100 legal sites to stream and download free music
Music is life, I never found anyone who’s life isn’t influenced by Music. Why the best things in life like Music are not free? Actually, there is more legally available for free Music than you think.
Medical books
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA Number Of Pages: 269 Publication Date: 2003-01-10 Sales Rank: 553497 ISBN / ASIN: 0195123425 EAN: 9780195123425 Binding: Hardcover Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA Studio: Oxford University Press, USA What are the boundary zones between normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)? Are many elderly people whom we regard as normal actually in the early stages of AD? Alzheimer’s disease does not develop overnight; the early phases may last for years or even decades. Recently, clinical investigators have identified a transitional condition between normal aging and and very early Alzheimer’s disease that they have called mild cognitive impairment, or MCI. This term typically refers to memory impairment beyond what one would expect in individuals of a given age whose other abilities to function in daily life are well preserved.
Paul Cadden's Hyperrealistic Drawings Made with Graphite and Chalk
Paul Cadden is a Scottish-born hyperrealist artist who creates painfully realistic artworks using only graphite and chalk. I’ve posted some pretty realistic drawings in the past, like Rajacenna’s detailed celebrity portraits, Juan Francisco Casas’ photo-like ballpoint pen drawings, or Paul Lung’s pencil artworks, but the pieces you’re about to see are on a whole other level. Using simple materials like graphite and white chalk, Paul Cadden is able to replicate complex photos down to the tiniest details. Whether it’s the countless wrinkles on an old man’s face, the smoke from a lit cigarette or the water dripping from someone’s face, he makes it look unbelievably realistic. “Although the drawings and paintings I make are based upon a series of photographs, video stills etc, the art created from the photo is used to create a softer and much more complex focus on the subject depicted, presenting it as a living tangible object. via Deviant Art
It has been four years since the percussive, polyrhythmic sounds of Lisbon's batida scene began trickling out of the city on the Tagus and making their way to the outside world (or at least the rest of Europe and North America)—first via DJ Marfox and his Príncipe Discos debut, Eu Sei Quem Sou, and then peers and protégés like DJ Nigga Fox, Blacksea Não Maya, Piquenos DJs Do Guetto, and Nidia Minaj. The music's path has run parallel, in some ways, to Chicago footwork's: both are inner-city styles built around radically innovative rhythms that at first could sound forbiddingly difficult to untrained ears, and both have bubbled up to influence the wider electronic landscape. If batida no longer sounds quite as alien as it did upon a first encounter with its spinning rotors and elliptical movements, it's still dazzling in its rhythmic complexity: Atop a shuffling approximation of a 4/4 beat balances an unsteady beehive of motion, aswarm with kinetic energy.
100 Amazing Hairstyles
We women adore fashion and style. Fashion comes in clothes, shoes, makeup, fancy accessories, styles the way we carry things and hairstyles. We enjoy dressing up, getting ready and styling our hair. Hair is the part of fashion and beauty and Hair-styling is an art, to carry your hair according to your style statement and your physical appearance is a really tough job.
Top 10 Free Ways To Discover New Music Online
Bored with your music and want to discover some new bands or singers? There are two main ways you can do that online. You can use services which create music maps, allowing you to explore artists similar in genre to the artists you already listen to. Or you can use music blogs and websites that showcase independent or up-and-coming artists, whether the music is being reviewed, or posted by the musicians themselves. Some of these websites have a community built around them, which gives fans the opportunity to interact directly with these new talents.
Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water
For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here. Shake (via Photojojo) Image credits: Photographs by Carli Davidson and used with permission
B-12 deficiency - House Wiki
Vitamin B-12 deficiency is a blood and neurological disorder caused by a lack of Vitamin B-12 in the blood. The vitamin is required to create red blood cells and to regulate nerve function. As a result, patients with a deficiency of the vitamin start suffering from the symptoms of anemia , and start suffering neurological problems. If the problem is untreated, the neurological damage can be permanent.
I’d SNAP at the chance to be your Valentine!
Here is a free Valentine download for you if you dare (lots of cutting, folding, gluing….) First download and print out an alligator and inside of mouth Cut out pieces
Post-it Watch
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Awesome! I keep forgetting I love Sade. by pucketprutectah Nov 7
I know. I've never actually used for anything but... listening to. Ahem. by kitteh Nov 15
I know, I know. The name of the site is a bit questionable, but it's music. Music people like to make sweet love to apparently... What ever. I like it. by troymiller Nov 11