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A Victorious Anti-insurrection Strategy? The Insurrections of... On May 16 2010, a few weeks after its first elections, the government of the semi-autonomous province of South Sudan (GoSS) had to confront two rebellions in the... Adobe PDF document Reports, Politics, English From Ifri - Institut français des relations... Pages: 20 Views: 0 Downloads: 1 From Ifri - Institut... Classes moyennes en Afrique : consommer dans un environnement... « 300 millions de personnes appartenant aux classes moyennes africaines, autant de consommateurs potentiels » : l’image peut faire rêver plus d’un... Reports, Society, French Pages: 44 Views: 28 Downloads: 3 Pub. on March 27th 2012 2012, a turning point for Europe in space In 2012, several crucial decisions lie ahead, most notably at the ESA Ministerial Council next fall and regarding the status of space within the next MFF of the... Misc, Politics, English Pages: 8 Views: 5 Downloads: 0 The Recent Blossoming in Relations between China and Madagascar Pages: 21 Views: 18 Next
Ultima Ratio