Zing! - School Edition
What Does My Free Zing Account Include? Personalized Learning Package Upgrade Only $10 a year Assign specific books to individual students, small groups of students, or an entire class Send personalized messages to individual students or an entire class Add your own eLearning teaching points to any Zing text Access a full suite of real-time data and reporting
Cube Creator
Summarizing information is an important postreading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. The interactive Cube Creator offers four options: Bio Cube: This option allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. Specific prompts ask students to describe a person's significance, background, and personality. Mystery Cube: Use this option to help your students sort out the clues in their favorite mysteries or develop outlines for their own stories. Among its multiple applications, the Mystery Cube helps students identify mystery elements, practice using vocabulary from this popular genre, and sort and summarize information.
Brainfriendly learning methods, tools, environments and communities.
How much can we actually teach students for exams without being exam-oriented? Wherever we go in professional development the reality of teaching to the test always crops up as something to avoid or get around somehow. Yet, we want our students to achieve high standards and we want them to have qualifications. For me, it’s a matter of teaching BEYOND the test. ********************************************************** Exposing them to real English before they ever see exam-type structures, whilst getting them used to such structures in fun, stress-free environments is a great way to raise competency well before exam deadlines loom ahead.
Sharifian - Ten Conversation Lessons with Stories, Vocabulary Practice, Questions and Activities
The Internet TESL Journal Farzad Sharifianf.sharifian [at] cowan.edu.auEdith Cowan University (Western Australia) Suggestions for Using the Lessons The Story Depending on the main objective(s) of the course, the teacher may choose to read the story aloud asking the students not to look at it or ask the students to read the story to themselves silently and as quickly as possible. Vocabulary Practice
Ten Fun Ways to Use YouTube Videos in an Online Literature Class
April 2, 2012 By: Yvonne Ho in Teaching with Technology I have always enjoyed watching YouTube videos and when I noticed that some of the videos dealt with serious literary topics and had re-enactments of Shakespeare plays, I began to wonder if I could incorporate them into my literature classes. Instead of students just reading a text version of Othello, why not have them also watch a live performance of Othello to get them more motivated to learn literature? I started exploring YouTube and found many different kinds of videos that I could use to supplement my online literature classes. Student feedback has been very positive as they love hearing about the author’s take on why they wrote their latest work.
Sylvia Guinan, Author at Official WizIQ Teach Blog
in Teaching Online, Various A Teacher For All Seasons What is a teacher for all seasons? On a superficial level, a teacher for all seasons is always fresh, authentic and relevant, while on a deeper level it refers to being a teacher of conscience....
Shakespeare - Hamlet
Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead. His mother has married his father’s brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his father’s death, and angry that she has married Claudius.
9 Great Animation and Video Creation Tools Integrated with YouTube for Teachers
You might have wondered how those beautiful animated videos you see on YouTube are made. Sometimes you think people use expensive software ( well some do especially advertising companies ) but most of them are created using simple and free tools but with so much of creativity. Today I am introducing you to an awesome set of tools that are integrated into youTube and that will allow you to easily create videos without needing cameras or having to upload files or do any editing.
Larry Ferlazzo’s English Website
There are many pages on my main website, and they have nearly 8,000 categorized links appropriate for English Language Learners. The best place to start exploring is the Main English Page. You can read an overview about each section of my website on the Teacher’s Page. This page also has many links specifically useful to teachers. You can also go directly to each page of my website:
Reading Comprehension Worksheets
"Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much!"
The 10 Most Important Educational YouTube Channels for Teachers
YouTube is packed full of educational stuff to share with students. It is usually our first choice when thinking about video resources online. It is true that YouTube interface is not student friendly particularly with the annoying ads and sometimes irrelevant and indecent content on the list of the featured videos but thanks to web technologies , we can now use these awesome tools to easily control the content that is displayed on YouTube and make it educationally relevant platform for our students.
Best edtech blogs
I put out a request to readers to share the best education-related books that they had read over the past year. The books could have been published earlier and the only requirement was that you had read them sometime this year. I posted a similar piece last year: The Best Education-Related Books Visitors To This Blog Read In 2008 Many readers shared their favorites, and they’re all included in this post. I have to apologize, though, that because there were so many contributions, I haven’t had time to send individual emails thanking each person who took the time to leave a comment — that’s what I usually do.