Related: Gamification
Gamification Blog How NASA Plans to Make Astrophysics Fun With an Ambitious Social Game Imagine if government agencies made social games. Who wouldn't enjoy the Federal Reserve's Asset-Backed SecuritiesVille, or the Census Bureau's World of FormCraft? Maybe not. But what about NASA? NASA's educational efforts have blossomed in the digital age. SEE ALSO: 4 Excellent Indie Games With Real Educational Value That's easier said than done. Private Development and Crowdfunding "NASA could have spent a million dollars [to make a game] a year or two ago, and you may not have seen anything that you wanted to play," Khaled Shariff, the CEO of Project Whitecard, tells Mashable. The project, currently titled Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond, has kicked off an initial round of crowdsourced funding, and thanks to a bit of social media buzz, has exceeded its initial goal of $25,000 in just two weeks. "It's an opportunity for us to experience the solar system [in a way] that, surprisingly, hasn't been done up to this point," says Shariff. The Crucial Balance: Fun vs. Science Gets Social
What Makes a Learning Game? Pict-O-Caches | Trip's GeoAdventures If there was ever a cache that everyone should try once, pict-o-caches would likely be near the top of the list. They take aspects of several different types of caches and join them together to make a cache that everyone can participate in and enjoy. But how do they work? First, we need to establish what they are… Pict-o-caches are a class on their own. Taking cues from multi-caches, on-site puzzles, and visual puzzles, these puzzles definitely require an observant eye. Let’s look a bit closer. Obviously, this image shows a brick wall, so you would want to scan for brick buildings. Examining the photo, you at least now that it is near a window. Now, you can be certain that this is the corner of a building, and along the roof. This is the overall idea of this type of pict-o-cache. But I said that this the above method is just one type of this style of puzzle cache. I have not actually gone after one of this method. Either method provides an interesting caching experience. TripCyclone
Good Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend Good Questions to Ask Your GirlfriendWelcome to Good Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend Asking great questions always opens up interesting conversation. If you can get them telling stories that relate back to the answers you will have endless good times. Strange Interesting Fact QuestionsDo you have any scars I don’t know about? What's your favorite animal? How many pairs of shoes do you own? You wouldn’t be caught dead being seen where? What is your favorite makeup item? Do you have any hidden talents? What do you have in your purse? Can you fake any accents? What's the first thing you notice about guys? Most hated chore on the household chore list? Name two things you consider yourself to be really good at. Which kind of kittens do you hate the most? Name two things you consider yourself to be really bad at. Ever had a membership in the mile high club? Do you like children? Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? What personality traits do you like in a cat?
Become an Expert in Free RPGs Friends! Roleplayers! Philanthropists! Lend me your eyes. Not surprisingly, there is rather a lot. Fantasy Adventurer A one page fantasy RPG, whose review takes longer to read than the game. Brutal Brutal has a single aim: to make a combat system that is as rich and gloopy as the congealing blood of your slain enemies. Dark Dungeon Dark Dungeon is a free fantasy RPG sitting neatly in the old school while offering a different perspective. Dungeonslayers A fast, trim, dungeon-crawling, monster-hacking, treasure-thieving game. Fear Flexible Easy And Realistic (Fear) has everything except a kitchin sink monster. Legendary Tales Legendary Tales is a cohesive, comprehensive and brimming with ideas in the form of detail. Tales From The Wood Tales From the Wood is a roleplaying game where you play animals from the British woodland: Mice, Rabbits, Vole, Squirrels and Hedgehogs. Verge Verge is a fantasypunk roleplaying game set in 'The City', enclosed, crawling, sprawling, overcrowded, dark and beautiful. Fate
Psy et Geek ;-) How Brands Are Using Facebook Apps for Contests and Campaigns Background: Some time back I published a research paper about how brands are using Facebook apps for enhancing their CRM. In this post I would like to focus on the second value proposition that Facebook apps bring to brands – an amazing opportunity to run campaigns. I have been increasingly seeing brands using Facebook apps to give a boost to their marketing. Just as a reminder, in this post I am only focusing and benchmarking Facebook apps that have been used as marketing centric campaigns. Why brands are using Facebook apps for campaigns: Why brands prefer Facebook for marketing campaigns is definitely a million dollar question. Putting campaign where the crowd is – this is the most obvious reason. How brands are using Facebook for campaigns and contests Static content campaigns for awareness: These are probably the most explored type of Facebook applications. Apps for viral campaigns: These are again low engagement campaigns designed to spread a message, virtual product by fans.
Le Social Gaming arrive ! Les utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux qui n’ont jamais entendu parler de Farmville ou de Mafia Wars sont devenus rarissimes. Les Social Games ont su se faire une place confortable sur le Web en quelques années seulement. Mais que sont les Social Games exactement ? Si l’on se réfère à la définition anglo-saxonne : « Games that run on a social network and use that network to enhance gameplay between players ». En d’autres termes, ce sont des jeux au gameplay minimaliste reposant sur les réseaux sociaux, et qui associent les interactions sociales à l’expérience ludique proposée. Selon une étude du Cabinet Parks Associates de 2011, la moitié des utilisateurs de Facebook ont déjà joué à ce type de jeu et les utilisateurs actifs se comptent en dizaine de millions chaque mois. Quels sont les facteurs clés de succès du Social Gaming ? L’utilisation d’un gameplay minimaliste est le premier point qui contribue au succès du Social Gaming. Mais un gameplay seul ne fait pas tout. Du CRM au Social CRM