Related: Permaculture
Bullock's Permaculture Homestead Start a Permaculture Nursery A How-To for Starting a Permaculture Nursery and Why You Should by Douglas Bullock My brothers and I grew up in a small California town with abundant open space, some large lots and horse pastures. Sometimes John would give us kids a big sack of seeds to plant. Most people thought John was a bit "touched" because he often carried on about international conspiracy theories and the like. If you want to make a positive impact on the world as John did, I encourage you to start a home nursery. Save money and get the right plants One major benefit of starting a small nursery is that you will develop the skills to propagate the huge number of plants required to flesh out the skeletal/framework plantings that so many permaculture sites start with. In addition, you may not be able to get the best plants for your site through local or mail-order nurseries. Propagating your own plants also allows room for error, which is inevitable. How do I start? Where to put it? Grafting
Permaculture et Autonomie – Plus de 50 PDF Menu Menu Search De nombreux Documents au Formats PDF circulent librement sur la toile. Pour y faciliter l’accès au plus grand nombre et promouvoir le partage de ces connaissances, nous avons décidé d’en réunir quelques uns sur cette page. Permaculture, Agro-Ecologie, Auto-Suffisance… Nous remercions fortement leur auteurs pour le travail informatif et l’esprit de partage de la science qui les a mené à publier ces documents. Livres sur la Permaculture Voici une liste de Livres au format PDF, réputés dans l’univers de la Permaculture pour la qualité de leur contenu. Guide du Permaculteur Débutant Ce document réalisé par Benjamin Broustey est un guide pdf à destination des néophytes. La Voie de la Permaculture Livre Blanc Sur La Consoude Le Grand Livre Des Herbes Une encyclopédie riche et détaillée de plantes aussi esthétiques qu’indispensables au quotidien. La Permaculture ou le Jardin d’Eden Mauvaises Herbes On Vous Aime ! Enrichir sa Terre Cultivons Notre Autonomie Paysanne Permutation 83 Comments
Silvics Manual: Guide To N. American Tree Species Russell M. Burns and Barbara H. Honkala Technical Coordinators Timber Management Research Agriculture Handbook 654 (Supersedes Agriculture Handbook 271, Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States, 1965) Forest Service United States Department of Agriculture Washington, DC December 1990 Burns, Russell M., and Barbara H. The silvical characteristics of about 200 forest tree species and varieties are described. Oxford: 174, 181 (082, 7). Cover art: Natural stands of southern pine and cypress bordering a lake in Noxubee County, MS. Foreword "Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States," Agriculture Handbook 271, was the first comprehensive document of its kind in the United States. Our store of silvical and related knowledge has markedly increased since that silvics manual was published 25 years ago. "Silvics of North America" describes the silvical characteristics of about 200 conifers and hardwood trees in the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Jerry A.
Page d’index What Permaculture Isn’t—And Is Permaculture is notoriously hard to define. A recent survey shows that people simultaneously believe it is a design approach, a philosophy, a movement, and a set of practices. This broad and contradiction-laden brush doesn’t just make permaculture hard to describe. It can be off-putting, too. Humans are a problem-solving species. Thomas Kuhn, in his masterwork, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, uses the word “paradigm” to mean the viewpoint that defines the problems to be solved in a particular field. “Paradigm” has been trivialized through overuse and I’m sure that Kuhn is spinning in his grave. Permaculture and other ecological approaches are attempts to articulate this new paradigm, by framing the problem and offering tools and strategies to pursue its solution. So, why, then, is permaculture so confusing to define? In the 18th Century, combustion was explained by something called phlogiston. In the 1770s, cracks began to appear in phlogiston theory.
Le plan Keylin : technique culturale | Agriculture Nouvelle Par Romain Loiseau Lors de mes débuts en Permaculture j’ai été intéressé par le concept du KEYLINE. Mes travaux ainsi que mes intérêts, ce sont vite rapprochés vers l’agriculture à petite et grande échelle. ‘’…Le travail de l’homme de la terre n’est pas vraiment de conserver le sol comme il est mais de le développer, afin de l’améliorer et de le rendre plus fertile que jamais …’’ – P.A.Yeomans La conception de chaque exploitation ou de chaque ferme doit-être organisée par rapport à la topographie du terrain avec pour résultat un gain de temps, de main d’œuvre et d’argent. La conception Keyline ® (ou plan de point-clé) : Ce concept a été développé par l’agriculteur et ingénieur Perceval Alfred Yeomans (1904-1984), à la fin des années 1940 dans les zones arides de l’Australie. Le plan Keyline prépare le terrain pour absorber rapidement et contenir une proportion croissante de ses précipitations. Les éléments clés de la conception Keyline ® : P.A. Le plan keyline
33 Tips: Lawn To Permaculture Food Forest: Booklet Waking Times Does the idea of getting fresh, nutritious food right out in front of you kitchen door sound like a good idea in these turbulent times? A growing movement to reclaim, restore, and re-localize our relationship to food is happening all around us, and you can participate by re-thinking what you do with the under-utilized space outside of your home. The manicured, grassed, perennially green American lawn is a symbol of a passing era when people had little understanding of how the developing industrialized food system could do them harm by overuse of pesticides, anti-biotics and herbicides, by depletion the soil, and by genetic modification of food crops. Rather than acquiescing to the health tyranny of modern food production, today’s forward-thinking citizens and rebels are re-developing the model for the American lawn, and bringing forth a new kind of revolution… an edible one. This article is offered under Creative Commons license.
Yeomans Archives - L'École de la Permaculture Régulièrement, nous vous présentons l’un des acteurs de l’École de la permaculture. Aujourd’hui c’est Darren Doherty. Darren Doherty, c’est le coté Ozzie de la perma… et surtout le spécialiste de la permaculture ! C’est dans le cadre de la promotion de ses concepts de Keyline Design et des cours Regrarians qu’il participera à un Keyline Design Course avec Andy Darlington. Il nous ventera les prouesses de la charrue Yeomans, une sous-soleuse innovante, et nous donnera ses impressions sur la permaculture en France. Transcription d’interview issue du film : « Le public visé doit être prêt à relever le défi de régénérer notre planète, et tout le monde en est capable. {…} Vous avez suivi une introduction à la permaculture, vous avez votre petit potager, mais si vous voulez vraiment changer ce monde et vous voulez faire partie de ce changement… car on va faire des changements fondamentaux … Pour la plupart des gens c’est un processus qui se fait étape par étape, ça ne se fait pas d’un coup.
Forest Farming vs. Forest Gardening: What’s the Difference? | Farming the Woods Steve Gabriel In our pursuit of discovering forest farmers for the writing of our book, we’ve received a lot of responses from folks around developing forest gardens. This post describes the difference between the two practices. Definitions With many agricultural and horticultural practices out in the world, there are many lines that one can draw in the sand; some useful and some less so. Forest Gardening: mimicking the structure and function of forests in the way we garden, or using the forest as a model for the way we garden. Dave Jacke and others advocate that in Forest Gardening we want to mimic mid-succession forests and woodlands with a 40 – 50% canopy cover. As Dave Jacke says, this is “…gardening LIKE the forest, but not necessarily IN the forest. Forest Farming: the intentional cultivation of non-timber forest crops underneath the established canopy of an existing forest. This is gardening/farming IN the forest. Further Distinctions Other Agroforestry Practices Does it really matter?
Permaculture Articles This section of the online library contains an expanding offering of permaculture articles on concepts, techniques, practices and related skills. The word “permaculture” was coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and describes a system of design that integrates all aspects of sustainable living, including polycultural systems of perennial and self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to humankind. Permaculture is understood as an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecological systems. It is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature. The principles of permaculture provide a framework that enables people to provide for food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs. The permaculture articles often include references to excellent books, resources, and classes on permaculture. Permaculture Food Forest Ever heard of a permaculture food forest?
Keyhole Gardens Keyhole Gardens First made popular in Africa, keyhole gardens are catching on in Texas and other hot, dry places. Keyhole gardens hold moisture and nutrients due to an active compost pile placed in the center of a round bed. Although most helpful in hot and dry locations a keyhole garden will improve growing conditions in just about any climate. From a bird's eye view the garden is shaped as a keyhole. A notch is cut into a round garden bed, the notch makes for easy access to the center compost well. Keyhole Garden in Central Texas, Deb Tolman uses keyhole gardens as the main source of her own food supply, and is working on ways to keep them producing throughout multiple seasons and conditions. Keyhole garden in Lesotho by Send a Cow, who first popularized keyhole gardens in Africa. Keyhole garden. Keyhole garden by Send a Cow. A keyhole garden in Ethiopia. Keyhole garden in Uganda by Send a Cow. Keyhole garden scheme. Step by step photos of a keyhole garden build. libertygarden.us
Cultivate's Permaculture Blog | Cultivating sustainable lifestyles and resilient communities