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5 Free Programs to Backup and Restore Computer Drivers
After you format your Computer and reinstall Windows, the first thing you do is install all the device drivers. If you happen to lose your motherboard or driver’s CD, you will have to find all those drivers on the net and download them. If you want to avoid such hassle, then use these free utilities which can easily backup and restore Computer Drivers whenever you want. This can come quite handy even if you manage to lose the Driver’s CD or your system gets crashed. 1) DriverMax DriverMax is a great utility that allows you to take backup of all your Computer Drivers easily.
Mohawke's Best of the Best Free and Open Source Software Collection: Mac OS X and Windows software Collection
Mohawke's Best of the Best Free and Open Source Software Collection from Dark Artistry :: Windows :: Macintosh :: Internet :: Operating Systems :: Games :: Web-Sites :: OSSWIN CD :: For search features you can simply use the search feature in your browser; Ctrl+F or Apple+F - Firefox, or use table toolsIf you need these pages translated check out FoxLingo(This page contains no ads or cookies, but does require a javascript enabled browser for sorting.)
Kinect-like technology turns any surface into a touchscreen
Imagine a world where any surface could potentially become a touchscreen for your phone: your hands, clothes, a wall or table. That's the vision behind a new Kinect-like technology called OmniTouch, a wearable system that projects any multi-touch interface onto everyday surfaces, reports New Scientist. Perhaps the most convenient aspect of the technology is how it can be operated on the go, requiring no special calibration for each new surface it is used on. The system adapts easily to surfaces of most textures in 3D space, so it works even when the surface is not flat, such as with your hand, or perhaps a tree trunk. The technology, which is primarily composed of a shoulder-mounted depth camera and a Pico-projector, was developed by researchers at Microsoft and is a vast improvement over previous prototypes that could only work on skin. A user study of the technology showed that dragging performance and touch accuracy approached the sensitivity of conventional touchscreens.
50 Useful Articles and Resources You May Have Missed
Jul 21 2010 When it comes to online tutorials and articles, you have to be very careful in choosing the right one from tens of thousands of articles you find as you are seeking help in the Web. So today we present nice articles and tutorials which are easy to understand and will surely add to your knowledge. Web Development The Principle of Contrast in Web DesignA web design is made of many different elements, each having varying levels of importance and some demanding prominence over others. Some elements share a relationship, while others are not related at all.
Setup CCleaner to Automatically Run Each Night in Windows 7, Vista or XP
After writing the article yesterday about how to run CCleaner silently through a shortcut or a hotkey, many people expressed to me that they’d like to know how to run it every single night on a schedule, so I’m writing that up for everybody’s benefit. Setup Your Options You’ll need to decide which settings you want to run when CCleaner is run automatically… for instance, I’d look at whether or not you want to clean out your cookies or recent documents (which is a feature I use often, so I don’t want them cleaned out) Next, take a trip over to Options \ Advanced and make sure that the “Save all settings to INI file” option is checked (it should be checked by default). This makes sure that whatever settings you’ve chosen are saved out to an INI file in the same directory. Create the Scheduled Task in Windows 7 or Vista
Support PCs Tutorial
Make a note of your existing hard drive's make and model number - you can get this from Device Manager under Disk Drives, or through HDD Health. Once done, browse to a suitable search engine such as Google or Windows Live and type the make and model into it. If any results are returned, make a note of the following details: drive size (2.5-inch or 3.5-inch), capacity (in GB), interface (SATA or IDE/PATA), speed (in revolutions per minute, or rpm), and cache (in MB). If you can't find any information online, open your desktop PC and compare the cable that connects the drive to your motherboard with the photo above. If it's connected by a flat ribbon (right), then the drive is IDE/PATA; if it's connected via a narrow cable with a small L-shaped connector (left) then it's a SATA drive. You'll need to examine the laptop drive itself to see whether it's IDE or SATA.
101: How to use NFC
If you’ve purchased an Android phone within the last year and a half, the chances are pretty high that your phone came with an underused piece of technology called near field communication (NFC). Until the payment gateway companies and the carriers can figure out how to get along, it’s going to be a little while before the dominant purpose for NFC chips in our phones are for secure payments. Before we are paying all our bills with our phones, there are still many uses for NFC, you just need to know how to unlock its potential.
GPS - The Complete Guide - Arduino based Global Positioning System
GPS:- The Complete Guide to Global Positioning Systems. Updated Here :- Arduino based Global Positioning System How they Work and How to interface them into your Robot. Does your Robot need to fix its absolute Position - Speed - Heading - Time - Date & Altitude. Here is a Guide to explain the Process.
How to Crack Your Forgotten Windows Password
Here at How-To Geek, we’ve covered many different ways to reset your password for Windows—but what if you can’t reset your password? Or what if you’re using drive encryption that would wipe out your files if you changed the password? It’s time to crack the password instead. To accomplish this, we’ll use a tool called Ophcrack that can crack your password so you can login without having to change it. Download Ophcrack
Unifi - Golden-AP
To celebrate, our Millionth AP is 24K Gold plated.Who has the Golden AP? Q1 2011 Ubiquiti ships first UniFi APsUniFi enters the market as an easy to use, enterprise WLAN platform with an innovative, cloud-ready software based controller. Q4 2011 UniFi 2, Outdoor AP ReleasedUniFi version 2 introduced with extensive guest access/hotspot capabilities and support for a new Outdoor AP. Over 100,000 APs shipped in the first year.
Unison File Synchronizer
Unison is a file-synchronization tool for OSX, Unix, and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. Unison shares a number of features with tools such as configuration management packages (CVS, PRCS, Subversion, BitKeeper, etc.), distributed filesystems (Coda, etc.), uni-directional mirroring utilities (rsync, etc.), and other synchronizers (Intellisync, Reconcile, etc). However, there are several points where it differs: Unison runs on both Windows and many flavors of Unix (Solaris, Linux, OS X, etc.) systems.
Acer aspire 5750G with Mountain Lion (Unibeast) - Page 2
Hi guys and gals! This is a complete guide to get your adventurous AA 5750G up and running with it's new Apple made clothes.***USE THIS COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, IF YOU BLOW UP YOUR WHOLE TOWN NEITHER ME NOR ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU IS RESPONSIBLE***.
20+ Small Yet Powerful Windows Application
Are you bored of using huge software which takes lots of disk space? Do you want to perform all your desired action but with less hard disk consumption ? If these are the questions going on in your mind then this would be the best post for you.