Taptu – instant access to all your interests in one beautiful little app BonzoBox Formulists The Death of the Feed I remember in 2001 when I first heard about RSS. Back then, we still called them weblogs, and there were so few blogs that it was news when a new one started. For example, I distinctly remember reading excitedly about a promising new VC blogger named Jeff Nolan from SAP Ventures. At first, I just visited selected blogs regularly, checking for updates like I did on my sports websites. Then I learned about RSS and started following blogs using Bloglines. For years, my RSS reader was my most important source of information. In some ways, it's back to the future--once again, I fond myself checking just a few sites and services. Here are my information consumption habits: Perhaps the is the natural long-term balance; more personalized than the old pre-Internet mainstream media, but with a core of commonly read information to help set the agenda.
Skloog.com Feast Your Eyes On Recipe Curation Site Gojee There’s no shortage of food recipe sites on the web for virtually any kind of food. In fact, trying to find a recipe online can be overwhelming with all of the options available. Enter recently launched foodie favorite Gojee, which curates recipes from food bloggers around the web in a visually beautiful way. On Gojee, you can search for recipes by ingredient, either via ‘cravings’ or by one ingredient you have in your pantry. Besides the fact that all the recipes look absolutely delicious, one of the things that makes Gojee compelling is the photography and imagery that accompanies each recipe. Gojee is also attempting to make your life easier by allowing you to import your rewards card info from your grocery store of choice, and the site will give you recipes based on the items you have purchased. The end goal for Gojee, says founder Michael Lavalle, is to offer a more curated, personalized experience for finding recipes on the web.
Utopic Trapit Content Curation Guide for SEO The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. When it comes to the Internet, I imagine it as the warehouse where the Ark is archived at the end of Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Ark is that outstanding content someone has produced and that no other will be able to see again, because it is forgotten and hidden between gazillions of other contents. Apart from the gigantic volume of pages present in the Internet, for a long time, search spam has been making the discovery of reliable sources difficult; and – let's be honest – Social Media has enhanced this issue, because it added even more noise and dispersion. To tell the truth, this problem is not new. What is Content Curation? Since the beginning of time, human beings have collected the best humanity has produced in art, literature, science; we invented the museums, the libraries, the Encyclopedia and have written essays and done research.
Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine - Apps - CNET Australia Flipboard is your personal magazine. It is the most popular way to catch up on the news you care about, discover amazing things from around the world, or stay connected to the people closest to you. Now with Flipboard 2.0, you can save and collect the things you love into your own magazines like Trips I want to take or Dream Homes.When you first launch Flipboard simply pick a few topics to start reading everything from world news to sports, travel and more. You can also add popular publications, such as The New York Times or Vanity Fair, or add Etsy to shop right from Flipboard. CNET Australia is not responsible for the content of this Publisher's Description.
Good Stuff No more Content Aggregation – let’s do Content Curation to bring value to readers along with search engine position Content Aggregation (which is just a fancy term for the automated gathering of links and content from the web) can be viewed on sites like Google News and several other news kind of websites. Generally, this kind of aggregation may be seen being a good thing for content creators and content publishers and uptill recently, it was upto the technology to do this – meaning – automated scripts or bots – that could help fill up content from different sources. The part of content creation was and has generally been a very human effort. But all this is now changing with Content Curation — what is content curation? An wonderful blog post about “content curation” is found on Robin Good’s weblog – . Here’s a part from Robin’s blog “A Content Curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online.” 1. 2. 3. 4.
Project Emporia Personalized News for You! Project Emporia turns your votes on stories into your own personal newspaper. Overview Every day we are told about information overflow; how so much data is coming at us through so many channels every day that it is difficult to weed out the gems that are important to us from all the noise. For those who aren’t social media mavens, the whole concept can be intimidating, and for those that are, digesting social streams can become a huge time sink. Project Emporia offers one solution to this. This is just the starting point however, you can also influence how future stories are chosen for you, one vote at a time. Project Emporia is brought to you from Microsoft Research FUSE LabsProject Emporia identifies relevant news stories and surfaces them categorized by topicProject Emporia gives users a way to tap the pulse of the Internet without signing up for any accounts
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