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- StumbleUpon Puma training 13 Strange Highs from Around the World Maybe it’s pessimistic, but when it comes to what people will do to exit their sober minds, I’m rarely surprised. Getting high is an ancient practice for humans, and it will always have a presence in society. At the height of desperation, there simply are no boundaries to the pursuit of inebriation. All thirteen points in this infographic are glaring examples of this. It seems fundamentally human to not want to have one’s face in/around/ or near one’s own excrement. Though certainly the most repulsive example, this buzz is listed among stranger methods of exiting sobriety. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox
Kseniya Simonova, Sand Animation, Ukraines Got Talent 2009 Winner. Elearning. Video Description Kseniya Simonova is a 24 years old Ukrainian artist. She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and "sand painting" skills to interpret the occupation of Ukraine during WWII. She won Ukraine's Got Talent 2009, watched by over 13 million people. Kseniya Simonova Kseniya Simonova (born 1985) is a sand animator from Ukraine. Simonova won 1,000,000 Ukraninan Hryvnia (approx. Sand artist Kseniya Simonova, winner of Ukraine's Got Talent, becomes internet hit Sand artist, Kseniya Simonova, who moved audiences to tears as she won Ukraine’s Got Talent, has become an online sensation with more than two million hits. She begins by creating a scene showing a couple sitting holding hands on a bench under a starry sky, but then warplanes appear and the happy scene is obliterated. It is replaced by a woman’s face crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again. Ukraine Ukraine is a country in Central and Eastern Europe.
How Quantum Suicide Works& A man sits down before a gun, which is pointed at his head. This is no ordinary gun; it's rigged to a machine that measures the spin of a quantum particle. Each time the trigger is pulled, the spin of the quantum particle -- or quark -- is measured. Depending on the measurement, the gun will either fire, or it won't. If the quantum particle is measured as spinning in a clockwise motion, the gun will fire. Nervously, the man takes a breath and pulls the trigger. Go back in time to the beginning of the experiment. But, wait. This thought experiment is called quantum suicide.
Cover-Up Fail Cover-Up Fail38 By jason in Animal Fail on September 30, 2011 Browsing: Cover-Up Fail Share: FACEBOOK twitter Comment: FACEBOOK trollzone Long Jump Fail FAIL 1145 16 Comments Name Fail FAIL 2049 17 Comments Play Current Time 0:00 Duration Time 0:00 Remaining Time -0:00 Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Fullscreen Mute Share on Facebook could have choked cover-up fail dog fail lid stuck on neck tank trash Dog FAIL FAILS: 95 Dog FAIL FAILS: 239 Dog FAIL / Cat WIN FAILS: 77 WINS: 155 Dog FAIL FAILS: 229 Halloween Spirit WIN WINS: 573 Dog FAIL FAILS: 140 Dog FAIL FAILS: 245 Dog Fail FAILS: 479 Dog Fail / Troll Cat Win FAILS: 638 prev related next related 38 COMMENTStroll 38 Comments : trollzone tim posted on September 30, 2011 at 8:37 am FIRST Reply Lymbe posted on September 30, 2011 at 8:54 am Lol look at the other dogs. Recent Activity Connect with Epicfail.com Enter your e-mail address to get the from Epic Fail delivered to your mail Tag cloud on Epicfail.com About Contact Terms of use Privacy Policy IP Policy
Healthy Brown Bag Lunches For Kids and Adults Be a healthy hero: Pack a daily lunch for yourself and your children. Not only will you give your diet a big nutrition boost, you’ll save money too. We’ve got ten expert-approved, easy-to-pack lunch ideas—five for kids, and five for adults—to get you started. Now get packing! MORE: Six Foods That Could Save Your Life For Kids: Healthy Turkey Sandwich 1. The American Dietetic Association has a simple rule for children’s beverages: “Drink milk with meals, and drink water with snacks. QUIZ: Getting All Your Beauty Nutrients? For Kids: Ants On a Log 1. Ants on a log provides kids with protein from peanut butter and nutrients from a vegetable and fruit all in one. MORE: Sneak Beauty-Boosting Vegetables Into Your Meals For Kids: Spaghetti Surprise 1. Bananas are packed with potassium, necessary for proper nerve and muscle function and blood pressure regulation. MORE: Use Bananas in a Smoothie Recipe For Kids: Veggie Quesadilla 1. MORE: Start Your "Eat Pretty" Journey Here For Kids: Chicken Burritos 1.