How to get a personal VPN and why you need one now — Quartz
Elon Musk is the most wholesome visionary our era has produced. He is a benign idealist; a guy with his eyes on a horizon beyond money. Money? Musk doesn’t care about that.
Here's What the Big Tech Companies Know About You
With nearly eight billion people on the planet — and more than half of them on internet — verifying who’s who is one of the great technological challenges of our time. To meet this challenge, Biometric security is rising to the occasion, buoyed by technological advancements and user-friendly experiences. Modern biometrics can seem like science fiction, but the concept is far from new. Sir Francis Galton, cousin of the famous Charles Darwin, used an analysis of over 8,000 fingerprint samples to publish what would become the first fingerprint classification system in history. Source
SHR Project
What is SHR ? SHR is a GNU/Linux based operating system for smartphones and similar mobile devices. It integrates various Free and Open Source Software projects into a versatile platform - flexible enough to run on a vast selection of mobile hardware such as the Openmoko Neo Freerunner, Goldelico OpenPhoenux (GTA04), Nokia N900 and more. The SHR build system is based on OpenEmbedded - well known from the Yocto project. For telephony, networking, etc. the framework is used.
GNU/Linux - Programs
DuckDuckGo is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) hosted around the world that provides you with anonymous search results from these sources. DDG open source components are available here. There is also a DuckDuckGo hidden service at 3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion for Tor users.
PRIVACY - How we protect you
StartPage, and its sister search engine Ixquick, are the only third-party certified search engines in the world that do not record your IP address or track your searches. Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data is recorded. Major search engines capture your IP address and use tracking cookies to make a record of your search terms, the time of your visit, and the links you choose - then they store that information in a giant database.
What are the Best .onion Sites & How to Access Them Safely in 2020
Put on your scuba mask because we’re about to dive way down into the deep web. All of the websites we are about to discuss can only be accessed through Tor. Your regular browser won’t be able to open any links that end in.onion. If you’re not already familiar with.onion sites, don’t worry. We are going to walk you through everything you need to know to safely explore these hidden parts of the internet.
Recently, I wrote about the Brave team’s report on the data collecting and bidding practises in government-associated websites in the United Kingdom. The conclusions in that report were shocking, as it was found that many of the nation’s council websites had data collected without permission. Almost 7 million accounts were linked to data broker LiveRamp, which until recently was associated with Cambridge Analytica.
iwi_darwin was ported from Linux drivers made by Intel®. This code includes derivations from the BSD and Linux drivers and is therefore licensed under GPL2. Donations should be done in mercurysquad project New drivers If you know of other linux wireless drivers for mini-pci-express cards you like to see working in mac os x post the link/request in the Issues section
Internet Security 2015
Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 Product Awards Kaspersky Internet Security 2015 delivered consistently impressive results in AV-Comparatives testing. The independent testing lab published its final summary of consumer protection test results conducted throughout 2012 in January 2013, and Kaspersky Lab tied for the best overall performance. AV-Comparatives — one of the most influential security test organizations in the world — named Kaspersky Lab “Product of the Year” for 2011.
GNU Privacy Guard
GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG) is a GPL Licensed alternative to the PGP suite of cryptographic software. GnuPG is compliant with RFC 4880, which is the current IETF standards track specification of OpenPGP. Current versions of PGP (and Veridis' Filecrypt) are interoperable with GnuPG and other OpenPGP-compliant systems. GnuPG is a part of the Free Software Foundation's GNU software project, and has received major funding from the German government.[7]
How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch
The more we learn about the breadth and depth of the NSA and GCHQ's programmes of spying on the general public, the more alarming it all becomes. The most recent stories about the deliberate sabotage of security technology are the full stop at the end of a sentence that started on 8 August, when the founder of Lavabit (the privacy oriented email provider used by whistleblower Edward Snowden) abruptly shut down, with its founder, Ladar Levison, obliquely implying that he'd been ordered to secretly subvert his own system to compromise his users' privacy. It doesn't really matter if you trust the "good" spies of America and the UK not to abuse their powers (though even the NSA now admits to routine abuse), you should still be wary of deliberately weakened security. It is laughable to suppose that the back doors that the NSA has secretly inserted into common technologies will only be exploited by the NSA.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee speaks out on data ownership
The data we create about ourselves should be owned by each of us, not by the large companies that harvest it, the Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, said today. Berners-Lee told the IPExpo Europe in London’s Excel Centre that the potential of big data will be wasted as its current owners use it to serve ever more “queasy” targeted advertising. By gaining access to their own data, people could use it with information about themselves from other sources in order to create “rich data” – a far more valuable commodity than mere “big data”, he said.
GNU/Linux Timeline
After a short essay on methodology we’re curious to find out whether there are any master-snoops among our audience. We present exhibit M, a rare specimen we know nothing about but for the fact that it was compiled from bits of Gentoo. Hence we call publicly for any hints or leads regarding this elusive distribution!
Wine Binary Downloads
Supported Wine This endorsement is the primary recognition that CodeWeavers has requested in exchange for hosting the Wine web site. Wine Binary Downloads Binary packages are built and maintained by the distros, and may contain patches that are not supported here. The links below are provided solely as a convenience to users and do not represent an endorsement.