Download Ten Secs of Every Hit Song of the '60s Here we are, reading the first sentence of the second installment of a column where I'll give you a chartsweep of every hit song from 1956 to 1997. If you're wondering where this all comes from, I applied a shell script I wrote (that finds the maximum amplitude of an mp3 and cuts 10 seconds from that point) to one of the great treasures of WFMU's music library - that magical folder of mp3s called "Top 100 By Year". For this week, I will not wax philosophical on why I find these cutups so beautiful...they speak for themselves! Also, check out these related bits of compilation/traversal art! Listener Fred sent me a video of Noe Soulier perform several dance pieces - among them are every ballet step in alphabetical order and (!!!) If you like all this nonsense, please support my radio show. Find the complete tracklist of these songs below the fold! keep in mind that my patch occassionally messes up, so some of the tracks listed may be missing from the cutups...
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