11 Steps to Becoming Addicted to Running photo credit: Thomas Hawk Running is one of those things that you don’t miss until you try it again after a long hiatus. I’ve recently been reminded of this as I just starting to get back into running myself. Women’s World Cup Breaks All-Time Tweet Record Yes, Sunday’s gripping World Cup final in Germany between the United States and Japan will long be known for the American squad’s mind-bending collapse in the face of certain victory over a talented and likely underestimated Japanese squad. But the non-soccer-loving crowd will remember yesterday’s historic matchup for etching its place in short-term geekdom. As the two countries traded goals in extra time and decided the biggest prize in women’s soccer on penalty kicks, Twitter users around the world smashed the nearly seven-month-old record for highest TPS (that’s tweets per second). Just as the US was throwing away millions of dollars in potential endorsements, having blown two one-goal leads, TPS hit a staggering 7,196, breaking the record set on New Year’s Day 2011 in Japan (6,939). How does that compare to other tweeted events of historical significance?
Four Ways to Enjoy Long Runs Runners often have a love/hate relationship with the long run. We love the sense of accomplishment we feel when it's over; we hate the anticipation of actually getting out there. Yet it must be done: The long run is the keystone of any training program—5-K to marathon."The long run builds endurance and strength and teaches you how to deal with fatigue," says Maria Simone, a USA Triathlon—certified coach and owner of No Limits Endurance Coaching in Absecon, New Jersey. Indeed, extending the distance you normally cover triggers several lasting changes in your body, says 2:24 marathoner and running coach Kevin Beck. Capillaries in your muscle fibers increase in number, which enables more energizing oxygen to reach your muscles.
September 30 Day Ab And Squat Calendar Posted by Julien T under Fitness & Training on 31 August 2013 at 11:00 PM "30 days has September..." - This little ditty just got tough - to celebrate a month lacking a 31st day, let's take on another 30 Day Fitness Challenge: Take the Challenge, start today and complete 30 days of abs and squats workouts! Always warm up and cool down when performing body weight exercise sets like these - we recommend some back and legs stretching to be performed after this particular Challenge. The 30 day Challenges are often cited as being the toughest ones to stick to in the User of the Week articles - not only do they get progressively harder throughout the 30 days, there's also the difficulty of remembering to do them every day. The Art of Bodyweight Training Editors note - This is a guest post from Khaled Allen at Warrior Spirit. If you ask most people how to get stronger, they immediately recommend weight training, using barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells. If you are starting from a very low level, pushups or situps might be recommended, but these are only as preparation for the serious business of heavy lifting. The truth is that weight training is not the only way to get stronger, and it isn’t even the best way. The world’s strongest athletes, who demonstrate extremely high levels of strength in a range of positions and orientations, are gymnasts, acrobats, and martial artists, well known for their bodyweight training regimens. Even old school strongmen, those who trained in the 1930s, used bodyweight movements for developing strength while demonstrating it on external weights.
Four Ways to Stop the Dreaded Side Stitch Do you have any tips for runners prone to side stitches? I get them once in a while, and when I do, it stops me in my tracks. It happened last week in the middle of a race and I had to walk the last mile. Powerbocking Stilts Will Make you an Alien Maneuvering on stilts is an act of defiance against the basic laws of gravity. Cumbersome attachments on your legs with a minuscule amount of actual contact on the ground combined with a high center of gravity often means falling from a great distance. It’s in this respect “powerbocking” or “bocking” came to be. Other names include “powerskips,” “powerisers,” “fly jumpers, “kangaroo shoes,” “jumper stilts,” “spring stilts,” or the generic “power stilts” depending on the model and brand. Since walking on stilts isn’t enough of a rush, why not add springs so you can go airborne and travel at abnormally high speeds? That means running, jumping and catapulting farther and higher than humans had previously thought possible—without the aid of steroids!
The WSJ's "Get Over It" Column, Translated So a couple of days back, a gentleman by the name of Chad Stafko -- which apparently is his actual name, which I find awesome -- wrote an essay for The Wall Street Journal titled "OK, You're a Runner. Get Over It." Essentially, Mr. Stafko seemed to be saying that runners... Umm... Well, his point was that there are these oval stickers, see? Baseball Pitching Grips As a Little Leaguer, I spent countless hours learning and mastering several baseball pitching grips. For me, the grips to throw breaking balls or fastballs were akin to the grips of a secret society. I felt I was taking part in a secret baseball tradition that went back for generations and that by mastering them I would unlock an occult baseball power that would make me unstoppable on the mound. Yeah, I was a nerd. While I was throwing the ball around with my brother a few weeks ago, I realized that my pitching skills had gotten a little rusty since my younger days. I was having a hard time putting that spin on the curveball and making the splitter sink correctly.
Travel Workout: 20 Minute Sweat HIIT Bodyweight Workout! - Pause The Moment – The Ultimate Travel Looking to get a good sweat in? This 20 minute HIIT workout should do the trick! We tried this workout for the first time yesterday morning and it kicked our butts! Three Ways to Cope with a Bad Race If "Highway to Hell" is an apt description of your last race, when your pace slowed to a crawl and you weren't sure you'd finish, you might want to consider the perspective of British poet John Keats, who called failure the "highway to success." Although it may seem contradictory (or crazy) to celebrate a flop, many experts agree that losses can fuel future wins. "A bad race is an opportunity to gather information, learn, and improve," says Ralph Heath, a runner and author of Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big. "You need to embrace failure as part of the process."
Runners, Yeah We're Different In 1999 and 2000, Adidas ran a memorable ad campaign. In my opinion, these are some of the greatest running shoe ads ever created. Each one touches on something private I have experienced as a runner, something that a non-runner would probably appreciate. This series of ads apparently won recognition within the advertising community, and was successful in increasing sales.