Related: Magazine Submissions
Locus Online: The Website of The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field Writer's Guidelines SubTerrain » about subTerrain publishes original fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, essays, and commentary three times a year. Submissions must be previously unpublished material. (Note maximum number of submissions per issue in General Guidelines below.) subTerrain welcomes submissions from both emerging and established authors. Issue #79 (Spring 18) Theme: Bye-bye VancouverOur spring 2018 issue will focus on the changing/shifting landscape of Vancouver. Issue #80 (Summer/Fall 18) Theme: MarginsLife on the margins, being on the border or edge of society. Issue #81 (Winter 18) General IssueSubmissions open July 2, 2018 Deadline for submissions: September 3, 2018 When submitting, please identify on the envelope the theme issue for which you're submitting. Feel free to interpret these themes in unique and unusual ways. All other regular submission guidelines still apply, as below. Submissions must be previously unpublished and be: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Payment rates for published submissions:
TTA Press - Black Static: Horror - Contributors' Guidelines Contributors' Guidelines It is strongly recommended that you study the magazine before submitting. Being familiar with what we publish will obviously greatly improve your chances of acceptance. Non-Fiction We are not currently open to unsolicited submissions of non-fiction, although suggestions of what we should be covering are always welcome. Artwork We are always happy to hear from artists wanting to illustrate stories and/or supply cover art. Short Stories We are always open to submissions of new science fiction and fantasy short stories of up to a maximum of 10,000 words. Your story should be in standard MS format (double spaced, good margins, contact details, approximate word count and page numbers). There's no need to spend too long on a covering letter, just introduce yourself and tell us of any relevant credits you have. Never send simultaneous submissions, multiple submissions or reprints. Please have only one story (per magazine) under consideration at any one time.
Writers’ Guidelines - Lightspeed Magazine Submissions Status: CLOSED. When we determine when our next reading period will be, we will post an announcement here. Instructions for submitting to Lightspeed follow. Please read everything on this page and read the magazine before submitting. Submission Procedures for Short Fiction Instructions: All fiction must be submitted through our Moksha online submission system, located at lightspeedmagazine.com/submissions. Guidelines: Lightspeed is seeking original science fiction and fantasy stories. Format: Submissions should generally follow standard manuscript format, though we prefer single-spaced instead of double-spaced. Word Count: We are open to stories of 1500-10,000 words. Pay Rate: Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction, or 2 cents per word for reprints. Rights: To see which rights we’re seeking, please view our contract template for original fiction or our contract template for reprinted fiction. Other Submission Procedures Additional Notes
Analog -- What is Analog? Astounding/Analog (often all-encompassingly just called ASF) is often considered the magazine where science fiction grew up. When editor John W. Campbell took over in 1938, he brought to Astounding an unprecedented insistence on placing equal emphasis on both words of "science fiction." Real science and technology have always been important in ASF, not only as the foundation of its fiction, but as the subject of articles about real research with big implications for the future. The pages of Astounding/Analog have been home to many of science fiction's foremost writers and stories. Some people who haven't read Analog assume it has a much narrower emphasis on "nuts and bolts" than it actually has.
Writer's Guidelines - Contact Us | Analog Science Fiction Manuscript Guidelines Payment & Rights Analog’s Science Fiction and Fact magazine is an established market for science fiction stories. Analog pays 8-10 cents per word for short fiction (up to approximately 20,000 words), 6 cents per word for serials (40,000-80,000 words), 9 cents per word for fact articles, and $1 per line for poetry. Story Content Analog will consider material submitted by any writer solely on the basis of merit. We have no hard-and-fast editorial guidelines, because science fiction is such a broad field that I don't want to inhibit a new writer's thinking by imposing Thou Shalt Nots. We publish science fiction stories in which some aspect of future science or technology is so integral to the plot that, if that aspect were removed, the story would collapse. The science can be physical, sociological, psychological. Fact Articles Our readers are very intelligent and technically knowledgeable but represent a very wide diversity of backgrounds. Other Information Reply Process
TTA Press - Crimewave: Crime & Mystery - Contributors' Guidelines Contributors' Guidelines It is strongly recommended that you study the magazine before submitting. Being familiar with what we publish will obviously greatly improve your chances of acceptance. Non-Fiction We are not currently looking for non-fiction. Artwork We are always interested in looking at suitable art or photography for covers. Short Stories We are always open to submissions of new modern crime and mystery short stories of up to about 10,000 words in length. Send your manuscript mailed flat, in standard manuscript format — typed (not handwritten!) Don't be offended by a form rejection. Where to Send Your Stories CrimewaveTTA Press5 Martins LaneWitchamElyCambs CB6 2LBUK The editor's name is Andy Cox.
Fiction Submission Guidelines | FantasyScroll Magazine To submit fiction to Fantasy Scroll Mag, please read the instructions below. Once you are familiar with these guidelines you can jump to our story submission form. Other Guidelines: What Are We Looking For? Fantasy Scroll Mag is seeking original science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories, regardless of sub-genre. Here are the lengths we currently accept: Microfiction: < 500 wordsFlash Fiction: 500 – 1500 wordsShort Stories: 1500 – 5000 words At this point we are not accepting any stories longer than 5,000 words, so please only submit word counts within the specified limits. Reprints We do accept reprints as long as the rights have currently reverted to the author. Simultaneous Submissions We do accept simultaneous submissions, but if your story is accepted elsewhere, please do us the courtesy and let us know right away. Multiple Submissions We do not accept multiple submissions. Payment Formatting We accept stories formatted in the standard manuscript format. Submitting Response Times No poetry.
Weird Tales - Submission Guidelines We closed to fiction and poetry submissions February 26th of 2014 at 6PM Eastern time, and plan to open again in the Fall of 2014. We will announce new themes at that time. We pay three cents a word for unsolicited submissions published in Weird Tales Magazine. We pay a $10 flat fee for under 500 word pieces of flash fiction published on this website. Each issue of Weird Tales has a theme. We also publish work that has nothing to do with the themes, so feel free to send what you have. We are seeking art for all upcoming issues. Please know that each issue of Weird Tales — beginning with issue 360 — will have a theme. A limited amount of nonfiction will be considered for publication. Submissions should be double-spaced with indented paragraphs with no extra space inserted between paragraphs. Do not underline material to be highlighted. The most preferable format for submissions is .rtf, but Word .doc is also acceptable, as is WordPerfect’s .wpd.
Fantasy and Science Fiction - Writers' Guidelines Writer's Guidelines • Fantasy & Science Fiction has no formula for fiction, but we like to be surprised by stories, either by the character insights, ideas, plots, or prose. The speculative element may be slight, but it should be present. We prefer character-oriented stories, whether it's fantasy, science fiction, horror, humor, or another genre. F&SF encourages submissions from diverse voices and perspectives, and has published writers from all over the world. Do not query for fiction; submit the entire manuscript. • We do not accept simultaneous submissions. • We prefer not to see more than one submission from a writer at a time. • Allow 8 weeks for a response. • Payment is 8-12 cents per word on acceptance. • Our columns and non-fiction articles are assigned in-house. • Since we use so little art—just six covers a year, no interiors—we have no separate artist's guidelines. • Send cartoon queries as well as orders for sample copies to Gordon Van Gelder, Fantasy & Science Fiction, P.O.