Sculpting 3D Printable Items in Virtual Reality with Oculus Medium When we were writing the Virtual Reality issue of Make Magazine, we kept asking ourselves how virtual reality relates to makers. We covered topics like home built headsets, prototypes, custom control systems, and similar electronics projects. However, we didn’t really talk about what people would be using virtual reality for, in terms of making other non-vr related things. This was mainly because there just wasn’t much available in terms of tools. Now, that is changing.
App Human Anatomy - Apps en Google Play Human Anatomy app is 3D anatomy reference app for healthcare professionals, students, and professors.which allows you to rotate 360° , Zoom and move camera around a highly realistic 3D model. The app includes comprehensive male and female 3D anatomy models, Human Anatomy gives users an in depth look at the human body allowing them to select , x-ray view, hide and show individual Human anatomical system or Organs as well as , draw or white on screen and share screenshots, Audio pronunciation for all anatomical terms and more. User can select each body part separately to view name of the part or read related information.
- Summer Literacy Unit for Elementary Students, Online Submission, 2016-Mar-18 This paper contains an instructional unit designed for teaching elementary students who struggle with reading comprehension. The literacy strategies that comprise the unit are grounded in the relevant research-based literature that is cited and referenced in the paper. Methods for instructional delivery are included as well as detailed lessons. Getting Started with Virtual Reality: An Introduction to Unity The Maker community is an extraordinary bunch filled with wild ideas and potential, limited only by the capabilities of the components they can get their hands on — but what if I told you there were worlds you could have complete control over? They’re out there, and over the next few years we’ll see their populations and influences explode. And I’m not talking about Mars. Welcome to the virtual worlds.
Solar System Scope - Web para visitar el sistema solar en 3D de forma interactiva “The lifetime of a human being is measured by decades, the lifetime of the Sun is a hundred million times longer. Compared to a star, we are like mayflies, fleeting ephemeral creatures who live out their lives in the course of a single day.” - Carl Sagan Welcome space explorer!
Updated: Free Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Resources for Schools During the COVID-19 Outbreak Coronavirus & Remote Learning Updated: Free Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Resources for Schools During the COVID-19 Outbreak By Dian Schaffhauser06/11/20 (Updated June 11) Education technology companies and organizations have stepped forward to help educators bring resources for social and emotional learning and psychological wellbeing to teachers, students and families during the COVID-19 school closures. Exploring Augmented Reality with Vuforia and Unity It has always been a dream of mine to play with the holograms from Star Wars. While that dream may still be a long ways down the line, there is some supplemental hope for my space fantasy. A company called Qualcomm has released a technology called Vuforia, which among many other applications, can help you play with a concept called augmented reality.
Do I Qualify? - Universal Service Administrative Company Here are the ways you can qualify for Lifeline: Based on Your Income You can get Lifeline if your income is 135% or less than the federal poverty guidelines. The guideline is based on your household size and state. Getting Started with Virtual Reality: Building for Google Cardboard This is part 2 of our series introducing Makers to Virtual reality. If you haven’t already seen it, you should go check out: An Introduction To Unity. The Google Cardboard headset is the perfect and inexpensive way to get started with virtual reality for anyone who owns a smartphone. Mainstream companies are already helping get headsets into the hands of the public like wildfire. The New York Times recently sent out more than a million Google Cardboard headsets to its subscribers, bringing VR to a whole new audience. Children are also poised to have their own Google Cardboard headsets in droves as companies like View-Master produce Google Cardboard headsets targeted at children.
National Digital Inclusion Alliance The COVID-19 health crisis has shed light on the need for home internet service, and the large number of American households in all kinds of communities who don’t have it. Some Internet Service Providers have responded with new or improved discount broadband plans, that will only be available for a short time; others continue to offer plans that were created prior to the crisis. NDIA commits to keeping this list of Free & Low-Cost Internet Plans updated daily. Which offers are included in this list?To support local efforts, NDIA has compiled a list of current offers from ISPs that will help low-income households to acquire service at low or no cost.
An Open Valve: How a Modding Community Shaped the Future of Virtual Reality Read articles from the magazine right here on Make:. Don’t have a subscription yet? Get one today. On the cover: NASA’s JPL is using VR tech to create the next Mars rover. Sky Map - Aplicaciones en Google Play Sky Map is a hand-held planetarium for your Android device. Use it to identify stars, planets, nebulae and more. Originally developed as Google Sky Map, it has now been donated and open sourced. The Map doesn't move/points in the wrong place Make sure you haven't switched into manual mode. Does your phone have a compass?
Northstar Digital Literacy March 18, 2020 Updated 7/16/20 with information on 1:1 Digital Literacy Skills Volunteer Tutor Plans. Testing locations: as the COVID-19 situation progresses, we are aware that the ways in which testing locations use Northstar may well change. We hope you feel free to be creative and try new ways of helping people master digital literacy skills - which are even more crucial as so much of daily life moves online. Here is some information that may help: