this helpful new feature. :) [x] close This document has been saved in your Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet. Here you can quickly access all of your favorite worksheets and custom generated files in one place! Click on My Filing Cabinet in the menu at the upper left to access it anytime! Grade Level Estimation Title: Grade Level Estimation: 1st2nd3rd4th5th Grade level may vary depending on location and school curriculum. Common Core Standards Common core standards listing. All common core standards details. If you think there should be a change in the common core standards listed for this worksheet - please let us know. [x] close Help your students organize their writing with venn diagrams, story maps, and more. Writing
Math-U-See Math Activity Worksheets Dynamic Worksheets are those that will regenerate unique worksheets each time you click 'generate new worksheet'. Always remember that grade levels are not absolutes. Some kindergarten children will find the Grade One worksheets useful as will some Grade Two students. Use your judgment! Read the short description on teaching grade two math skills if you are confused as to the purpose of any of the pages. The worksheets are organized by level from easiest to most difficult. Color code key: LEVEL ONE: Greater Than/Less Than activities #0 to 100) Grade Two -- Bigger Number Bubbles - [Ocean ] LEVEL TWO: add and subtract one number from 10 to 99 and one number from 0 to 9 Grade Two -- Addition Worksheets - [Farm] [Jungle] [Ocean] Grade Two -- Subtraction Worksheets - [Farm] [Jungle] [Ocean] LEVEL THREE: add and subtract two numbers from 10 to 99 Grade Two -- Addition Worksheets - [Farm] [Jungle] [Ocean] Grade Two -- Subtraction Worksheets - [Farm] [Jungle] [Ocean] Grade Two - [Farm] [Jungle] [Ocean]
Weird Science Kids Dr Mike's Math Games for Kids Free printable worksheets for preschool through fifth grade
Many parents, though, don't intuitively know how to teach a concept, and the Singapore textbooks don't include the explanations. by maymaybean Apr 23
I've used both Singapore & Math Mammoth, and definitely prefer Math Mammoth by maymaybean Apr 23
About SM & MM: I'd prefer to use both, because none of the word problems were better than SM, but they did ask for some different things. I'm thinking that the combination will be fabulous.
But Singapore Math is still hands down my favourite for that level of math. I think it's great to do more than one math program because there isn't a perfect math program out there. by maymaybean Apr 23
While each level has both a teacher guide and a home instructor’s guide available, the latter is designed specifically for homeschoolers, is less expensive, and is what I recommend. You do not need bo by maymaybean Apr 23
The scope and sequence of the U.S. Editions does not align with state or national standards. For example, they leave most work on graphs, statistics, and probability for upper levels rather than teaching these concepts in elementary grades. Instead they focus on laying a solid foundation in basic concepts and processes using a three-step process, taking children from concrete, to pictorial, then abstract approaches to learning. Since I prefer this approach over that of the standards, I would recommend the U.S. Editions rather than the Standards Editions in most situations. by maymaybean Apr 23