Reeko's Mad Scientist Science Experiments and Science Projects
Goggles on? Check! Here you will find Reeko’s best science experiments, science projects, science fair lessons, and more of those crazy science tips from our resident mad scientist, Reeko. On the science experiments page, you’ll be able to add the required supplies to your personal My Locker supplies list, see other science experiments that use those same supplies, view advanced parent and teacher science notes, rate and discuss the science experiment with other little scientists, and much more. And don't forget - you're in the Top Secret Section F of Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab so please understand that all knowledge gained from conducting these science experiments must be kept strictly confidential... You may organize science experiments by name, category, popularity, level of difficulty.
20+ Home Science Projects for Kids
52.6k Shares Here are 20+ awesome and FUN Home Science Projects for Kids! These have ALL been tried and tested by ourselves and our kids – we hope you will enjoy them all as much as we have! Learn How Plants Absorb Water – a FUN way for kids to witness how plants absorb water and nutrients!
Make Crystal Creations"
You can make crystal creations as an easy science experiment for kids. Dip decorations and paper sculptures in a crystal solution, and watch them crystallize overnight! What You'll Need: Waterproof table coveringwaterSaucepanSugarPlastic cupsChenille stems (pipe cleaners)StringScissorsPencilsFood coloringIndex cardsEpsom saltsAlumPermanent markersPie pan Step 1: Cover your work surface.
Make it Do Gift: Cozy Bed Warmers
A cozy bed warmer is one of my favorite things. Put them in the microwave for a few minutes and they work wonders for cold feet, aches and pains, or plain old stress relief. Bed warmers make a such a wonderful gift. They are easy to make, inexpensive, and both pampering and useful. For years I would climb into bed in the winter and put my cold feet on my husband’s legs to warm them up.
Science Experiments for Kids"
Science experiments for kids explain everyday mysteries like what causes rain, answer questions about form and function, and simplify concepts like symmetry and capillary action. They're fun, they're fascinating, and they're a great way to spend time indoors on a cold or rainy day. Forget beakers and Bunsen burners, exploding chemicals and complex instructions. These science experiments are safe and simple, relying on materials that you have at home. Follow the step-by-step instructions with your junior scientists, and you'll learn together. Who knows?
Kid’s (Small) Messenger Bag
When my two-year-old son decides he wants to go somewhere he picks up my purse, puts it over his shoulder, and heads for the door. As cute as that is, Daddy thought a cool boyish bag should be made for him as soon as possible! So I came up with this messenger bag that’s toddler sized. It also makes a nice smaller sized bag for an adult.
7 Free iPad Apps for Science Lessons
Cross-posted from my other blog I'm preparing to do a virtual presentation for a small district next month. My hosts asked for a list of some science apps that their middle school and high school students can use. This is part of the list that has free apps. The Bill Nye The Science Guy iPad app is a free iPad app on which students can watch Bill Nye videos, play games, and discover kitchen table science experiments to do at home with their parents.
Hands-On Science Activities for After School Play
Introduction An introduction to the stripped-down motor, a simple and easy-to-make version of the electric motors found in toys, tools, and appliances. • Download activity instructions• Download concept map• Going further Recommend the Stripped-Down Motor activity to a friend Explore more things to make and do Bee Hummer | Bottle Blast Off | Color Chromatography | Cuica | Cup Speaker | Ice Balloons Jitterbug | Sound Sandwich | Stripped Down Motor | Water Bottle Membranophone | Whirling Watcher Educator Resources | Privacy Policy | Use Policy | About Digital Library Afterschool | About the Exploratorium © 2007 - 2015 Exploratorium | The museum of science, art and human perception.
Copper Ring Tutorial
The ring I made before went well so I wanted to play around with that some more. Here I have a gauge 22 and 18 wire. The smaller the number the thicker the wire. Yes, it's a handle of some sort. This end makes a bigger ring, something like a size 8. the other end has a metal collar and is more like a size 6 1/2 - 7. The beads I used today are a semi-precious amethyst and they fit both wire sizes.
Science Experiments for Elementary
Experiment #1 What will happen when I put raisins in a cup of sprite? After you do the experiment, you will find out that the raisins DANCE! My students L.O.V.E this experiment and think that it is hilarious that the raisins dance up and down in the Sprite!
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Sun spots, dark areas on the sun, are cooler than the rest of the sun's surface? Search Printable One Sheets